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In my own world, no one else is allowed in though.
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Real Name
I am the forgotten neko.. so just call me neko chan or kittey
um.. being alive?
Anime Fan Since
7th grade, go me!
Favorite Anime
yu yu hakusho, Kurama is sezzy!
my goal is to make people happy! (NC: yes, that sounds so gay...)
i like to draw, write, play video games, and watch anime :D
people say i have talents, but i find it hard to believe
| Neko-Chan666
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
Summer Vacation
Ok, so I'm out for the summer, and I have people building a house next to mine, so it's not that easy to sleep in late, they're so annoying. Anyway, I don't do anything all day except eat, play video games, and go online. But I've been getting pretty lonely over here because I can't get in touch with Saru Chan, and I'm pretty sure school's out for her. So if any one sees her, tell her ta call me cause I be bored. Oh, and I have this stupid 50th aniversary thing I have to go to on Sunday for my grandparents, totally lame, but I get to wear my hot topic skirt. So, whatever, that's my exciting life. |
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
 You like the prince charming type.
 You are the 'regular' teen. Don't worry, alot of people will get this result. However, you set pretty high/low goals for yourself...and you believe you are the only one in the world. But, there are alot of people with your attitude. You tend to wear regular clothing, or you are forced to wear colors you don't want to. (such as your mother always buying you pink / blue clothing) Sometimes you feel horribly lonely and want to hide, but as always, you find something to give you reason to continue. You can either hate or love school, one opinion please. Never fear, you are not one of a kind...and that is kinda nice to hear, since there are other teenagers out there with your exact view on life. You could get a job as an author, Teacher, editor, architect, buisness owner, or administrator. Good luck in life, and don't forget that no one is ever alone.
 Your wise quote is: "Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months" by Oscar Wilde. You are a very sarcastic person with a sharp tongue. You may not be the one always talking, but your mind is nevertheless critizing. You tend to have a cynical view on life itself and be somewhat withdrawn with who you really are. Society now is in your eyes corrupted and you wonder how the world will survive. And people are in your mind very ignorant and blind to the reality.
What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Heart is Yellow
What Color is Your Heart? brought to you by Quizilla
my heart color changed x3
 ~*~Beautiful Soul~*~
You're the type of person who is loving, giving, sweet, generous, genuine, and optimistic. You see the beauty around you and you admire it for its faults, as well as perfections. Most likely a dreamer, you are highly respected and liked. People like to be around you because you make them happy. You have a wonderful personality and you're beautiful inside and out!
Please Rate or message me! Thank you for taking my quiz! XoXo <3 Lana
You're Beautiful...but why? ( PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
 In your eyes, people can't seem to see anything because your eyes are covered up by tears! You are constantly hurt and depressed... No one seems to understand how you feel because everyone is scared to get close to you... You long to be able to reach out and tell someone everything, and all of your problems... But you have no one to tell, or they just don't seem to want to hear what you have to say. You've been hurt many times that you don't seem to have any tears left to shed, or if you do, they're an endless river flowing... You've started to hide and bottle up all or your problems and feelings, hoping that maybe they just will go away... You want company, but at the same time, you're scared of it. Your sanctuary is your room where you can just be alone and try to throw away all of your aching pains. You're dark and mysterious and people like you for that reason. Even if you think you're all by yourself in the dark, someone is always there with you. Your special someone wants to admit and show their feelings towards you, but they're afraid of how you'll take it. Get out more and enjoy life because, it is far too long to frown your way through :)
 You are a Mermaid, who sits on a rock in the sea, looking and watching all humanity with curiosity in your eyes. You have a two-sided personality! On one hand, you revel in your freedom and often prefer to live in your own private dreams. On the other hand, humanity intrigues you and you love watching on. You are actually very kind at heart, hating to see people hurt and despise injustice! You probably have one or two special friends, who mean the world to you! Also; you are probably quite political, wanting to see justice done in the world. You are quite the dreamer, needing freedom and personal space to dream your little dreams. You love to escape into a book or some good music and just drift away. Some of your good points are that you are sensitive, compassionate and a freethinker. Your bad points are that you may come across as cool and aloof to others and probably have a tendency to depression! You are the ultimate dreamer with a kind, but troubled heart!

Your Hidden Power Is Fire
You have a strong and courageou soul. You show no fear when it comes to protecting the ones you love. You know when choosing between right and wrong. You also are quite the rebel.
Gem Stone:Ruby, Eye Color:Red,Hair Color:Red with Blonde streaks that is just below your arm pits pulled back into a pony tail.
Quote:If you're lost I'll keep you warm and if your low just hold on..cause I will be your safety.....don't leave home.....
 The Goddess of Ice and Hope. You are a creative wonder. Always calm and collected, you hold the awe of many people and you are exceptionally logical. You are an inspirational beauty.
 You are a nature loving anime girl.You love all types of animals and care for them.You are a calm person and loves to have people around.You love to be outside just admiring your surroundings and playing with the animals that are around.Now just if you keep loving the nature pretty soon everyone is going to copy you maybe i'm really not sure.But do what you do best and it will soon pay off ^_^
 Grrr baby, very grrr. You like them stripey and growly eh? Well technically the lion is the king of the jungle, but you've just elected a tiger king of YOUR jungle..
 You are a dark girl. You have a really quiet and really a i dont' care attitude. You like to be alone and that is what you enjoy. You don't like to be around others and you'd rather be away from here. You have a get away from me look and others find you bitchy and self-rigious. You'd rather read than be at a fair but that's ok because that's who you are.
 Your element is Ice. This element may seem a little odd, but this is a side-effect from when the element of Water gets to hurt. Once you were a content soul, and happy with life. But then something happened. Not necessarily on one day, it probably happened gradually over time. You lost your will to care and became even more reserved from the world. People had hurt you in ways you do not want to remember and now you isolate yourself from them. You have turned into an outsider and probably dress more in black than you used to. Your depression is eating you up and tearing you apart and the worst part is that no one is willing to help, or so it seems. In school you are often by yourself or one single friend and you rarely seem to be truly happy anymore. Your sad, distant eyes and constant frown seems glued to your face and you need a saviour from this world. You may turn to music for understanding and sing/scream along in the lyrics to get rid of some pain. You are not very open about your problems to your family/friends, and wish that they would just notice it and make it go away. Rate and message!
jeez, i seem so freaking depressed ><
 You are dead inside and don't experience sadness that often
 You want a sweet guy. Who'ld take you anywhere. Like Japan!!! Wow I would like a guy like that too:) Also he looks so cute in japanese clothing:)
 You are the Spirit of Sadness. Deep pain and sorrow lie within you, betrayal, jealousy and rejection rule your life. You cannot make friends as you are too scared at the prospect of being hurt again and you can't take that risk. You wish more than anything to have a steady person there who loves you unconditionally but you are too scared to find them.
 You are the fairy of Fire! You are quite strong and powerful, people look up to you greatly and often seek your protection. You have the ability to gain many friends. Not everyone is capable of leadership but you certainly have the willpower and flare to do it. Please rate if you want to, it's just i spent ages making this quiz.
 Your element is Fire: Strong, hot tempered, powerful, and passionate. Well now lets see, being fire you are quite strong and powerful, people look up to you greatly and often seek your protection. You have the ability to gain many friends and you are always one people can count on to do what you say you will do. You are extremely loyal be it friends or family you'll stick up for them and you are never willing to put them in a position that could hurt them. You know what roll you play in life, leader, and you intend to let people know it. Not everyone is capable of leadership but you certainly have the willpower and flare to do it. You have quite a temper if it shows itself, one that can often lead you into trouble. Once your mind is made up there is no changing it but no one said that was a bad thing.
