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myOtaku.com: Neko-san

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Hehe, I don't really know what the laugh was all about I just wanted to do it XP. I'm all worn out and I'm really tired, I couldn't even take a nap cause I had to kid sit. And guess what, I'm still kid siting and it's 12:48 am and my dad said he would be home at 11 pm, grr... I hate it when he goes and gets drunk. Oh my dad said thanks for saying happy b-day to him ^^. I'm glad you all like my e-card I made, it was fun, but sad that it wouldn't get submitted, oh well. Inuyasha's interesting tonight ^^.

YokoBandit- she's a great person and a good friend and if you go to her site and sign up for it she will come and see who has the best site of the month or something like that. There is alot more to say about her but I don't want to waist your time so thats all.

Umm... I don't know what to say now... I'm too brain dead from being tired so I'll let you all go and I hope you all have a great day.

P.S. Can you guys put up seggestions of what you want the Jap. lesson to be about again, I'm compleatly out of idea's so please help me.

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