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You can call me Neko
I have every episode of YYH but thats not really an achievement ^^;
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Yu Yu Hakusho, HunterxHunter, Ruroni Kenshin, Fruits Basket, Naruto, Case Closed/ Detective Conen, DragonBall/Z, Full Metal Alchemist, Prince of Tennis, and Trigun I think that's it (Not really in any particular order but YYH is my fav
Becoming a cartoonist, or voice actor... and meeting Chuck Huber >.>
Drawing, watching and memorizing anime, reading manga, fixing up my websites, listening to music, listening to Commentary's with Chuck Huber in them :-D
Drawing... and that talent isn't all that good either lol
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
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Hay ya'll, just wanted to say thanks for saying those nice things to me in my previous post. Right now I'm disobaying my computer time cause it's 12:06 am and I was supost to be off about an hour ago. Thanks again and if you didn't read my previous post you should cause it explains some stuff. Well that's it for today and I hope to talk to you guys soon, have a great week :).
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
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Hay guys sorry I haven't been updating, I can't ever get on right after school cause I HAVE to do my hwk. Than by the time I get it all done my oniisan is waiting for a phone call from either his friend or gf, then he talks to them for a long while and then I'm usually able to get on about 9 or 10 but I have to be off by 11. And I try and check peoples sites in that short amount of time. Just so all of you know I'm going to have to move my Jap. lessons for on the weekends cause I don't have the time on weekdays. I'm going to go and check out everyone elses sites. I hope you all have a wonderfull rest of the week :).
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
Japanese Lesson #6
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Sorry I didn't update yesterday, but I was able to visit everyones sites that updated *feels proud of self*, so atleast I acomplished one thing, lol. Well here is you lesson for today it's going to be short cause I'm really tired from yesterdays activites.
gakuen- school
ichinensei- a freshman in school; ie. "bottom of the food chain"
ninensei- a sophmore in school; ie. "better"
sannensei- a junior in school; ie. "getting better"
yonensei- a senior in school; ie. "licensed to rock"
soo ka- an easy phrase to pick out while watching anime, it means, "is that so?" or "ah yes, I see"
Ok that was my short lesson for today. Sorry it's so short but it takes soo long for me to find words in my dictonary and then type them with one hand and keeping my other hand on the page in my book so it doesn't close. All of this can be found in "Anime Insider" it's a really good magazine. I don't know if any of you knew any of those words, but if you did, I'm sorry I'm teaching stuff you already know, and for the ones that didn't know, I'm glad I could teach you something. Well, I got to go so I can get some sleep. Have a wonderful day :).
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Friday, January 28, 2005
Japanese Lesson #5
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Very short lesson today, I hope you don't mind it being so small. Well here it goes...
-chan: for a kids name. Often tacked onto girl names, if there equal or lower status then you. It's actually a babyfiction of -san
-kun: for reference to your equals or inferiors; you often refer to your classmates this way
-san: respect. Mr., etc. Applies to equals and superiors
-senpai: referring to someone slightly higher up than you in whatever organization you're in. Could be an upperclassman on school, or an older member of a club you belong to, even an elder member of the office you work at.
-sensei: used for teachers and doctors. Mr./Dr.
-sama: extream respect. Used for superiors, customers, etc. There's a pretty wide range, though. You can call a customer, your king, or even the guy/girl you're in love with "sama"... It all depends exactly how much of a pedestal you wanna put them on, and how low you wanna put yourself.
Pronunciation Guide
a-- like the "a" in "far"
i-- like the "e" in "me"
u-- like the "oo" in "mood"
e-- like the "ey" in "hey"
o-- like "oh"
Okay that is the suposivly (sp?) short post today, lol. Well it is kinda short, but whatever. I hope you all have a wonderful day and thanks for all of the comments again, I know I say that a lot but I'm really apreciative of everyone so thank you. See ya :).
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
No Japanese Lesson for today
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Yup like the title says there isn't going to be a japanese lesson today. Hopefully I'll get one up tomarrow. Thanks again for all of the comments I got yesterday, it was nice of you to leave them :). I drew my very first pic of Yoko the other day and it's not too good but as I said it was my first. My dad is going to make me some cork board for my room so I can hang stuff on the walls, there sooo bear, and there all white, I think I'm going to go insain from it, lol. My dad also said if I want I can paint a picture on my wall, but it has to have a theme. The theme is probably going to be of YYH because I draw them the most :D. My mom and dad's coart (there getting a devorse) was the other day and my dad ended up with custidy of me cause I wouldn't make a decision and they were trying to make me choose *sighs*. Oh well. I'm going to be getting glasses soon, within a cupple of weeks. Get this I'm near and far sited in both eyes, but it's not too bad. I was only on for an hour last night so I didn't get to your sites sorry about that. I got to about 5 of you, lol, ment to get to more but got cought up in a lot of things whaile I was on. Oh I forgot to say if I get my grades back up and keep them up my dad is going to buy a new computer for the family, but mostly for me :D. I also get to go bowling this weekend with two other friends if I keep my grades up. You see that was the only way for my dad to get me to do my hwk cause I was getting to annoyed to put up with it, again. So he made me those deals and I finally gave in. I sure was being difficalt last night though and I don't really know why. Must have been cause I was tired yesterday. Well this is getting kind of long so I'll let ya'll go to go do you thing :). Have a great day!
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
My status at the moment
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Total Visits 398
Popularity Ranking # 1305 (out of 19,662 active sites)
Total Members 92,221
GB signings 146
Thanks guys :)
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Comments (13) |
Japanese Lesson #4
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Thank you all who have been commenting and thanks for the segestions. I'm going to do one segestion a day inless I can't find much on the object. Then I'll put two or three more up. Segestions are still up if you want to make one.
resutoran- resterant
gohan- rice (cooked)
kome- rice (raw grain)
mizu- water
batta- butter
chokoreeto- chocolate
jamu- jam
jerii- jelly
karee raisu- curried rice
maagarin- margarine
chiizu- cheese
koohii- coffee
bentoo- box lunch
ocha- tea
jagaimo- potato
niku- meat
gyuunyuu- cow's milk
pan- bread
tamago- egg
motto- more
asagohan- breakfast
hirugohan- lunch
bangohan- supper
shokuyoku- appetite
ringo- apple
beekon- bacon
yaku- bake
banana- banana (lol)
mame- bean
gyuuniku- beef
kyabetsu- cabbage
keeki- cake
kyandii- candy
sakuranbo- cherry
kuri- chestnut
chikin- chicken
shunin- cheif
kirehashi- chip
hashi- chopsticks
kakuteru- cocktail
ryoori suru- (to) cook
pan no kawa- crust
oishii- delicous
sabaku- desert
taberu- (to) eat
kudamono- fruit
budoo- grape
gureepu furuutsu- grapefruit
hamu- ham
hachimitsu- honey
onaka ga suita- (be) hungery
shiru- juice
kimo- liver
momiji- maple
kurumi- nut
oriibu- olive
oriibu oiru- olive oil
tamanegi- onion
endoomame- pea
guriin piisu- green peas
momo- peach
nashi- pear
pai- pie
butaniku- pork
nama no- raw
rooru pan- roll
bifuteki- steak
ichigo- strawberry
satoo- sugar
shiroppu- syrup
toosuto- toast
banira- vanilla
yasai- vegetable
waffuru- waffle
kurumi- walnut
Ok I think that's most of the food catigory I could find, I probably missed some words, but I think I did a good job anyway. Well I hope you enjoyed the lesson of the day :).

