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College Student/Work
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You can call me Neko
I have every episode of YYH but thats not really an achievement ^^;
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho, HunterxHunter, Ruroni Kenshin, Fruits Basket, Naruto, Case Closed/ Detective Conen, DragonBall/Z, Full Metal Alchemist, Prince of Tennis, and Trigun I think that's it (Not really in any particular order but YYH is my fav
Becoming a cartoonist, or voice actor... and meeting Chuck Huber >.>
Drawing, watching and memorizing anime, reading manga, fixing up my websites, listening to music, listening to Commentary's with Chuck Huber in them :-D
Drawing... and that talent isn't all that good either lol
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Friday, March 4, 2005
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Oh yeah I'm diffently not showing depression anymore, even though I may still have strong signs of it. I think I was really happy today, even though I was tired... I didn't get adgitated with no one and I even drew a pic of one of my friends and then gave it to him, he didn't even ask if he could have it, I just gave it to him, which is rare for me to do. I usually don't let anyone look at my sketchs from class just the ones that I draw at home are usually seen by my friends. I've been online ever sence I got home from school today ^^. And I haven't been forced or asked to get off once, I'm really shocked by that. My onii-san was really nice to me today and bought me some stuff from the gas station ^^. It was really nice of him, then he made me some food when we got home!!! But I don't think he's feeling well not cause he was nice, but because he was acting funny today. Today was one of my good friends from schools B-day, he just turned 18 ^^. I still got to draw him a pic from RK cause thats his fav anime ^^. Oh I just updated my other site so please go and answer the poll of the month if you would thank you ^^. If you want to go to my site click on the website thingy on the menu bar thing or go to
Rare- She's nice and for some odd reason we act like each other, well at least that's how it seems to me. Good friend and comments when ever she can ^^.
Well I think that's it for today. Have a marvelus day everyone ^^.
P.S. I won't be here on the weekend cause I'm going to my mom's again. So I hope you all have the best of weekends while I'm gone ^^.
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
I think I'm better ^^
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Hay everyone, how are you today? I'm feeling better then I was yesterday, and defenatly better then I was 2 days ago ^^. I may still have stronge signs of depression, but I an't going to let that drag me down ^^. Heck, I even ate today and everything, first pancakes, then spagetti o's, and then a really good dinner of a whole bunch of stuff!! I was at my mom's today so that pritty much explains why I got dinner tonight ^^. And I only took one nap today :). My sholder finally heald up, yay!!! I feel soo much better, and one of the main reasons I feel soo much better is cause of all of you who were there to help me out when I was feeling bad
Afro Jones- he's a good friend once you get to know him. He's usually very nice inless you get on his bad side, and his "fro logic's" are really cool ^^.
Well I think that's all for today, thanks for reading. Have a great day everyone ^^.
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
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Thanks everyone, you guys rock at cheering people up ^^. I didn't have school today so that was fun. Thats the only reason I like snow actually, but thats the last snow day we could take befor we have to start to make them up at the end of the year. I still haven't ate anything really today, only two oatmeal cream pies, and thats it. The hunger is actually starting to not bother me that much anymore so thats good. I was sleeping practicly all day :). It was fun. One of the times I woke up I found out a Likin Park music video marathone thingy was going on, on MTV2, but I missed most of it. Oh well. My sholder still hurts alittle bit, but other than that I'm just fine and dandy ^^.
spirit gun2- one of my other best friends on here. He's very nice and patient. He's a great friend and also has an awsome site ^^.
Ok I think that's it for today. I hope you all have a great day.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Another complaining post...
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Well today was good, not. I found out I have strong signs on depression and I think I pulled my sholder musle (sp?), again. Grr.. I hate Mondays. After school I came home and when't to sleep, I didn't even know I was that tired. I woke up around 9 pm then and now it's about 12:30 am and I'm tired again *sighs* so I guess I'll go to bed again soon. I'm probable not going to eat again tonight cause there is nothing to eat in our house, yet again. Of course I'm used to not eating that much at home, I usually only eat lunch inless dad makes diner, which wont happen any time soon. He's on second shift this week so he an't home till late at night. Well compaired to when he's usually home anyways. Oh well, nothing I can do about it, so why dwell on it. Sorry you had to listen to that. It seems like that's all I've been doing on here latly is complaining constantly and it's really buging me that you have to read it, so after today I don't really want to post that kind of stuff.
Mazokuurameshi- one of my best friends on here. He's a great friend and has an awsome website.
Well I want to thank every single one of you who read this. It makes me happy to know I have friends as kind as all of you, so thank you. I wish you all a great day, byes.
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
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Hehe, I don't really know what the laugh was all about I just wanted to do it XP. I'm all worn out and I'm really tired, I couldn't even take a nap cause I had to kid sit. And guess what, I'm still kid siting and it's 12:48 am and my dad said he would be home at 11 pm, grr... I hate it when he goes and gets drunk. Oh my dad said thanks for saying happy b-day to him ^^. I'm glad you all like my e-card I made, it was fun, but sad that it wouldn't get submitted, oh well. Inuyasha's interesting tonight ^^.
