Neko the Baka
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Saturday, March 20, 2004
i havent been on in forever! due to the fact that i am basically grounded till the end of the school year! I MADE ONE LOUSY "f" AND SHE TAKES AWAY MY COMPUTER! oi....anyways. i wont be updating for a LONG time.*sigh*
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Monday, March 1, 2004
bored....lonely....confused....oi-ish. Im sitting in my room listening to depressing country love songs....
someone save me....
( -.-)
i felt like doing a reason....just dont feel kat-ish today...
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there is no real point in me even writing stupid posts.....after all, neko was the only one that even commented. >.o if this gets boring im gonna shut down too...............oi
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my bestest buddy in the whole wide world has just left the otaku......*points finger* AND I BLAME ALL OF YOU WHO DIDNT LEAVE A COMMENT TELLING HIM TO STAY! besides my....9 comments....only one other person commemted......... =_= shame....
I Will Miss You Neko!!!!
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Friday, February 27, 2004
*cries* where is my neko-sama.....*looks around and cant find him* he didnt get on about to leave to go to my dad's house and he isnt on. poo...

*cries more*.....
well...if you do get on((neko-sama)) i might not be on for the rest of the weekend. i will try to get on but i might not be back till sunday.
hope you feel wuvs you...
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Monday, February 23, 2004
I SHALL CONTROL ALL! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH......ok...enough of my crazy-ish-ness....<.<....I made up a word! WOO!
anyways...Im cleaning my room, then im gonna talk on the computer some more....then im gonna draw....then (if i have time) im gonna read my bible some more cuz my mom is nagging at me about it. These are my evening plans......maybe they will get better. XD
...but i dout it...
so bleh....
Ja Ne
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Sunday, February 22, 2004
*singing songs*
my day.....uneventful. I didnt go to church today cuz IM STILL BABYSITING! and i couldnt of gone anyways cuz i was was up to 2 in the morning.....which was VERY FUN! -^_^- All i did all night long is talk to neko-sama! *dances around* those are the best times...baysiting or not. lol. anyways...i might add more to this later...
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Saturday, February 21, 2004
OMG!!! I JUST NOTICED THAT THE PREVIOUS PICTURE IS DOING SOMETHING NAUGHTY! She is sticking up her middle finger! Im very sorry if anyone was offended by that....<.< i seem to catch on to things REALLY slow!...again, im sorry if anyone is offended by such things.
V_V *feels very sorry*
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Yet another boring weekend where I will be babysiting my 2 little sisters,, my little brother and my 5 year old cousin while my mom goes out with her friends to a Kid Rock Concert....and I thought I was the rebelious teenager...Looks like the only thing to look forward to this weekend is talking to Neko-sama...and if you ask me, -^_^- that makes everything better in my life!
*waves to neko-sama*
Well, who knows....maybe my mom will buy me some new manga or something for doing this for her. lol. Oh! and i saw the first 8 episodes of maralade boy last night! Its really dramactic and fushigi yuggi...only with less violence and no fantasy beast
-^_^- Anyways...
Ja Ne! ....i wish i had a mallet...hiting little baka children is fun!..
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Thursday, February 19, 2004

me like-y this picture. this is a good anime from what i have seen. i highly recomend it to everyone. its called Full Metal Panic if you didnt know. check it out. its pretty good....
as for me. i dont feel good. i have a fever a cough and a dizzy sleepy.....g'night.
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