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Monday, April 25, 2005
these are quizzes I found on some ones site, and dont forget to check out my quizzes too! They're my home page
 Yay! You're a good friend to the bunny! You like to play and have fun, though you can be careless and sometimes you hurt the bunny. But that's okay! Accidents happen, right? And you still love the bunny very much! All those bandages? It's just from the love.
Which Saiyuki Bunny Pairing Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
??Which colour of Death is yours?? brought to you by Quizilla
 Awwwwww! You're a Kappa.A cute little frog thing with a beak. You love cucumbers and swimming. Although you've been known to do harm (Like pulling the intestines out through a human's anus), you're normally very carefree and loveable. Only when you're pissed off would you ever hurt another person. You've got a plate of water that you wear on your head that gives you special powers, but watch out! If that plate gets knocked off, you lose all those powers and become just a wierd lookin' frog thing...
What Japanese Creature are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Posteh Posteh
It's been a while since I last posted, not like anime one cares x3 Anyway, I've mostly been on gaia posting in my journal, but that's about it. I haven't see Kura-chan in a while, and that's quite upsetting ;-; So my new background is based on my book I'm writing obviously called Dreamland II: A Way Home. It's the second book I'm writing in a three part series about a girl who gets lost in a make believe wotld. I'll post some of it, but first, a quiz result!
 Your Anime Personality is Lonely
What type of Anime Personality do you have? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
It had been quite a while since the whole boss incident, and everything pretty much seemed to quiet down. Well, everything but the weather. I was walking through the park in the rain, something unheard of until then. Everyone had completely forgotten about the existence of “Jen”, my adopted “sister”, and no one asked about Dennis, the few people that did were told he went home. There was no way we could explain his death, so why even try?
I spent most of my leisure time walking places and thinking, and I had a new shop that sold umbrellas so I was normally walking to make deliveries. Today was my day off though, so I finally had some time to myself. I was kicking a can through the park today, my tears blending in with the rain on my face.
But then there was no more rain falling on me, and I felt some one wrap their arms around me. This happened every Friday, that was my day off, because every Friday I’d go for a walk through the park in the rain. The first couple of times we ended up on the ground with my sword at his throat, but he finally got past my reflexes.
“Hi Koji...” I said, lightly running my hand over his arm as I smiled to myself.
“Why must you always walk in the rain, you’re going to get sick.”
“But I like the rain, it’s so calming and peaceful.. and--”
“Wet,” he sighed softly. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
“Do we have to walk with the umbrella up?”
“As always, yes. Now let’s get home before it gets dark and the thunder storms start,” he replied, pulling his arm around my shoulder. We got the usual stares as we walked through town, and the usual whispers, and the usual glares from all his fan-girls. Almost every one in town thought there was something going on between us. There wasn’t though, he cared about me a lot, but it was more like a brother-sister relationship. He had taken care of me ever since what happened.
We still lived in the same hotel room, only with Elizabeth though. Kenji had gone back to the demon world, he said he had better things to do than hang out with us, but he did promise that he’d let me know if he heard
anything about the boss. He did stop in once and a while too, just to make sure we were all ok because every demon knew that I had killed the boss, so they wanted the reputation of the demon who killed the person who killed the strongest demon in the world. At first I was getting attacked left and right, then I think they all get scared of me because fewer and fewer came, now I only get attacked about once a week.
Anyways, when we got back to the hotel Lizzie was sitting on the couch watching TV. She didn’t even look up when we came in, she had nothing to worry about. Koji went about making dinner as he normally did, and I went to my room to get a change of clothes. There were now two separate beds in the room, so we wouldn’t have to sleep in the same bed or sleep in uncomfortable places. We still did sleep on the couch though, we just alternated who did it every night.
I grabbed my pajama’s off the bed and headed towards the bathroom. I drew a bubble bath for myself and pulled my hair back in a bun, sliding in. I just laid in the tub relaxing, and after a while I heard a knock on the door.
“Dinner’s done,” Koji’s muffled voice came through the door.
“I’m not hungry...”
“If you get hungry, there’ll be a plate in the oven.”
“’k, thanks...” I answered as I heard him walk away, then I sunk back into the tub and relaxed. I drifted off into a peaceful sleep until I heard another knock on the door.
“Are you ok,” Koji asked. “ You’ve been in there for 3 hours.”
“I’m fine...”
I lifted myself out of the tub and quickly dried off, slipping into my pajama’s. I could see the flashes of lighting outside, and every once and a while I could hear thunder. Tonight was my night to sleep on the couch, so I grabbed some blankets and a pillow out of the closet. Koji and Elizabeth were already in the room, but Koji wasn’t asleep yet, I could see a light on in the room.
An hour later I found myself opening the door to the bedroom. Elizabeth was fast asleep, but Koji was stretched across his bed, with out his shirt on as usual, reading a novel.
“Something wrong?” He asked as he looked up from his book, his gold eyes quickly scanning me.
“I can’t sleep.. can I stay in here with you..?” I asked, blushing out of embarrassment, but he just smiled and nodded. With the door shut behind me, I tip-toed across the room and curled up next to him. He placed his book on the table and turned off the light, laying down and pulling me close to him. I could feel myself blushing more as he gently slid his hand down my side.
“So how come you couldn’t sleep, couch too rough for you princess?” he asked in a mocking tone.
“No,” I answered defensively as he rolled on his back, pulling me onto his chest. I blushed more, laying there quietly as he stroked my back.
“So what was then reason, were you scared?” His tone still had a hint of mockery, but I didn’t really take notice.
“No.. of course not...” I yawned softly, ready to curl up and go to sleep. Suddenly, there was a big flash of lightning and a crack of thunder that shook the windows. As if it was it were a reflex, I clung the closest thing. That happened to be Koji. I could hear him laugh a little while he hugged me closer.
“Yeah, sure you weren’t scared,” he said sarcastically.
“Leave me alone, I don’t like thunder,” I muttered, turning even brighter red.
“Relax princess, I won’t let anything hurt you.”
“Promise..?” I asked, looking up at him with a pleading look in my eye, not knowing why myself. He was a bit startled at first and didn’t answer, trying to figure out what was going on. Finally, he nodded a little.
“Of course.. I’ll always protect you...” he whispered softly, hugging me tightly. I smiled and laid back down, content to feel safe in his company. After a while I felt him stroking my side again, as I purred softly. I don’t get why I feel so safe with him, and I’m happier than I’ve been in ages. Is it possible that I like him as more than a friend?
I blinked, the sunlight burning my eyes at first. When my vision adjusted I could see Elizabeth sitting on the bed smiling.
“And what were you two doing last night?” she asked with a playful accusatory tone.
“We were sleeping Lizzie,” I snapped, furious she’d even think something like that.
“I told you not to call me that, my name is Elizabeth,” she yelled, glaring at me.
“Fine, go get breakfast started.”
“Why don’t you,” she demanded, not moving.
“Because Koji is still sleeping,” I said, pointing at him a little but not such to move a lot. I was nicely snuggled in his arms and quite warm and comfortable for the moment.
She left the room grumbling, Koji wasn’t actually asleep though. As soon I was sure she was out of ear shot I sat up and stretched, causing Koji to fall onto the bed. But of course he has to get his revenge, so he poked my
sides causing me to jump slightly. I’m not sure if it’s ever happened to you, but it’s really annoying. It startles you, yet kind of tickles at the same time. I quickly turned to face him, restraining myself so I didn’t slap him.