YokoBandit- she's a great person and a good friend and if you go to her site and sign up for it she will come and see who has the best site of the month or something like that. There is alot more to say about her but I don't want to waist your time so thats all.
Umm... I don't know what to say now... I'm too brain dead from being tired so I'll let you all go and I hope you all have a great day.
P.S. Can you guys put up seggestions of what you want the Jap. lesson to be about again, I'm compleatly out of idea's so please help me.
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
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Hiya every one ^_^. How is every one today? I'm board out of my mind at my house. I just filled out a thingy, I don't know what to call it, but it's right in the post below. So if you want to know a little bit more about me you can go ahead and look at it. Thanks for all the comments yesterday and all of the segestions about what I should draw. Today was my dad's B-day and it was ok, we had pizza for dinner the first real meal I've had in about a week ^_^. I ate 4 or 5 pices and 4 bread stix, it was really good. Well I found out my greeting would not go in soo I guess I'll just put it on here for all of you to see, besides it's kind of ment for all of my friends on here ^_^ well I hope you enjoy it

It's for all of you who take the time to come to my site, I feel lucky to have such good friends as you :). Oh and here is the person of the post
jasonvoorhees725- I don't really know that much about him but he's a good friend to me all the same, he usually visits everyday and leaves me a comment ^_^.
Yeah I know I didn't say much about him, but I still consider him a pritty good friend. Well anyways I hope to see you guys around and remember if you want to know more about me just look in the post below ^_^. I wish you all a great day and a good weekend ^^.
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Friday, February 25, 2005
A little bit about me
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Hehe, I know most of you probably wont see this, but I wanted to take it anyways just so you guys new a little bit more about me. I saw it on one of my friends sites and thought I would take it too :). Well I hope you enjoy getting to know me better ^_^.
The shoes you wore today: black
Your eyes: blue with gray around the puple
Your fears: bee's, knives and needles
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
Your most overused phrase on aim: I'm not sure
Your thoughts first waking up: that was a weird dream
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: i donno
Your best physical feature: my eyes I guess
Your bedtime: supost to be midnight but usually don't go to bed by it
Your most missed memory: I don't remember
-----------------YOU PREFER----------------
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's
Single or group dates: I donno
Chocolate or vanilla: Vinilla
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
-----------------DO YOU------------------
Smoke: No
Curse: Only in Japanese ;P
Take a shower everyday: usually
Have any crushes: *blushes* yeah
Who are they: N/A
Do you think you've been in love?: *shrugs* maybe
Want to go to college: Yeah
Like high school: ehh kind of
Want to get married: maybe
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: usually
Believe in yourself: sometimes
Get motion sickness: not that I know of
Think you're a health freak: No
Have parents/guardian: Yeah
Like thunderstorms: Oh yeah
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID / HAVE YOU--------------
Gone to the mall: no
Eaten sushi: no
Been on stage: no
Gone skating: no
Made homemade cookies: no
Dyed your hair: no
Cut your hair: no
Stolen anything: no
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
Flown on a plane: nope
Missed school because it was raining: only if school was cancled cause of it
Told a guy/girl that you liked him/her?: no never
Cried during a movie: don't think so
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: *blushes* yeah
Had an imaginary friend: no
Had sex: nope
Had crush on a teacher: no
Been called a tease: not that I know of
Gotten drunk: no
Gotten beaten up: no
Been in a fight: no
Shoplifted: I don't think so
-----------------THE FUTURE------------------
Age you hope to be married: *shrugs*
Number of children: max 3
Descibe your dream wedding: don't have one
How do you want to die: don't matter
What do you want to be when you grow up: a cartoonist, or voice actor
What country would you most like to visit: Japan!!
