Birthday 1989-11-28 Gender
Female Location so far away you never knew it existed [lol binki!] Member Since 2005-09-08 Occupation shinigami and lover lover of theives Real Name dib
Achievements i live Anime Fan Since birth Favorite Anime [at the moment Zero no Tsukaima!] Goals to become a better person Hobbies anime...doi Talents stagnating neko-dib
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hey there, can't chat very long...just came to add a fan-pic ~~~yea yea go check it out! Went to school today, that i did. Guess what i've returned to find there? For valentines day they are selling roses, each color means something, like red is i love you, yellow friends forever, yea and some other stuff. There's a blue one that means somethin like 'if water were infinate, you'd be like the ocean?' one else get's it either. I think the flowers are delivered with a message from sender, and they are given to recipient on V-day! I thought it was so cool to here this whole fund raiser kuz well, it's kinda strait from Imadoki? Ever read it? So cute!
Today we also performed an autopsy [i'm not even sure if that's how you spell it] in A&P. We had to put on masks and gloved and goggles to do this autopsy on....a pickle. The teacher was like: 'You'll have to inspect the organs, like the heart and brain, of your patient. It was so stupid. I can tell you what though, my pickle died of a low pH level.
I better go do the HW before i fall asleep. Daijoubu desu.... I'll make it... I feel like i haven't slept for weeks. Weird huh?
Hey! Long time no see eh? To make up for my lack of committment I'll make this post EXTRA long! [as if they werent long enough already!] Mwuahaha! Can you make it to the end??
No FAIR! I want my own shinigami to fall in love with!!!! WAAAAAAAAAH!! TT
Duo: Hey! What am i here for!? *flashes marriage certificate*
DUo: *sniff* ='(
Him aside,
Full Moon is sooo Cute! I can't wait for the next book that comes out in april! Oh with my Izumi-kun on front i can't wait!!! But WHY WHYYYYY is Izumi-kun holding Mitsuki like that!??! O_o WHYYYYYYYyyy!? Eichi should be the only one Mitsuki should hold like that! Am i wrong?? Eh???? Beside takuto DEFINATELY can't have her!! TAKUTO's MINE MINE MINE!!! Hehe!!! BUt Ta-kun and Mi-ki are sooo cuuuuuuuuute!
I had decided that I definately like Izumi better in the MANGA than in the anime. In the Anime he's just a big meanie. But not really, come round the end [i'm talking the last episode] and he's soo sweet!
I also decided that i DEFINATELY love Meroko better in the ANIME than in the manga. In the anime she is so NOT a big meanie! =3 She's so cute i love meroko! She's so much better in the anime it made me cry!
But NONE can compare to my TAKUTO!!! My lovely little neko-kun! He's the best!!! THE BEST I TELL YOU!!! [eichi-kun too but considering his current condition...well i guess takuto is in a similar WEll Shinigami's are cooler!]
AND SO! To confess my love to Ta-kun for the 58th time, i will celebrate ALL THAT IS NEKO!!![or represents something neko hehe]
This is REALLY neko-ish!! MWuaheehee!!! This is from Black Cat, a new and hard to download show! It's confusing to me so i can't exactly explain what it's about...but i like it! It's a fairly serious show so this ending theme is SUPER funny when first seeing it after the show. Hmm how would you compare it? It would be like putting this after witch hunter robin or something...well maybe not witch hunter robin but oh well! You don't have to see the show to watch the neko-kuns!
and just cuz i luv em:
i REALLY love him->
You know, I think that's the best anime compared to manga. Full Moon's ANime is SOOOO cute, and it's NOTHING like the books! I CRIED [and still am] From watching the anime! I HIGHLY doubt the books will end that way! But i wouldn't mind if they did! AHHHHH so sweet
Yea, so wanna know what i'm up to? eh? eh? Well here's a glipse...its not complete so OF COURSE it looks funky. I made it small so you can't see it all that well! haha[smart aren't i!] It's a guy from black cat!
Heres a lil pic of him, without the hat tho:
Yea he kinda reminds me of this guy:
Ah maybe you get it maybe you dont...
Hai! Shall i call it quits now? Ne i dare say i shall not!
You know why??? BECAUSE I HAVENT SPOKEN TO MY DEAR FRIEND FREAKO IN 24 HOURS!!! WAAAAAAAH!!! and because of this, i post a very personal post just for her!
dib[kay-chan?]: Yeah! Did *whprwhpr* come too Momiji-kun???
Momiji: Hai! We'll surprise her later!!!