“Look you, if you do that one more time I’ll--” I cut myself off, blushing brightly. He had just brought his arms around my waist, pulling me very close to him. He smiled playfully, looking into my eyes intently, Oh yeah, no girl can resist Kitsune charm! I soon found myself lost in his gorgeously deep eyes.
“You’ll what?” He asked seductively. I didn’t answer, but instead closed my eyes, purring softly. He was stroking my back again, but this time it was more pleasurable. I heard him laugh a little, then those same lips that mocked me were pressed against mine. I felt as though I’d melt and I knew it was wrong. He pulled away too soon, leaving me empty and wanting more. I hesitantly opened my eyes and saw him smile mischievously.
“Morning Kitti,” he said, stifling back a laugh. I was snapped back to my senses and realized what he had just done, what I had just done. I turned scarlet, glaring at him.
“Koji! You are such an--”
“You fell for it though!”
“I’ll kill you!”
Before I could do anything he pushed me onto the bed and threw the covers over me. It only took a minute or two to get out, but he was already gone. I scornfully got out of bed and brushed my hair, quickly walking to the kitchen. Koji and Elizabeth were already eating a breakfast of bacon and pancakes when I got in there. I smacked Koji in the head and then took my seat next to him.
“You’re doing the dishes today.”
“But it’s your day to do dishes!” he protested. I glared at him, and he just sighed nodding his head a little. Elizabeth looked back and forth between us, then she finally realized what happened, or so she thought.
“OH MY GOD! DID HE VIOLATE YOU LAST NIGHT!?” Elizabeth shrieked, though looking quite delighted as she tried to look horrified.
“OF COURSE NOT!” We yelled in unison, turning slightly redder.
“Ok, ok, calm down,” she said, looking a little nervous. We both glared at her and then continued to eat our breakfast, after a while Elizabeth was done so she put her dishes in the sink and went to get the mail. Koji took this opportunity to talk to me.
“Why do you always get so tweaked when I kiss you, you know I’m just kidding, right?”
“Of course I do, but it was your brother that died and he was my boyfriend. So it just doesn’t seem right that you do something like that, even if you are kidding.”
“Amber, you got a letter in the mail!” Elizabeth yelled. I lifted my head as she walked back in the kitchen with the mail, she had the usual letters and a magazine. One of the letters was in a large black envelope with curly orange writing, and on the back was an orange seal. She handed it to me, teasing Koji about the magazine he’d gotten, and as I looked at the seal on the back, I slumped onto the table, groaning. Elizabeth stopped teasing Koji, and he took this opportunity to get his magazine, and gave me a peculiar look.
“What’s wrong?” she asked. I tossed her the letter, burying my head in my arms.
“Open that, tell me what the bad news is.” I groaned, still not looking up.
Neither one of them understood what I was so upset about, but she took off the seal and began reading the letter. It’s nothing, just some garbage that they accidentally sent me about a reunion. But as she pulled a couple of other papers out of the envelope, I dreaded that it wasn’t some mistake about a reunion.
“Ok, it says that it’s from Wizatch, academy of witches and wizards, and that it has come to their attention that you have been illegally using your magical powers to cause harm to others. Since you have not fully completed your witch’s training, this is punishable by jail and the removal of your witch’s powers. However, since this is only your first warning and you have an exceptionally well reputation at your town, they are willing to over look this on the condition that you come back to school and gain your witch’s license. The semester starts in one week and if you fail to show up, the council will send some one to pick you up so we can strip you of your powers and throw you in jail.” she finished reading and they both looked at me as I started hitting my head on the table. Why now of all times, I don’t want to go back to that dumb academy, I hated it there, why can’t I just go to my normal school and have a normal life here!?
“So I guess this means you’ll be leaving us to go to this school?” Koji asked.
“Guess so, not like I want to...” I replied as I stopped hitting my head on the table.
“What!? Why would you not want to go to this totally awesome castle place and learn how to use magical powers!?” Elizabeth yelled, throwing her arms in the air.
“One, the students are jerks and have probably heard of my reputation, two, all the teachers will be out to get me, three, that castle sucks, four, its always cold up there, five, I always get detentions for no reason at all, and six, I hate their uniform,” I responded holding up my fingers as I counted off.
“Well go to jail then and lose all your powers, I’m sure that’d be so much better than going to school!”
“Actually, I’m beginning to think it would be.”
“YOU’RE HOPELESS!” she yelled, pulling me off my chair and dragging me out of the kitchen. It was extremely uncomfortable and kind of painful. Koji had already snuck off to hide his magazine from her, so I was stuck.
“What are you gonna do to me!?” I yelled, kind of scared to know the answer.
“We’re getting your bags packed, going shopping, and shipping you off to school!”
“But I don’t wanna go to school!” I whined, acting much like a little kid and stomping my foot on the ground.
“Too bad!”
So I spent the next couple of days going through all my stuff and packing what would be acceptable, but most of the time I was out shopping for things that would be acceptable. Of course, it’s not like I was actually going to follow their dress code, I just had to find things they wouldn’t kick me out of school for. Their school attire consisted of black, orange, red, green, yellow, and silver, nothing else.
The only thing I did was wear colors I wasn’t supposed to, and wear styles of clothes I wasn’t supposed to. By the end of the week, I had my bag magically packed with clothes and other things I’d need and I was enjoying the last bit of freedom and rain I’d have. So naturally I was laying in the middle of the park letting the rain fall on me. The peace and tranquility washed over me, and I knew this would be the last time I’d have a chance to do this.
Then, as all good things do, it ended and I found I was no longer under the silence of rain, but instead under the pitter-patter of an umbrella. Hesitantly I opened my eyes and, as expected, found Koji standing over me with an umbrella. I let him pull me to my feet and we walked home together. We walked in silence, mainly because we didn’t know what to say. Even if I didn’t want to admit it, I was going to miss both him and Elizabeth. Koji made a special dinner that night, and we all stayed up late watching a movie together. Then we sat on the couch together, talking and joking until we all fell asleep.
Early the next morning, I was the first one up. I quietly slid out of Koji’s grasp and took a quick shower before changing into school clothes and grabbing my suitcase. I was wearing bagging black pants that had silver crossing chains and a silver long-sleeved t-shirt. I had also pulled on a black hooded cape. I took one last look at them, they were both curled up on the couch together, and it was nice to see them actually getting along. I laughed to myself as I thought of how they’d react when they woke up like that, Elizabeth would throw a screaming fit and Koji would stutter back how she fell asleep like that.
Once out of the hotel, I saw Sparky sitting out there waiting for me. He handed me my broom and we both boarded it, attaching my suitcase to the back. I hadn’t flown in while, so when we took off it was amazing. The rush of the cool morning air flowing past me blew back my hair and cape. As I zoomed through the faint light of the rising sun I couldn’t help but do tricks, loop-de-loops, spins, and death dives. It was all so exhilarating, and it sent a rush of excitement through my veins. I think it kind of made Sparky sick, though.
Then, as the sun was about directly overhead, I saw the towers of Wizatch peaking over the forests. As we flew closer the large building came further into view. Great stone corridors surrounding a courtyard in the center, large peaked towers, and a great stone building filled with grand staircases, large rooms, and chained dungeons. Most would be thrilled to see such a magnificent sight, but not me. As I drew nearer, I saw students gathering outside the school, meeting old friends, making new ones, or sitting by the lake’s placid surface.
Being the person I am, I obviously have to at least try to show off, even if it’s only because I want to have more fun. Once over the lake, I put Sparky on my suitcase and tossed them off my broom, immediately going into a spiral death dive, adding a bit of electric sparks around me for show. As planned, one person noticed and pointed it out to some one else, who pointed it out to some one else and so on. Anyway, soon all eyes were on me, and they all thought I’d crash into the lake.