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
Best eye color: don't matter
Best hair color: don't matter
Short or long hair: perferable short but what ever
Best height: don't matter
Best weight: *shrugs*
Best first date location: does playing video games with them count as a date
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
Number of real friends: Aaa, 7 at most
Number of drugs taken illegally: none
Number of people you could trust with your life: 1 maybe 2
Number of CDs that I own: at least 10
Number of piercings: 2 one on each ear
Number of tattoos: none
Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper: I donno
Number of scars on your body: at least 8
Number of things in your past that you regret: I donno
Number of friends you've kissed: none
Number of people you've had sex with:
Shampoo: don't matter
Color(s): black, silver, blue, red
Day/Night: night
Summer/Winter: nither
Lace or Satin: I donno
Cartoon: Family Guy (amierican) Yu Yu Hakusho (anime)
Food: potatos
Sport: hockey
Bands: Aerosmith, Queen, Evanesence, Likin Park, and some others
Items you own: all the stuff in my room
Movie: lots
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: blue jeans, black Inuyasha shirt
Thinking about: anime
Drinking: nothing
Listening to: the tv
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-----------------
Cried: no
Worn jeans: yeah
Met someone new online: no
Done laundry: no
Had sex: no
-------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
Yourself: sometimes
Your friends: sometimes
Tooth Fairy: *shrugs*
Destiny/Fate: yeah sometimes
Ghosts: yup :)
-----------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
Do you ever wish you had another name: yeah sometimes
Wish you had a boyfriend or girlfriend: not really
Which one of your friends acts the most like you: I don't know most of my friends are the exact opposite of me
Are you close to any family member: yeah one
What's the best feeling in the world: to be loved
What time is it: 11:34 pm
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Hi ^^
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Hay everyone, how are all of you today? Hopefully good. I made a new e-card yesterday, but I'm not sure if it's going to get put up or not. I hope soo cause I made it for one of my good friends ^^. Yeah I agree with the one's of you that saw the YYH DVD, the third episode is kind of creepy, but oh well it didn't ruion the rest of the DVD. Well I'm really psyched about the next one that comes out it has the demon world touniment on it. I can't wait! I feel like drawing something from YYH, but I don't know what. If you have any segestions can you please tell me. I'm in a drawing mood, it's fun ^^. Thank about the concerns about my hand. It's amazingly almost heald, however that works, it must not have been as bad as I thought. Hmm... well thats good I guess at least I can weightlift tomarrow without hurting my hand ^^.
swtanimechick- she's a pritty good friend and visits me when ever posible. She usually posts alot of interesting things and has a quote and a question everytime she posts ^^. It also has nice background music, I thinkd it's from Inuyasha at the moment :).
Well that's it for today I hope you all have a great day ^^.
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
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Sorry I haven't been on in a cupple of day's and haven't checked out your sites. I tryed to get to them all, but to sucess. I'm going to just start going to the one's who comment first and then go to all of the others it will be much easier that way. Thanks for all of the comments you left, you guys are awsome ^_^. Ok the votes are in the the name that got the most votes was (drum roll).... Mayonaka! Thank you everyone who voted.
Well today when I was walking to school, I was just leaving my yard and going to step onto the side walk and I seen ice there and knew I was going to slip, but steped onto it anyways and can you guess what happend, I sliped. I caught myself befor anything got hert or anything, but my one hand was covered in mud so I took some snow and washed it off and was on my way. When I got to school I noticed my hand had two big gouges out of it and I kind of laughed cause I didn't notice it till I got to school. Today we got to pick out what classes we want for next year. I hope I get the ones I picked, but if I don't it's no biggie.
fox ressurected- She is the pick of the post ^_^. She was fomerly none as fox sister to those who don't know. Shes a good friend and like most of my friends she's a nice person :).
Oh I can't belive I almost for got to tell you guys, I seen the new YYH DVD and it's really cool! Not as good as the last one in my oppion, but I was still really good ^_^. I also get to see the three new movies that the creaters of spirited away and all of those other good movies made. I seen half of one of them and I was pritty good I liked it :). Well I'll stop rambling cause I'm sure my post is really long, for one of mine, by now. Well I wish you all a good day eveyone ^^.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
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mushi- insect
minku- mink
sakru- monkey
nezumi- mouse
ushi- ox
buta- pig
usagi- rappit
nezumi- rat
azarashi- seal
hitsuji- sheep
ebi- shrimp
hebi- snake
kumo- spider
suwan- swan
tora- tiger
hikigaeru- toad
suichimenchoo- turkey
kujira- whale
ookami- wolf
mushi- worm
Haha I got it up, it might have not been up yesterday, but I got it up. I would have posted it yesterday, but as usuall I got kicked off and was not able to get on in time to post it, but I got it posted, so no fear :D. Anyways the new YYH DVD comes out today and I'm so excited, were leaving to go get it early in the morning *jumps up and down* so if they are out of copys I think I might go on a killing rampage, j/p, naw I'll probably just be really PO'ed and not want to talk to anyone all day. Oh I almost forgot, I drew my second pic of yoko today, it was fun but he has alot of lines to his hair, lol. And about my comic that I'm drawing, when I get the first cupple of pages done and I go to my grandma's house I'll be sure to post um. Hay can you tell me what name you like more for a girl, Neko meaning cat or Mayonaka meaning midnight. You see, I can't decide what to name the girl in my comic and I like both names, so please tell me what one you like. Oh and here's two people in my post sence I didn't put it up yesterday.
sweetshnara16- a nice person who is usually cheery in her posts, a good friend.
Sakura Hyuuga- another nice person who has alot of quizes on her site at the moment ^_^.
Well that's it thanks for reading and I hope to see you all around. Don't forget to vote what name you like better, thank you. I hope you all have a wonderful day ^_^.
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