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In my own world, no one else is allowed in though.
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Real Name
I am the forgotten neko.. so just call me neko chan or kittey
um.. being alive?
Anime Fan Since
7th grade, go me!
Favorite Anime
yu yu hakusho, Kurama is sezzy!
my goal is to make people happy! (NC: yes, that sounds so gay...)
i like to draw, write, play video games, and watch anime :D
people say i have talents, but i find it hard to believe
| Neko-Chan666
Saturday, January 7, 2006
lotion is evil o.o

So, I went over mah friends house, let's call her Jill. So Jill and me went on gia cause I wanted ta show her some stuff, so then she's like, let's go fishing. So I buy some bait and we go fishing, she casts for me everytime cause whenever I cast I didn't get anything -_- Anyway, we were doing the multiplayer one with some weird people, then I was pretending that Jill was my girlfriend. Jill wasn't very nice to me, she kept squirting out a little lotion so it was on the top, then she'd put it on me, I was being attacked by lotion! Then she tried to force feed me dried fruit. And when I was trying to avoid the lotion, I ended up falling out of the chair a couple times and I hit my head on her beadpost too. Then we went to another board which was supposed to be truth or dare. This idiot, we'll call her baka, was there, and there was this other guy, we'll call him money, and this other guy, we'll call him xeoin. Ok, so baka and money liked each other, and they were so annoying. I couldn't stand baka and was mean to her, then she's all like, my grandma died and I can't stop crying. So I was all like, god I don't care, no one wants to listen to you be depressed, but I didn't actually send that. So then we started playing truth or dare again and baka dares money to make out with any one in the room, and he makes out with her which is so obvious. And she's all like, thank you, and then she blushes, they're so retarded. Ok, so Jill was attacking me with lotion again, and some of it got on the keyboard, right between the 8 an 9, so she starts cleaning it out with a fork. In the process she hits the numbers several times, so I send that to the chat. Then the guy xeoin starts doing it too and they have this number battle and the people there hate me even more and start ignoring me, then Jill and xeoin start licking each other, and then they start making out and having sex in the chat room, but Jill needs me to come up with half the things to write because she can't come up with sexy things to write. It was very funny, though. Then I had to leave and I was like, btw, Jill has a bf and I'm a lesbian and no one really cared, and I was like, Jill if I get kicked off gaia for that I'm blaming you. And yeah, when I wetn home I had to take a shower because I was covered in lotion and some of it was in my hair. Oh, and the lotion I was covered in I had given to her for christmas x3
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