So, at the last minute I pull up a bit and skim across the lake’s surface. But since I’m going so fast, the water around me shoots up around me, and as I’m still spiraling, it forms a tunnel around me. Then for the added affect from the lightning and sun, it turns into a rainbow of colors swirling around me. Then I suddenly turn towards the edge of the lake and shoot up, now standing on my broom, then once safely over the land I jump off.
With grace and precision I land on a tree branch, my cape swirling around me. This is where my suitcase and Sparky come in, seeing how they haven’t hit the ground yet. Sparky jumps from my suitcase, doing a flip and surrounded by glowing electricity and lands on my shoulder as I catch my suitcase in one hand and my broom in the other. All in all, it’s a splendid performance and I get a round of applause and everything.
Of course, other’s aren’t as impressed so I hear the comments about me being a show off and how they could do that too, of course, I pay no mind to it. I jump from my tree branch and walk across the grounds toward the castle. As I pass people I hear them all whispering, things like “Who is that girl?”, “Is she new?”, “I’ve never seen her here before.”, “Did you see what she just did!? That was so cool!”, and of course “What a show off, I could’ve easily topped her.”
I paid no mind to any of the comments, but just kept walking with my broom slung over my shoulder and Sparky walking at my side. Of course, the students weren’t the only ones paying attention to my performance. The authorities have to come in and ruin my fun. And of all the people, Professor Prang. Notable for her arrogant smirk and traditional red clothes that match her dorm. She is my absolute favorite welcoming committee.
Just my luck, there she was waiting at the door for me, her usual long black skirt and red sweater, with a red scarf to match, and as usual she had an arrogant smirk. When I had last been in school, I was in her dorm and we didn’t exactly seem eye to eye. I think that might have been because I was always wearing colors from the other dorms, especially silver. And silver just happened to be our arch rival. I greeted her with a false innocently-sweet smile.
“Well hello there, if it isn’t my favorite professor,” I said with false innocence.
“It’s great to see you too Amber, and it seems that you’re as reckless as always,” she answered, obviously not falling for my act. I feigned shock, adding a touch of indignation to it.
“Reckless? Me? I’m hurt that you’d say such a thing like that.”
“You haven’t lost your sense of humor either, I’ll see you Monday night in my office for detention. I trust you still know where it is, you’ve been there enough,” she said, giving me her famous smirk.
“Detention? The first day of school? What ever have I do to deserve it?”
“Endangerment of students and school property, I also see some damage done to that tree you landed on. That’s a natural school landmark, and you could’ve upset the creatures living in the lake. This is highly unorthodox, you’re on thin ice as it is. What, with murdering others, associating with demons, disregarding police authority, causing the disappearance of a local resident, and housing unknown forces. These are very serious charges, so just be careful and be in my office at 7 o'clock sharp, I’d hate to have you expelled from school again,” she answered, giving me a cold look. She never did approve of demons.
“I’m sure you would, I’ll see you at seven. Oh, and my demonic reverent give you their best regards, and do hope they won’t disturb your school by trying to kill me,” I said, smiling again, walked past her, giving the students something else to talk about. As usual, word spread quite fast through this school, so even as I was walking through the halls people were whispering about me because they’d already heard it from others. I pulled out my letter and read it as I walked.
“Guess I’m in the same dorm as last time, same room too. What a joy, and I bet they put me in several different ranks of the same class so I could catch up. This year’s going to be a blast,” I said sarcastically.
I was still reading my letter, checking to see what classes I had by the books I’d been assigned. Not paying any attention to where I was going, I walked into some one. And being the coordinate person I am, I fall on the ground.
“Watch where you’re going!” I yelled not bothering to look up.
“Me!? You walked into me! Why not get that ditzy head of yours out of the clouds and pay attention to where you’re going!” I heard some one yell back, and bits of lightning sparked off my hands as I let out a low growl.
“Listen you--!”
Suddenly I found myself being forced to the ground by some one quite a bit stronger than me, and I was unable to summon any of my magical powers. What the--! My eyes shot open as I glared at the person on top of me. He had short hair of a deep purple with longer strands in the front and eyes that were the same color as his hair, with a sort of red-violet ring around the outside. I immediately noticed light purple spheres surrounding my hands, and figured that they were what was cutting off my power.
“Calm down before you get us both a detention for fighting in the halls! Neither one of us need to start out the year with a detention!” he growled, glaring at me.
“Too late, I already have a detention, I’m trying to avoid expulsion,” I said, giving him a sarcastic smile. His grip loosened a bit, but not so much that I could escape.
“How could you be trying to avoid expulsion when it’s your first year!? There’s no way you could get in that much trouble already, not even the way you dress would risk expulsion, only that detention you got,” he answered, looking completely lost.
“What makes you--!”
“Well, well, Miss Amber again. I see you’re getting yourself into more trouble, and this time with an opposing house. Do I have to give you and your new friend a detention for inappropriate conduct in the halls? It’d be just awful to have two detentions at the start of the new year,” I heard the familiar voice of Professor Prang, her tone just itching to say I had a detention. The guy looked up, apparently confused. He quickly masked his confusion though, and put on a falsely innocent smile.
“Why if it isn’t Professor Prang, you’re looking quite well this year. I can’t believe I didn’t realize this fine student was in your dorm, only the best for you. And of course this isn't what it looks like, there were students down at the end of the hall fighting. And she was too busy reading her school papers that she didn’t notice a stray attack. So I knocked her out of the way to stop her from getting hurt, but in my hurry I lost my balance and fell into her. Then you came along and found us like this, it’s all a big misunderstanding, ma’am,” he said, still smiling.
“I’m sure it was, let’s just hope I find no more “misunderstandings” between the two of you, Kuro. I’m sure your older brother would not approve of this,” she answered, giving him a cold look.
“That he wouldn’t professor, I’m terribly sorry,” he replied, gritting his teeth to keep his false smile. She glared at me one last time, then left. Kuro’s gaze followed her, then as soon as she was gone he let out a sigh of relief. He started mumbling things under his breathe, none which I could make, and yet he made no attempt to get off me. After a while, this started to agitated me, it was like he was completely me ignoring me.
“Um, Kuro---” I started, but was soon cut off by another person.
“Kuro, what do you think you’re doing. You’re supposed to be reporting to your dorm.”
Kuro quickly looked up, his surprise from the new arrival quickly turning to agitation again. The only good thing is that he finally got off me and stood up, offering no attempt to help me up even though he is the one who knocked me down. As I was getting up, I felt some one grab my wrist and pull me to my feet. I was thrown off balance at first, and almost fell down again. When I looked up, I saw some one taller than both me and Kuro, who was a little taller than me, with short hair of a light silvery-blue, and pieces that hung in front of his face that were tipped a dark purple, and longer strands of hair that draped over his shoulder. And he had these really amazing golden eyes with an expressionless face.
“Well look who it is, it’s Mr. Perfect. We were just talking about you, Tomoshibi,” Kuro answered sarcastically.
“What do you think you’re doing. Harassing new students in the hallway, have you no shame,” Tomoshibi glared at him a little, but his voice showed no emotion.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, she walked into me then tried to kill me, it was self defense,” Kuro replied innocently, shrugging a little.
“A likely tale, but I don’t believe it. How could a newt even have any magical powers that could harm you, she probably doesn’t even know how to use her powers.”
“A newt? Who do you think you’re calling a newt!? I’ll let you know that I’m a certified Unicorn!” I yelled, getting sick of being so mistreated.
