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Sunday, January 15, 2006
OKay...so me and my friend made up! I still feel terrible about it though! Yea, my mother has been sick all weekend and i've had to take care of her and the kids. I wanted to hang out with my friends this weekend too! But i guess that's just being selfish. She shows no signs of getting better though! XO I can't take it! It's stressful! I haven't seen my papa in soo long now either! T.T I wan't to see him! I txt him on the phone to tell him the mother of his children was sick and he just said 'nurse her' Not an Awww or i'm sorry! He's a big avoident meanie! Xp
~ GOOD NEWS IS: My uncle and his family, that have been living with us and criticizing our every moves along with rearranging things around the house to make it feel like their own so they can gain control, haven't come home in TWO WHOLE DAYS! They haven't spoken a word to us either! It's a blessing i tell you! SATAN AND HIS CREW HAVE GONE!!!! I hope they NEVER come BACK! MWuahahaha!
*ahem* Okay i'm done~
-ja ne
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Friday, January 13, 2006
I am utterly ashamed of myself...
What kind of friend am i? Would you like to know what kind of friend i am? A HORRIBLE one! SO STAY AWAY FROM ME! Here's the story:
My bestest friend in the whole wide world was to move to a far and distant place. I would be crushed. Well, yesterday i was in the middle of my dosing nap when the phone appeared before me. It was my dearest friend Shigatsu. Tired, i ask her what she's doing. She responds oh I'm Eating! I say 'oh.' I was tired and didn't care much for details about food. She responds 'uh, you don't care?' Honest, i say No, not really.' An awkward silence follows. 'I gotta go feed the dogs i'll talk to you later!' Our conversation was over. Little did i know i had brought her to tears and gently made her ever hurtful day worse. I was later informed that she was not MOVING! I shot down her joyful glee that we both should have shared in that single moment. Never have i felt worse. I apologized and explained that when half-asleep i don't listen very well. And so, a video to express my utter shame and regret.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
And so...
I didn't go to school today. Man i'm a horrible person. But you know why i didn't go? Because i can't seem to move my neck. Yesterday i found it hurt to swallow, but my throat doest hurt. But i'll tell you what i found! I FOUND A LUMP of some sort behind my right tonsel. I was gunna go to the doctor cuz the lump kinda makes my throat hurt... But i hate doctors so i refuse. My mom makes me gargle some nasty stuff...yesterday it was hot salt water, today its some nasty concoction of hers with spicy stuff. >:( Makes me kinda relate to fullmoon! You know how mitsuki and takuto had a sarcoma lodged in their throat! I think i'd be happy if it were that! Haha i doubt it tho... Don't worry about me i'm not in pain... only some random times when i swallow. Anywhos... i guess i'll go. @_o <-thats my new favorite face!
Oh here's a quiz i took...its kinda depressing tho =(
 You are Innocent- You have never had sex and you don't really plan on it. You are completely oblivious to when a guy comes on to you. You are sweet and look quite childish and that is why guys like you.
What anime girl resides in you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
and the subject is...
Hello... Yes it's been a while since i've actually posted. My bad! Hey! Exams are this week! Bah! I know for certain that this kid ~[yours truley] Will fail Algebra II. There's no way around it. I'm doomed to retake the course again...i will be demoted to 'the dumb class.' No longer will i receive the extra credit of the all-mighty its so important you hardly notice the difference 'honors class.' Ha! For all you people who'll get in trouble for failing a class i feel for you! HA! I can't help but LAUGH in you misery! HAHAHA! For you see...this one ~[yours truley] never receives any punishment what-so-ever! My parents' punishing spree ran out somewhere on child # 3...lucky for me i'm child #5! Mwuahaha! *_*
Okay that aside, did i tell you've i've stumbled upon a new anime craze... yes This time its BLEACH! But even so....that was so last week ago...i've seen 42 episodes and i have a few left before i have to download more... Bleach is slowly being replaced with CHRNO CRUSADE in my addiction veins. Blah! I dunno...Chrno Crusade is like...sorta religious...and i've been hearing the ghosts in my house talking to me once i started watching it. Its NOT Chrno's fault though! I love him! XD
 Orihime,don't let your hair color fool you,your a blonde at heart.Even in the ditsy state you have you are a kind caring individual.But your Shunshun-Rikka-- (aka the six priencess sheilding flowers) like to fight. You ususally have a split personality, kind and gentle one minute and ready to kill someone the next. Any Ichigo would fall for you no problem.