Momiji&dib: YEAYEAYEAYEA HOTSPRINGS HOTSPRINGS HOTSPRINGS!!! ~Superty Duperty Fun!~All for all is One~ YIP YIP!
dib-chan: Shigatsu-chan this is JUST FOR YOU! a Gift from me and momiji-kun!
*momiji wildy jumps about singing ~lalalalalalala~*
Kyo: What are you two being so loud for?*-_-;
*momiji and keira stop and stare at the unexpected kyo*
Dib: WAAAH! I'm so sorry Neko-san! I'll be quiet now for sure! Just for you Neko-san!
Momiji: Yea! Kyo's here tooo! n___n Nyaahahahaha!
Freako: eh?!
Yuki: Well should we go and put our stuff in our rooms?
Dib: Yuki!? You were here this whole time!!! I NEVER NOTICED YOU! *GASP* .............
Freako: Eh?!!
Momiji: HAHA! Kay-chan said she wouldn't talk remember! Oh no!!! Will Nasty Kyo Every forgive her!?!
Dib: ........*shakes head franticly and bows before kyo repetitively*
Kyo:, um ... It's...ok? idiot...
Freako: Eh, um...What's this all about again Kay-chan?
Dib: We thought you could use a mental breather!
Yuki: To be honest I could too
Kyo&dib: .... damn rat ... who cares
Yuki: =( nobody *tear*
Momiji: I DO YUKI!!!!! <3
Tohru: EH?! Th,th,th,that's terrible!!! Yuki-san i care about you! *blush* *blush*
~awkward silence {kyo:he could die for all i care}~
Shigure: <3 Well I certainly DON't care n___n <3 <3
Momiji&Dib: Suprise!!! The Shii pair unite!!! A super surprise for Shigatsu and Gure-san!
Shigure: *all teary eyed* Shi-chan, they didn't tell me YOU'D be here!!!! <3 *hug*
crazy onsen lady who is mitchan-san's mother: Now that everyone is here, let's go get your room's situated. *gasp* SOOOOOOOOORRYYYYYYY to INTEEEEERUUUUUUUPT!!!! gomenasai gomen asai!!!
Kyo: Oh shut up and show us to our damn rooms already!
Dib: YEA! XP -the kyo posse-
Shugure: Now now, it's nothing to worry about Keira-chan is just in love! You know what it's like to feel in love don't you? .*.*ShIgUre ChArM*.*. =)
crazy onsen lady who is mitchan-san's mother: *blush* Yes well... I'm sorry. Follow me please.
Shigure: Well i think you two are a cute couple!
Dib: *blush* you think so?
Freako: Yup! I AGREE!
Momiji: I think Kyo and Kay-chan are a GREAT couple! What do you think?
Tohru: Hai! Um, well, ano, a, i agree! *giggle*
Yuki: I agree... I'm so glad that damn cat has found some other form of amusement rather than being stupid and bent against me.
Kyo: ************GRRRR********
Dib: See Kyo-kun! EVERYONE thinks we're a great couple!<3
Freako: Yea yea, me and shigure are better.
Shigure: .*.*shigure charm*.*. Of COurse We are!
Dib: Ah! Shii-sama! Such confidence and charisma! *_* So Coool! And your a really good novelist! Is it true that you really wrote that horror book with the cockroach in the glass storie?
Shigure: Oh yea read that! Tell me tell me!!! What did you think of it hey? =^______^=
Freako: *twitch* You actually *twitch* read his stuff???
Yuki: All of his books are trash, you should burn them.
Dib: OiOi! Not ALL of his books are about THAT stuff! Haru-kun recommended a select few too me, he said they were just about nonsence, but i thought they were really really fun books to read! Right gure-sama? And some were just your regular romance novels!
Kyo: What are you doing hangin out with haru anyway?
Freako: Didn't you know she hangs out with everybody*sigh*
Dib: eh?!
Shigure: Haru does read some of my books...
Dib: ~a mystery~ haha!
Tohru: You sounded just like HatsuHaru san! Haha!
Ayame: HELLOOOO everyone! As much as i know you want to hear AAAALL about ME, I simply MUST tell you the lastest news!
Gure: No, that's kinda sacred
Aya: Yes, please don't
Dib: Xp meanies
Aya: With Out FUrther ADEU!! This tale i will tell will bring out ALL of your emotions! Happiness! Sorrow! It is bound to freighten you with it's mysterious atmosphere! Ne, It will have your mind goingin circles!