They both just gave me strange looks, as if I were crazy, then Kuro started searching my clothes. Ok, but let me explain one quick thing first. There are six ranks, or years, at this school; the newt, the toad, the owl, the cat, the unicorn, and then the dragon. Once you’ve mastered the dragon level, you learn a few more advanced spells, and then take a journey to take the final test. Once you take the final test, you become a fully fledged and licensed witch or wizard.
“You can’t be a unicorn, you don’t have a badge,” Tomoshibi said, glaring at Kuro again.
“Yeah, and any unicorn could have easily countered the spell I used,” Kuro added, now done searching my clothes.
“Besides, you’re too little to be a unicorn, what are you, 13?” Tomoshibi asked, his eyebrow raised a bit.
“One, I threw away my badge years ago, two, they’ve probably updated magic spells since I went to school, and three, I’m 16!” I yelled.
“How could you have--?”Tomoshibi started
“All students report to the Dining Hall for dorm assignments, class schedules, and a few announcements,” some one said over the announcements.
As soon as I heard that, I was out of there. It’s not like I was excited to get dorm assignments and class schedules, I just didn’t want them to keep asking me questions. When I got to the dining hall, it was crowded, more crowded than usual. I quickly squeezed through the crowd and found myself a seat in the back corner at a table all by myself. Of course, the table I happened to sit at was silver, and you’re supposed to sit at a table that matches your dorm color.
Soon every one had filed into the room and I could hear people catching up with their friends about vacations and the new students trying to make friends or just clustering together to avoid being noticed. I could also hear bits and pieces of conversations talking about this really cool girl who did this amazing aerial stunt when she got here, I also heard some conversations mentioning a new student that had been breaking the law because they didn’t have a license and were using magic.
At the sound of those conversations, I pulled my hood over my head and shrunk into my seat, hoping nobody actually knew who the new student was. The last thing I needed was the whole school talking about how I got expelled from school, I wanted to get through this year with minimal problems, but that didn’t seem like an option. After about 10 minutes, paper notices flew through the room, telling people what dorm they were in and giving them a new schedule. When I opened mine, a small pin with a U on it fell out and there was a note inside.
Dear Amber,
It seems you have ‘’misplaced’’ your other Unicorn pin and it is required that students wear a pin marking their rank so they can get into their classes and access special rooms only for the higher ranks. It also seems that in your absence from school the magical marker has changed. At your current level you would only be considered a cat. So in addition to taking the standard Dragon classes, you will also have to take all the Unicorn classes as well. This is so you will be able to handle to Final Test and your dragon classes. That being said, you will neither have the morning afternoon or evening off and your classes will run from 6AM to 9 PM. During the first half of the year you shall study all Unicorn classes and during the second half you will study all Dragon classes.
We have also discussed among ourselves and reached the agreement that if you shall receive below a S on any of your final grades, quarterly, mid, gibbous, or final, then you shall be expelled from all witch schools and be stripped of your powers and status. This serves as a warning and you will not be told again, you will also be given no breaks and you will not be cut any slack. If there are any repeats of your performance this morning then you shall be suspended, and if you refuse to return this time as well, then we will strip you of your power and status. If you have any questions concerning this information, please see one of the staff members.
Wizatch Staff
I read this note through several times over just to be sure I had read it right, and there was no mistake about it, that’s what the letter read. They were seriously going to expel me if I even did poorly in my classes. The grading system here is different. O=Outstanding, W=Wonderful, S=Satisfactory, A=Average, M=Mediocre, and F=Failing; so they were telling me that if my performance was less than satisfactory, they were going to expel me and strip me of my powers.
Now there’s one question you might have. “Didn’t they already expel you?” See, I lied and said that to make myself seem cooler or something, the truth is, my friend is the one who blew up the potions building, I was just her partner. I tried to take the credit for blowing it up, so she wouldn’t get expelled, going to that school meant everything to her and her family, but they didn’t buy it. Then, when she got expelled, I started failing all my classes, disrupting them, and all around harassing the teachers. Finally, they got sick of it and said that they were suspending me for a week so I could cool down and get my head straight. So I started yelling at them and when I left the school for my suspension, I threw my badge onto the ground and took off, never returning until now.
I flipped to my schedule and nearly screamed, they hadn’t been kidding. I had 15 hours of class every day but the weekend, and even then I had to go to special classes for 5 hours each day. I groaned, my head hitting the table. This can not be happening to me, I can’t handle all this work. Not to mention the mountains of homework I’ll get!
“Um.. are you ok..?” some one asked.
I quickly lifted my head when I heard a soft awkward voice, not even realizing some one else had sat down at the table with me. He had long dark purple hair pulled into a braid and bright blue eyes and he was wearing an unbuttoned silver shirt with loose fitting light green paints. He also had a black collar with a silver cross on it, and appeared some what feminine.
“Uh, yeah.. I’m fine,” I mumbled.
“Kaze! Kaze, where’d you disappear to! I told you to find a table!” I spotted Kuro walking through the crowd and pulled my hood further over my head, hoping he wouldn’t recognize me. The guy that was sitting with me waved his hand in there air to try and get his attention, and I noticed a badge sparkling on his shirt. It was the unicorn badge, meaning I might be in some of his classes during the first half.
“Kuro! I’m over here!” Kaze yelled.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw him look over here, then motion to some other people to follow him. I shrunk further into the corner, pulling my cape around me more to try and blend in with the shadows, but it didn’t work that well. Kuro came and sat at the table with two other guys, neither one I recognized, but one looked about Kuro’s age, and the other looked younger, maybe about 13 or 14. They both had black hair, but the older ones hair was gelled back and the younger one’s hair was really messy. They wore matching silver shirts and both had bright green eyes, and the elder of the two had his ear pierced and was wearing a silver stone in it.
“I told you to find a table that wasn’t taken,” Kuro complained.
“All the other tables were filled, this is the only one that could fit us. Besides, they seem to keep to them self so they shouldn’t bother us,” Kaze replied apologetically.
“Speaking of bothersome people, I met this really obnoxious girl in the hall earlier. She had the nerve to walk into me and then yelled at me to watch where I was going, tried to attack me, and almost got me a detention. Talk about rude!”
“Yeah, I think Tomo mentioned her too. He said something about you harassing new students,” Kaze added thoughtfully.
“He doesn’t know anything, he’s too stuck up. Bet he’s never had a girlfriend in his life,” Kuro answered, waving his hand as if to blow it off.
“Wait, Tomo as in Tomoshibi of the red dorm?” asked the elder of the two brothers.
“Yeah, why?” asked Kuro, raising his eyebrow a bit.
“How do you even know him, it’s rumored he doesn’t even talk to people in his own dorm, so why would he talk to silvers?” blurted out the younger of the brothers, a mix of shock and awe on his face.
“Hasn’t Kuro ever told you, he’s our older brother,” Kaze said, looking a little confused.
“What!?” they both yelled. Kuro quickly looked around, basically to see if any one had heard them.
“Keep it down, and I told you not to tell any one that Kaze!” he snapped.
“Why can’t we tell Adrian and Alex, I thought they were your friends,” he said, sounding more confused. I was still hidden away in the corner of the table, and I don’t think Kuro even noticed I was there any more, but the younger of the two brothers had been staring at me most of the time. I did all I could not to be noticed though, sitting there quietly. I guess the younger one finally got sick of waiting for me to say something, so he turned to his older brother
“Adrian, who’s that person sitting in the corner?” he asked.