What BLEACH character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Took this bleach quiz. She's so crazy i love her! Orihime's my favorite! [along with everyone else]
Heres another random one...got nothin to do with anime tho!
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
OK so it turns out i DIDN't have school today! Alright!!!! School is the one thing i hate the most Xp Bad thing is i have to go tomorrow! But at least i'm prepared! Anyway what i want to request from anyone who reads this is:
How do i make my own avatar? ANd maybe buttons as well?
Either way i'll figure it out! JUST YOU WAIT!
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Monday, January 2, 2006
Hey sooo how's everything goin'? Happy NEW year!!!! What's your resolution? HMMM mine is to
Stary dream #1: GO TO SCHOOL TOMORROW [doubt that'll happen]
Stary Dream #2: Go to school the next day, and the next day as well! [I'm the kid that never shows up #n_n# ]
Stary Dream #3: Lose Weight! How and when who knows!?
Stary Dream #4: Draw a GOOD picture of KYo-Kun from furuba
Stary Dream #5: Actually do waht i make lists to do for...
OK thas enough for me to do!
oh yea: GET A JOB!
[I'm supposed to go work this weekend tho ^_~]
He he havent watched the x-files in a while but i'm so all about it..."because it just rocks that way!"
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Ok...so i'm back... *gulp* I've been avoiding actually changing my site cuz i didn't really want to! *sigh* but i guess i'm gunna have to sooner or later. =( Well if i can't remember how i can very well do it can i! But i guess i'll go give it a shot. Fat chances on my changing my avitar! I LOVE MY AVI!!!! >=p
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
Well im going home today...sigh<
>bummer#1>I dont think i'll be able to watch naruto...
>bummer#2>I *gulp* may never be able to be on this website again!!!
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Friday, September 9, 2005
SO tired....im probably going back home tomorrow. Going home BEFORE naruto comes on. We got power and water back, but my cable's still out due to hurricane katrina. I'll probably try and get one of my friends to record it for me. What would you do in that situation? I mean, i've seen around 130 episodes of naruto in japanese [and i can't picture naruto with an english voice] and you have no idea what excitemount mounted within me when i heard it would be coming on my own tube! now i fear i may miss it. Oh well. Darn for me. I can't wait to go home on the Mississippi coast. I like staying here with my sister and her family, but i feel like i'm stuck in a refugee camp. There are 11 of us staying in one household. A tiny household at that. I sleep on this large chair that is comfortable, but i never knew my spine could bear 8 hours of sleep in a 45degree angle. It doesn't end there. At around 6 in the morning. I have my neice and nefew screaming and poking at me while i try to drown out the sound of their yelling mother. "LUKE!!! GET OUT OF THAT ROOM KAYLA AND EILEEN ARE TRYING TO SLEEEEEP!" I miss school though. News is that it reopens on the 19th, so i'll be able to return to a bit of normalcy. Even when i do go back home, there are more people staying at my house because there's washed away. I don't mind them though, no small children involved. Besides the 5 of us that live in our house, company will include 6 others, and 3 more come to eat dinner with us every night. Yes, dinner time is fun, one big bar-b-que! Now we have power so things are back to normal, except the people living with us until their house is rebuilt. It's all good! I might go stay with my sister in baton rouge, louisiana this week. She's kinda freaked out over there by herself. She calls everyday on the verge of tears. The worst part of the hurricane for my family was actually going to the beach that first day [before the 24 hour curfew] and seing all our restaurants gone, and seing the whole coastline wiped away. Even through all the disaster, it has brought my family together. =) Lots of love within the tragedy! It's still my home and we will make it better!
oo! CHECK OUT THESE VIDEOS! My friend joseph made them:
and this ones happier:
They are really good! I'm proud of him! ^__^
Huh...i wonder if you can just add links?? Oh well i'll figure this out later!
I am SOoOo bumbed right now. I'm in the smallest, creepiest town in geogia. It's sooo small. Their mall has like 5 stores. Their bookstore had a manga section that had a total of like...30 books maybe. None of them i don't have! So i sigh and await my return back home, where there is a B&N and WaldenBooks. I can buy anime at those places. OOOO!!! i forget! maybe i can download the next episode of DNAngel on this computer! i think i'll go try!
**Favorite song of the moment**
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
My chibi's!!!
Take a look at my new babies!!!

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