Neko: I'm back! Sorry, I was gone at my mom's and forgot to tell you. Actually I didn't know I was going over there till Friday after noon. It was boaring there as usual. I did get to ride motercycle with her, her boyfriend, and there friend though. That was about the only fun I had there. I think we rode for about 4-5 hours... I should stop talking though
Hiei #8: Yes you should, it makes you sound stupid when you talk.
Neko: You're still mad, that you showed me, that you worried about me leaving you here airn't you?
Hiei #8: I wasn't worried when you left me, I was pleased that I didn't have to deal with you.
Neko: Oh, then why did you franticly ask me where I was when I got home? *smirks*
Hiei #8: Hn...
Neko: *laughs* Sorry I couldn't resist makeing fun of you just a little bit :).
Hiei #8: *jumps into a tree* Hn.
Neko: *sighs* I hope he doesn't stay mad at me too long. He's my only company durning the day... Anyways I hope to see you all around sometime. Catch ya later!
P.S. Happy Birthday