Suddenly, every one looked at me, and no matter how much I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to shrink into the corner and make myself invisible. I tried to though, it just didn’t work because they kept staring at me, the two brothers curious, Kaze indifferent, and Kuro looked rather agitated.
“This is why I told you to get a table with no one else at it!” Kuro yelled again.
“I didn’t see any harm in sitting with them, I don’t see why you have such a problem with people knowing Tomoshibi is our brother.. I also don’t see why neither of you wants me to hang out with the other,” Kaze said, looking a little nervous.
“My reasons are well placed, he’s a red, we’re silvers. They clash and it’s abnormal, it’s school physics,” Kuro said, using the word “red” as if it were a disease.
“But he seems to think you’re going to be a bad influence on me, pull me to the dark side or something,” he answered, looking away as though he were afraid Kuro would kill him.
“He does have a point, Kuro would be a bad influence,” Adrian, the older brother, said, smirking.
“Then you shouldn’t let your little brother hang out with us, he’s a newt and shouldn’t even be seen with unicorns. Besides, he’s untainted meat so I would be an influence on him,” Kuro said sarcastically, glaring at Adriana.
“But I want to hang out with you guys!” Alex protested.
While they were arguing amongst themselves, I tried to sneak away. No matter how interested in their family feud I was, I couldn’t risk being found out again. Now, while all this was happening, the headmaster and teachers were making announcements, but we obviously weren’t paying any attention to them at all, but one announcement did catch my interest, and it was mad by Professor Prang.
“We are also pleased to announce that we have a new addition to our school, other than the newts. She went to the school a few years ago, got suspended and then decided to leave all together. In her home town, she was quite the heroine and got herself out of numerous situations using the magic powers she developed here. Some of you may have also seen her play in the movie Island Adventure produced by Dreamco Industries. I am referring to none other than Miss Amber, returned to Wizatch after 2 years absence! Welcome back!” she yelled, an evil glint in her eyes. I froze in my spot and any one that had been talking, stopped at the mention of Dreamco Industries and now there was a spotlight on me where I was standing, but I still had my hood up. That is, until some one, whom I suspect was Alex, snuck up behind me and pulled it down. People had gotten on chairs and tables so they could get a better look, and as soon as they saw it was me, whispers filled the room once more.
“I also have the honor of having her in my own dorm. Also known as the red dorm,” she added, giving me an evil smirk. I really wished she’d just spontaneously combust.
Instantly there were more whispers, mostly regarding my clothes and the table I’d been sitting at. I stalked out of the room, ignoring all the glances from every one and all the whispers said so I could hear them. Of course, I still knew my way around the school perfectly, but I didn’t bother going back to my dorm.
Back when I was at school, I ruled the building. Students looked up to me, and I knew every secret passage there was, I even built a couple myself. There was one in particular that I built for when I was skipping classes, or just trying to get away from every one. It could only be accessed through a restricted section of the school, only available to the best of the dragon class.
That had never been a problem though, the hall was deserted most of the time because the dragon students didn’t use it often. I had also found a secret passage that took me to the restricted dragon hall. I headed off there now, and of course, it originated in the silver dorm hall. Each dorm has there own hall, in that hall there's a rec. room, the dorm masters office, and the student rooms. Towards the end of the silver hall, there was a large tapestry of all silver with the six animal symbols of the school surrounding a pointed hat. I lifted the tapestry, for it was fairly light, and pushed a red stone behind it using water energy.
The stone pushed forward, with several others around it following suit. I quickly looked down the hall to make sure there wasn’t any one lurking about, then snuck into the doorway that had been created, and closed it behind me. The passage way was fairly dark, but I had always left a torch hanging on the wall to carry with me. I searched the cold hard stone, feeling every crevasse, but I couldn’t find my torch, though the holder was still there.
“Some one must have found this passage and used my torch...” I mumbled to myself, lifting my hand into the air and created a fireball within my palm, using that as my light source. Every once and a while I’d hear creatures scurry ahead of me, for there was another entrance to this passage, but it was outside on the forested side of the castle hidden in an ally. I thought I saw a couple of footprints along the ground, but I couldn’t be sure if they were human.
Finally, I came to the end of the passage, this was a wall behind another tapestry. I kneeled down, counting 10 stones over, and pressed my hand against the stone, this time using fire energy. I stepped back as the stones began to pull in and move aside, forming another doorway. I peeked my head aside the tapestry, making sure there were none of the dragons here. I didn’t think there would be, it was a Saturday night, school didn’t start until Monday, and they were having the start of the year feast.
I slipped out from behind the tapestry and quietly snuck down the hall. Halfway down the hall on the right side there was a large marble statue of a dragon. I walked up to it, looking around to make sure there was no one there, then rested my hand on its head, running an electric pulse through the statue.
“Igipov cwoiq joikq el kqevo ivn doq ho xikk,” I said.
What I had spoken was in the tongue of Secotish, in English meaning “Awaken great beast of stone and let me pass.” It’s eyes opened, shining a vivid yellow, and slowly its marble structure began to move and it stepped off its base, revealing a hole. I quickly jumped through the hole.
“Woqywv ve ueyw xekq.”
The last thing I said to it would return it to its post on the base and render it immobile again. Once again spoken in Secotish, it meant “Return to your post.” I ran my hand over the wall and was glad to find this passage way still had its torch, so I pulled it out of it’s slot and lit it. There were no cobwebs to be found as I walked through this tunnel, not even the spiders could manage to get in. At last I came to then end of the tunnel, which basically looked like an black wall, but I lightly put my hand on it as it glowed with electric energy again.
The stone wall faintly glowed a yellow as it began to slide. Kind of like the ‘open sesame’ deal with other doors, mine opened to the simple word of ‘open’. Of course, it was in Secotish again and electrical energy had to be present. To my surprise, when the door slid open my everlasting candles were already lit.
“I must have left them burning...” I mumbled, once again to myself.
As I stepped into the room I slid out of my shoes and hung my cloak on a hook, but I hadn’t noticed the other pair of shoes that were sitting there. I slumped onto the couch, lightly placing my hand on the floor and sending and electric shock over to the stereo to turn it on. I had left a collection of CD’s in here because after they suspended me I didn’t even think to come here and get all my stuff.
The CD that was currently in my radio didn’t actually have any music on it, it was just the sounds of the beach, waves gently washing over the sand and the faint sounds of seagulls. Though, this CD had magical properties and was actually sending me the sounds of the beach down by the hotel. I could hear the rain falling on the water and rocks, and the gently lulling of the sea and docks. Oddly enough I found the sound soothing, and fell into a tranquil state of half-sleep.
So, I never heard some one come out of the bathroom I had built here. I never heard them mutter something about the radio being on, and I didn’t hear them go in the kitchen and start making something to eat. But, I did hear them when they knocked several of the pans onto the floor, causing a loud bang. My eyes shot open and my blood ran cold. Some one else is here, they’ve found the only place I could be alone!
I quickly jumped off the couch and snuck over to the kitchen door, peeking around the corner into the kitchen. To my shock I saw Tomoshibi kneeling on the ground, wrapped in a towel, picking up the pots he had knocked down. I was about to scream at him, but quickly stopped myself, pressing my back against the refrigerator I was hidden behind. I clasped my hand over my mouth, turning shades redder.
Oh my god, him of all people has found my one secret place and is in my kitchen in a towel. How in the world did he find this place, I hid it in a remote part of the castle, and even used a language that hasn’t been spoken here for centuries. While I was still lost in my thoughts, Tomoshibi had cleaned up the pots and began to cook himself something to eat, then was going to find his clothes in the bathroom. I was still leaning against the refrigerator, my eyes closed, so he noticed me when he walked by.