Ok I know this one is not colored, but it's one of my more recent one's. I drew it 1/10/2004 it's not to recent, but it's more recent then the other two. Oh and just so everyone knows I know Kurama's eye's are pritty small, but that was the first time I had ever drawn him. Oh and one more thing the light lines on hiei are supost to be there. There for when I color the pic so I know where to shade. Well have a great day everyone.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Japanese Lesson #3
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Ok no one said what I sould put on my site so I really don't know what to put. I guess I'll go in order from my websites.....
anata- you
dozo- please
eigo- english launuage
eigo ga wakarimasu ka?- do you understand english
gomen nasai- pardon me
konban wa- good evening
konnichi wa- good afternoon
moshi moshi- hello (greeting oh telephone or upon entering a room)
nenji desu ka?- what time is it?
nihongo- japanese launuage
ohayoo gozaimasu- good morning (until about 10 a.m.)
ryoogae suru- to exchange money
sayonara- goodbye
sumimasen- excuse me
watakushi- I (most commonly used version)
Ok that's one page of this stuff I got off of the internet. Please someone give me some words to look up or something, cause I don't have a clue... Well see you.

This one was drawn the same day as the last one... it's not that good but I like the rose :D well I hope you enjoy.
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Monday, January 24, 2005
Japanese Lesson #2
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Ok I got my book, yay! Well here it goes.
ABUNAI- dangerous, risky, precarious, critical
aburae- oil painting
ACHIRA- that direction
ada- enemy, revenge, vengeance, resentment, harm
adana- nickname
adokenai- innocent, artless, naive
aegi- pant, gasp
aenai- untimely, sad, pitiful
aenaku kotowaru- pitiful end (death)
aenaku- sadly, unexpectedly, flatly
aganau- to buy, purchase, atone, expaite, redeem
ame ga agaru- to stop raining
agemono- fried food
agenabe- frying pan
ahiru- duck, drake
ahoo- fool, idiot, blockhead
ai- love, affection, attachment
aibiki- secret meeting
aidagara- relationship, terms
aijin- lover, sweetheart
aiko- a tie, even game, draw
aikotoba- password
AINIKU- unlucky, unfortunately
airashii- charming, amiable, sweet
aisatsu- greeting, salutation
Ok thats it for know, I now the selection for this one isn't that good, but I didn't know what do pick. If you want to know how to say something just tell me and I'll see what I can do.

This is one of the first drawings I did of YYH, I hope you like it, it's not really good, but it was drawn 2/23/2003 and I've improved so much sence then.
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
Japanese Lesson #1
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hai- yes
iie- no
nani- what
neko- cat
inu- dog
baka- idiot, stupid, fool
domo arigato- thank you very much
hentai- pervert
kuso- shit
kasama- basturd
chibi- short, dworf, small
kawaii- cute
nubers up to ten
ichi- 1
ni- 2
san- 3
shi, yon- 4
go- 5
roku- 6
shichi, nana- 7
hachi- 8
kyuu, ku- 9
juu- 10
ichigatsu- January
nigatsu- Febuary
sangatsu- March
shigatsu- April
gogatsu- May
rokugatsu- June
shichigatsu- July
hachigatsu- August
kugatsu- September
juugatsu- October
juuichigatsu- November
juunigatsu- December
Ok that's all for now, I'm sorry there isn't very much in it but I don't have any reasorces to look at, it's all from memory. Well I hope you all enjoy and have a wonderful day :).
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