Tohru: I'm kinda already in circles @_@;;;
Aya: The romance, Oh the beauty! Only something as so powerful as the loss of ones daughter at the hands of her lover, who wasn't french at all, but a rebel in the civil war between ancient societies of the natives, and to think she was his only child and heir to the kingdom!
Kyo: Ya know, my head kinda hurts...
Dib: NO! I"VE HEARD THIS STORY!!! =D Just recently!!
Aya: MY! You are a quite well informed individual! What shall i call you?
Dib: I am Keira Diburu, pleased to meat you*bow* you must be ayame-san?
Freako: So what's this story?
Aya: HARK! I canot possibly tell the story in the silvery mysts of someone who has already had it stream through their ears!
Dib: Actually i was there! ^_^
Aya: !!! You must tell! Even though i could tell it in the light of being there just as well and with so much more fun...go right ahead!
Dib: Eh, Oh in the haunted restaraunt of Aunt Jenny's [hehe i saw this two seconds ago] There were a group of people taking pictures on their digital cameras and ghosts showed up on the camera when they took them. I have a copy of one of the many pictures they took, it's weird you can even see the gohsts' faces, there were like three of them sitting around the table with the people in the bar. Hehe
Aya: *yawn* Well that was unsurprisingly simple. I told you i could have told it better.
Kyo: I would've liked her version of any story over yours. -_-;;;
Aya: Well what are you all doing here anyway?
Shigure: We're all here for Shigatsu-chan!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED~~~
Dib:WAAAAH!? But we didn't even go in the hot springs?!?! It can't be over YET!!!??? WE WERE HAVING SO MUCH FUN!!!
SHigure: Now Now we can wait till next time can't we?
~it's quiet in the dark apartment room, he picks a sticky post-it off of the fridge. 'she must have left this here' He thought. On the yellow sheet, in sloppy handwriting, she wrote:
It's on short notice, but we need girltime! Going with Shii-chan to a spa hotspring for the weekend! See ya when i get back! ^_~*
~~Much love XOXOXXXX
*you can hear wind blowing as a tumbleweed passes*
"Somehow *tear* I feel very alone"
*fall curtain*
Shii-Chan this is for you! a gift:
Oi! I bet you didn't beleive me that i'd make this post EXTRA long! HA!!! You should beleive more more often then!!!
THis post being especially long means that i may never post again!!! or shall i?
TODAY is the DAY!!!!
For what you ask??? Yea i don't know either... nyeh.
Ohayo gaimasu! How are you all this fine [cold, cruel, and evil] morning? I won't tell you how I'M doing, that would just be too mean. xp
So i watched all the rest of Gravitation... Yuki is a sweetheart, shuichi's still annoying[so is ryuichi], Hiro still has the different hair, BUT THEY ARE ALL ALIVE! X3 I really did think it was cute, I think Ryuchi is my favorite [harhar], and poor poor sexy Eiri-kun... oh he brought me to tears!
I've also watched ALOT of Fullmoon wo Sagashite! So kawaii!!! Takuto is MINE MINE MINEMINE!! Xo [meroko is so cool!]
I've also been downloading something in SECRET! *glanceglance;;;;* I won't tell you what it is! NYA! xp I'll give you a hint though:
1. It twas the best show ever to come on tv!
2. It's not an anime *HARK!*
There that's enough clues, *sigh* gave away to much already! Oh! I forgot, if could possible tell me what your favorite kinda anime schoolguy is like [including physical characteristics] that'd be an awesome thanks!
I was gunna put one of the openings to bleach on here [one of the zillionth] but...i found something better
Okay to be honest i laughed REALLY HARD when i first saw this. *blink* I think i would die if i actually went to a concert and they started doing a Bleach thingy. It's freakin awesome! I was kinda amazed at how they actually look like the characters[with the exception of Ichigo, rukia]
Just in case you were wonderin, i love these guys:
Rukia's brother, Byakuya
[he's so cool after he's done being mean!]
Renji [just like ichigo]:
Can't remember his name but he's all about ice:
[oh i guess the kid's name is Toushirou! so kawai]
urahara [only the best of the best!]
Urahara is my favorite i think! Right along there with the Ichi himself!
Yes i'm definately fealing the BLEACH vibe! I just got to watch my 66th episode that took me forever to find! THEY'Re MOD-SOULS I TELL YOU! kyeehee! Ok here's the opening that's been stuck in my head!
I'm gunna work on a duo theme... God help me with that! Maybe i should just do bleach! nah i'll do bleach AFTER gundam wing...