“What are you doing here,” I heard Tomoshibi ask, his voice expressionless as always.
My eyes quickly opened as I found him standing in font of me, expressionless, but with a light pink shade to his face. Without even thinking, my eyes quickly scanned his body. He had lightly tanned skinned that was very smooth without well defined muscles on either his arms or his chest. His face turned a bit redder, even though he tried to ignore what I was doing, and he raised one of his eyebrows.
I snapped back to reality, glaring at him. I hated how he was so calm and collected, not showing any signs of emotion at all.
“The question isn’t why I’m here, it’s why you’re here. And how did you even get here!?” I demanded.
“I was here taking a shower and making something to eat. As to how I got here, I took the passage way, same as you.”
I glared at him, and I swear I saw a glint of satisfaction in his eyes when he saw my irritation.
“Obviously you came through the passage, but how did you even find out it existed?”
“The same way you did.” As if he thought that settled it, he started walking away. I, on the other hand, thought he was a complete idiot.
“What the hell are you talking about, there’s no way you could have found out the same way I did,” I yelled, becoming more agitated. He looked back at me, a slight smirk playing across his lips in an arrogant way.
“What makes you so sure?” he asked softly.
“I made this place,” I said, waiting for his smart remark. He seemed some what shocked by this, but didn’t show his surprise long. Instead he decided to blow me off, continuing to walk to the bathroom.
“Sure you did,” he said nonchalantly.
“I did, how else would I know where it is and know all the passwords and spells?” I asked, clenching my fists so I didn’t hurt him.
“The same way I did.” I was about ready to kill him, his vagueness was really getting to me, but before I could react I head the bathroom door close. That just made matters worse, I thought that he was trying to shut me out, to ignore me.
“I don’t know how you even found this place, how am I supposed to know how you got the passwords and spells too!?” I screamed at the door, stopping myself from blowing it apart.
For a few minutes he didn’t answer, and my irritation grew. Then, when I was about to chuck something at the door, it opened and he came out, now wearing pants. I was about to start yelling at him when he tossed a book to me, I just looked at it, confused.
“You’ll find your answers in there, now leave,” he said. Normally, I would yell at any one who talked to me like that, but I was more interested in the book. I quickly opened it, scanning through a couple of the pages. It looked really familiar, but I couldn’t figure out why. Some of the pages were marked so I decided to read those.
Today I created my own secret passage, so I don’t always use the ones I found here. It’s not very big yet, but I’m going to keep working on it, maybe I’ll build my own room there. I hid it in the most remote part of the castle, the dragon hall, under the dragon statue. To access it, you have to course electricity through the statue, and say ‘Awaken great beast of stone and let me pass.’ in Secotish, one of the forgotten languages. Then, if you say ‘Return to your post.’ in Secotish, it will go back to where it was and be a statue again, it works the same way to get out, but I installed these binocular things in the dragons eyes so I can see if some one’s in the hall when I get out.
I started working on the room at the end of my passage way! The door has to be opened using an electric charge and you have to say ‘Open.’ in Secotish. Using all these precautions, nobody will be able to get in! Then I’ll have my own personal place to hide that no one knows about, I’ll put a kitchen and bathroom, and maybe even a bed in there! Of course, everything will be activated by magic, and will get there by magic. And I think I’ll use candles as the lightning, those ones that never burn out, that’d be so cool!
Ok, so my room is finally done, and I know no one will ever find it, this is the only way some one could, but I’ll never let any one get their hands on it, and it’s written in Secotish so no one will be able to understand it! I forgot to mention before, that I found a secret passage way into the dragon hall, because I’m obviously not of that rank, but as soon as I am, I’m sure I’ll be able to get in. You have to go to the end of the silver hall, and look under the tapestry. You have to press the red stone behind it using water energy, and when you take the passage, keep to the right side because the left leads into the forest. Then, when you get to the end, count 10 stones over from the bottom left corner, and press it in using fire energy, but you have to be sure to stay out of the way because the door comes in. It’s the same way to get back out too.
I tossed the book aside, and knew that it had looked familiar because I had written it. I kept everything that happened during the school year in there, and it was all written in Secotish so no one would be able to understand it if they read it. Apparently, I hadn’t taken enough precautions because he was obviously able to read Secotish. I didn’t even know how he got a hold of it in the first place, I must have dropped it on my out of school.
“Did that answer your questions,” I heard him ask, I lifted my head to see him standing next to me, carrying a bowl of food. I tried to read what he was thinking, but couldn’t. His face was still expressionless, which agitated me so much I wanted to throw the book at his head.
“How did you get this,” I demanded.
“I found it.”
“I don’t remember, I think some girl in my dorm found it in her room and gathered a bunch of girls to read it, but when they couldn’t understand a word it said, they tossed it aside,” he said, acting as though it were no big deal.
“How do you know Secotish.”
“Through several years of research and reading books.”
“Why go through so much trouble just to read a diary?” I asked, kind of confused now.
“Why do you even care,” he said, his voice holding a hint of agitation.
“Because this is my room, and I don’t want you in it!” I yelled. I had tried to keep my cool, but with every statement he uttered I grew more agitated, until I just started yelling at him. He seemed impassive though, which ticked me off even more. Soon my hands were glowing again, and I started trembling.
“Look, this whole apathy thing is not working, so either you get out or you stop being apathetic,” I said.
“Do you seriously think you scare me,” he asked, his eyebrow raising a bit. At that I lost it, and chucked a swirling ball of fire at him, but he wasn’t there any more. The only sign I saw was his bowl sitting on the table. The next thing I knew, I was pinned to the ground again, this time with Tomoshibi’s hands holding my wrists down with light purple spheres surrounding them. He did seem a bit irritated though, which improved my mood a bit, but just a little.
“You need to watch that temper of yours,” he said, glaring at me a little.
“Who are you to lecture me about emotion!” I yelled, in an even worse mood.
“If you pick a fight with the wrong people at this school, much worse things will happen that you just getting pinned to the ground,” he said, and if I weren’t so mad at him, I would have thought I heard a hint of concern in his voice.
“I’d like to see them try something!”
“My brother could take you down, and he’s only a unicorn. If you go around picking fights with dragons, you’ll get yourself killed and no one will be there to save you.”
“I don’t need any one to save me, I’m perfectly fine by myself!”
Suddenly, I felt something pulsing through my blood, it was faint at first, then it grew stronger. It felt as though my very veins were expanding as large pulses ran through out them. The pulses became icy, and I gritted my teeth so I didn’t scream. The pulses became faster, and more intense, and just as I thought all my veins were going to burst, it stopped. I waited a second or two, and thought it was done, then it felt as though knives were stabbed into every inch of my body. I let out a soft whimper of pain, a tear forming in my eye as I bit my lip to stop from screaming.
“That’s a standard spell all unicorns learn in the last parts of the year for self defense. It leaves the victim paralyzed and in incredible pain, and that was only a mild version. Still think you’ll be fine by yourself,” he asked, glaring at me again.
The taste of blood seeped into my mouth, but his words seemed to sting me more, and I couldn’t take it any more. I pulled my legs close to me and kicked him as hard as I could in the stomach, letting all my anger and despair go with it. It ended up sending him into the wall on the other side of the room, and I swear I could hear the cracking of some bones.
I stood up, breathing deeply as tears streamed down my cheeks, and walked over to where he was. Without even thinking, a sword materialized in my arm and I held it up to his throat, my whole body trembling. He just looked up at me, not even a glint of fear in his eyes as a couple drops of blood fell from his lip.
“I don’t need you to go easy on me, and I don’t need any ones help. I’ve done fine by myself in the past, and I’ll continue to take care of myself. And if you ever touch me again, I will kill you. And if I ever see you here again, I will also kill you. Do we have an understanding,” I said, glaring at him as I breathed a little heavily.
He licked the blood off his lips, a mysterious smile on his face, and pushed my sword aside as he got to his feet. He stretched casually, walking back to the bathroom to get his clothes. When he came out, I had calmed down a bit, but not so much that you could talk to me with out an object being thrown at you or getting yelled at. I had expected him to leave, but instead he laid down on the couch, eating what ever was in his bowl.
“Did I not just tell you to leave, or are you deaf now.”
“Why should I be the one to leave, you don’t even belong here.”
The tone of his voice made it seem like he knew something I didn’t, which oddly seemed to calm me down as I wondered what he could possibly know. I stood there, my sword still at hand, studying him. There was something different about him, as if he housed a secret that no one could know of.
“There’s more ramen in the pot if you’re hungry,” he said. I blinked, trying to comprehend what he said. Then it finally dawned on me that he was talking about what he was eating, and I realized I was starving because I hadn’t eaten dinner. I gave him a suspicious look and went into the kitchen to fetch a bowl and some food.
While I was in the kitchen I took a look around. It looked as though he continually restocked the refrigerator and cabinets, and there were a lot more types of food than I had ever put in there. Ignoring the pot on the stove, I continued walking around the kitchen. Then, I noticed a door that I had never put there.
I looked over my shoulder to make sure he wasn’t watching me, and I’m not quite sure why I did this, because this was my house after all. As I further examined the door, I realized that the door knob was painted on, and not actually there. I ran my fingers over the frame of the door itself and found that none of it was actually there. It was just a painting on the wall that was enchanted to look as though it cast shadows upon itself.
“That’s so cool...” I murmured to myself, continuing to lightly run my fingertips over the art work. I sighed softly, about to turn away from the faux door, when I felt some one gently press their hand over mine. I quickly looked up and saw it was Tomoshibi, he didn’t seem to be paying any attention to me in particular, but I still turned bright red.
“You know.. it really is there,” he said, staring at the door.
“What are you talking about,” I asked. “It’s just a play of art, it’s not a real door.”
“Are you sure about that?” he asked, quickly glancing at me with a mysterious look in his eye. This just confused me more, but when I looked back at the door, it seemed different. He gently ran my hand over the door again, and this time it really was there, I could feel every crease and crevice of it, and the shadows weren’t just paint.
He carefully placed my hand on the door knob and turned it, pushing the door open. I took a step forward and was a bit blinded at first due to the dull lighting of my house.
That's all that I've written so far x3 | |
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Friday, February 4, 2005
President Bush of the United States is attempting to ban anime in the states. This is completely unjust and we need to fight this injustice and save our anime! Tehy've formed a petition online and I only recently learned of this, but we need to act fast and stop President Bush from banning our anime!
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
Happy or Sad?
I finally got my DNAngel DVD's i ordered, whoot whoot! It's the entire DNAngel series on DVD, only its in japanese and its got English subtitles. I LOVE DNANGEL! 3 DVD set and it cost me $25 ^^;; my dad said i didn't have to pay the whole $36. I believe theres 26 episodes in all, so cool! Now for the thing that might spoil my oh so wonderful mood. I got into this fight with my mom last night because I've been wearing clothes from Hot Topic. I was wearing these black pants with green stitching that had a bunch of buckles and zippers on it, a green fishnetish shirt, only not fishnet, and a Hatebreed hoodie over it. So now she thinks I'm going to turn into one of those people who smokes and does drugs and drinks. And she thinks I'm going to ruin my life. She thinks she knows so much about me, but she doesnt. I think Kura-chan knows the most about me out of all my friends. And he lives in freaking New York! Any way, she thinks society wont accept me this way. Oh yeah, and she said that they wont see the ''smart, nerdy, pretty, girl that has no friends'' or something like that. Basically, she said I was a nerd and that I had no friends, I have such a wonderful mother -.- anyway, enough writing, later
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
Have you ever felt as though you were completely useless? That you can't even help your friends, especially when they need you most? Especially when it's some one you really care about, and you would do anything just to make them feel better. Yet there's nothing you can do, so then what good are you? What if the only redeeming quality you have is the ability to make others laugh? I just can't stand how useless I am, I can't even help the one I love when he's had a horrible day. And what's worse is he ends up being the one to comfort me! Just because I'm a baby and can't take not being helpful, well, if I feel that bad just hearing about it, how must he feel when it actually happened to him. Am I that selfish that I never even considered that before getting all depressed because I couldn't help!? No, I didn't. But what use is it if we're both depressed, how would that help me cheer him up? *sigh* and here i go complaining again, well, i have to go eat dinner any way...
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
W00t, 1 week to Christmas and I can't wait! I'm getting the new Kingdom Hearts game and a bunch of manga books! And I was in this big fight thing with Kurama cause I thought he was lying to me, and it's funny cause it only took 2 days to resolve the whole thing My friends have issues, and I'll be the first to admit it. But that's ok, I love them any way. And I was cleaning my room today, so now you can actually walk through it! w00t! one week till Christmas! Happy Holidays all!
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Saturday, November 20, 2004
I got a bunch of new manga books in the mail yesterday so I'm soooo happy, but one of them was defective so I want to see if I can trade it in at a store. It was Kare Kano 7 cause I ordered 7-11, theyre soo cool! But after reading them last night i got totally depressed because it's a romance series and I miss Kurama ;-;
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Lost in Confusion
ok, lots of stuff to talk about just cause i can. i went to NYC to see the broadway Beauty and the Beast for French class, it was so totally awesome! i mean come on, who cares if i had to miss one little soccer game to go see it? its not like it would have made a difference if i was there. then the soccer season ended on friday, which is super cool. we had our last game that day, and i was about to blow up at our ''star player'' because i cant stand her any more. then i slept over my friends house on friday, after going to the mall with my sister. when we were out i bought 3 new mangas, kare kano 5+6 and shutterbox, and a pair of black fuzzy earings. then the next day at my friends house, her friends came over and i was playing a video game. and me being stupid as i am, started talking with an accent, then all three of us were, i was france, the friends house i was over was australia, and her friend was britain, then we got into this whole big war, it was so funny! then i went toting with Saru-Chan, i was a cheerleader from hell, i always have great costumes, and she was an elf with a red cape. it was so funny, she screamed like, 3 times while we were out XD then last night i finally got to talk to Kurama, cause i never get to talk to him any more. but of course it ends in disaster. he said hed brb cause his dad wanted him for something, well, he came back an hour later then signed off, and didnt even say a word to me, that hurt so much ;-; then i get all pissy and am in a bad mood for the rest of the night when i was in such a good mood earlier, damn sugar rushes, and i end up locking myself in my room after dinner and crying until my sister comes upstairs. i obviously cant cry in front of my sister or any one else in my family, theyll worry too much. so then my mom comes in later and asks if im all right because i stormed off to my room after snapping at my sister earlier, so of course i lie and say everythings fine, then i went and read in my brothers room til 10 and spent all day today alone and bored because Saru-Chan was supposed to come over but never did and i could never get in touch with her. so here i am online writing this, and hoping that i can catch Kurama on some time today which doesnt seem likely to happen... Oh yes, one more thing to add. i lost my glasses, lucky me right! now my moms mad at me for that and she wont believe that the ghosts in our haunted house took them! and now i might actually need them because i still cant see $|-|!7 including my guide. im just the luckiest person in the world ._.'
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