So nevermind about that two weeks at school business, I got sick this mornin'. I was all ready for school, then i get all barfy and can't speek two seconds without coughing up a storm. My stomach is sore from coughing so much. I watched full moon all day... Then some Chrono crusade... Now i decide i'm gunna draw a picture of chrono. OO i did go to WinnDixie today where they have a coin star! I got 25 dollars today! Yeaaa! Comments (2) |
LOOKY LOOKY AT THE WALLPAPER I MADE!!!! i set it as my background! It's the first and only wallpaper i've ever made! yei! Sure, i'm gunna miss Urahara-sama and everyone, but i'm not really fealin' hyped over a certain why display an anime i'm not feelin! Therefore it's ALL ABOUT ME! HA! I've decided to put *Neko-dib in a comic i have to make! AHhh i have it SOO planned out and ready to draw, unfortunately i haven't started drawing yet! KNowing me i probably wont start till never... Anyway i just finished making that wallpaper, and now its 2:53AM and i have school today! I went to school everyday last week...let's see if i can break the record and make it two weeks!
~ OO on a side note i DIDN't FAIL ALgebra II!!! It seemed i tried so hard to! But i got an unexpected 'C'. YEs!!! Oh happy day! well gotta get some sleep. Goodnight! Have a good day! Just like i will *bah*
and so
I've changed my beloved avatar. Oh how i thought i'd never change my hiei avi! I made this one though..i made it real quick and it's not done! Kase you didn't though the girl in it is my little icon! She's mine so no stealing her! ^_~ She IS neko-dib! with out the cat ears she's just Dib, so there!
On another note, yesterday i missed a day...just wiped clean off the calendar. I fell asleep when i got home and woke up at 7 this morning. I would have been late for school, but i had fallen asleep in my uniform so all i had to do was brush my hair,teeth, put on the makeup and i was there! Too bad i didn't do any of my homework =( Now my grades continue to decrease... how sad. I watched the very end of Maburaho today! Kawaii! I also watched the first three episodes of bleach with the mother...I think she likes anime... how weird @_@ My mom watches anime and my dad's in a band...Wouldn't be so weird if they both weren't over fourty. Comments (0) |
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
I'll vent on you! I promise you i will! grrr
Hey...been a while ne? Yes, friday my brother flew off to iraq. He's not in the military or anything so nothing dangerous is goin on. But anyway this was friday morning and we had to meet him at the airport...meaning i missed schoool. When i got back my Anatomy teacher yelled at me and said that if i was going to frequently miss school i'd have to take another class. I was like ... *blink* "I'm sorry my brother went to iraq and...we kinda wanted to see him off" She totally changed her attitude! Biatch! But yea, been busy with school work yada yada... I hate it Xp But i'll tell ya what i DON'T hate!!! I don't hate BLEACH! ~the theme song has been stuck in my head all day! ^__^ People start lookin at me weird when i start singin in japanese... Oh well! I was gunna change my background and theme to somethin else...but i decided today that i like my background and don't feel like parting ways with it yet! I taught myself how to play one of the naruto ending themes the other day! YEaI!
As of today i have downloaded all of Maburaho [super cute, super funny!] and up to episode 65 of Bleach [ah soo many episodes -_-;] Now i don't know what else to download! Any suggestions? so far i have:
gravitation[lol O_o]
chrno crusade
witch hunter robin
elfen lied[...]
cardcaptors ^_^
samurai x
gundam wing
case closed
...umm i dunno what else ihave ~_~ but i would love *cough*cough* recommendations for any other!
okay this has been all super long, and it's because i don't wanna do my homework! I WILL DO IT! yes i need you all to help encourage me not to drop out cuz i'm a thin line short of bein kicked outta school! [like i got kicked out of the movies this weekend =( ]
So..gotta do that essay i've been avoiding -_-
daijoubu desu! [but not really]
I'd sure hate to break down here
Nothin up ahead or in the rearview mirror
Out in the middle of nowhere knowin
I'm in trouble if these wheels stop rollin
So God help me keep me movin somehow
Dont let me start wishin I was with him now
I made it this far without cryin a single tear
And I'd sure hate to break down here
man i hate what get's stuck in my head sometimes [btw that's from a country song ^_^ People hit me when i sing country! But i love ALL types of music...literally i'm serious.
OKay so i know i already posted today...but this im important!
OKay so you've seen Ninja of the Night right? You know that awesome video of Naruto that is absolutely hilarious? If not i'll show you later...
And for those who haven't seen the real ninja of the night...laugh your head off some more!