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Quiz Results
East Coast of the USA
Member Since
student, bookworm, couch-potato
Real Name
surviving elementary school, passing science for the past five years, managing not to kill the little neighbor girl
Anime Fan Since
since before I can remember
Favorite Anime
Naruto, .hack///SIGN, Digimon, Yu-Yu-Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh, Chobits, FullMetal Alchemist, Beyblade, Death Note, Gravitation, and a helluva lot more!
get into a good college and become a teacher
reading, writing, singing, day-dreaming, watching tv, annoying the hell outta my friends/parents
I'm a darn good poet, I can read most chapter books in less than a day, I have a good right hook, and an alright singing voice
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 04/06/07:
NUH-UH! Everybody in my family/group of friends know I'm obsesses/really into anime/manga!
Result Posted on 04/06/07:
Result Posted on 04/06/07:
I believe in ghosts/spirits.
Result Posted on 04/06/07:
What is this normal of which you speak?
what kind of personality do you have?
 Average. Your just an average. But that's not a bad thing. Unlike the prepp *hisses* you know that bad things happen in this world and theres not much we can do to stop them. You most likly belive in true love and know that it's coming. Keep trying to live your dreams. It may happen. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/06/07:
Basic Survey [ 87 questions] | ** basics ** | Name:: | Jordann | Nickname:: | J.B. | Location:: | why? are you a stalker?! | Gender:: | female(last time I checked) | Birthplace:: | I'm a clone, so I technically wasn't born | Birthstone:: | I JUST TOLD YOU I WASN'T BORN! | Birthday:: | . . . you just can't take a hint, can you? | Sign:: | *vein in forehead pulses* | Righty or Lefty:: | righty | Screenname:: | NekoHex | ** your looks ** | Height:: | 5"6 | Weight:: | dunno. . . | Shoe size:: | 7, 7 1/2 | Hair Color:: | blonde | Hair Length:: | foot below my shoulders | Eye Color:: | ice-blue | Size:: | *raises eyebrow* | Glasses:: | yes. . . | Braces:: | not yet, but soon. and they're gonna be green! | Piercings:: | just my ears | Tattoos:: | I wish. . . | ** fashion ** | Where do you shop:: | Hot Topic and Aeropostle(I'm such a hypocrite) | What do you usually wear:: | t-shirt, jeans, hoodie | What kind of shoes do you wear:: | sneakers | Do you wear a watch:: | yeah, it used to be my dad's | Color you never wear:: | pink and bright yellow(or atleast I try. . .) | Color you wear at least once a week:: | black or white | Something you wear everyday:: | my green hoodie | Do you wear make up everyday:: | no | Make up essential:: | none | Most cherished piece of clothing:: | green hoodie | You wouldn't be caught dead wearing:: | a mini-skirt | Do you wear belts:: | no | Do you wear hats:: | no | How many pairs of shoes do you have:: | 2 | ** music ** | Favorite kind of music:: | I'm eclectic | Least Favorite:: | classical | How many CD's do you have:: | 6. I have an mp3 player. and the internet. | Last CD you bought:: | Evanescence | Whats in your CD player right now:: | dunno. lost my cd player | Do you download music:: | duh | ** Favorites ** | Color:: | blood-red | Number:: | 13 | Season:: | autumn | Ice cream:: | vanilla | Website:: | too many to list! | Quote:: | 'Sometimes I wake up in the morning and wonder when we got monkeys. . . then I remember they're my friends.' | Store:: | Hot Topic or Suncoast | Band:: | Nickelback | Singer:: | not sure. too many to choose from. | Rapper:: | don't really have one. | Group:: | dunno | Song:: | Ultimate Showdown | Movie:: | The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen | Actor:: | Tom Felton | Actress:: | Kirsten Dunst | Kind of movies:: | romance. comedy. | Place to be:: | my room. by myself. | Time of day:: | midnight or afternoon | Clothing Brand:: | dunno | Animal:: | cat or fox | Food:: | pizza | Holiday:: | Halloween or Christmas | Shape:: | triangle | Restaraunt:: | Valentino's | Fast food place:: | Wendy's | Boy's name:: | Isiah or Kuronue | Girl's name:: | Sakura or Victoria | Word:: | dream | Month:: | April | Candy:: | big league chew(gum) | ** love and relationships ** | Sexual Preference:: | straight(I like guys) | Boyfriend or Girlfriend:: | not now. | Crush:: | dunno | Do you believe in love at first sight:: | not really. | What do you look for in a guy/girl:: | good mind, great personality, nice friends | Best physical feature:: | warm smile | Best hair color:: | black or red | Best eye color:: | green or gray | ** randoms ** | Do you paint your nails:: | not really | What color is your tooth brush:: | white | What's on your desktop:: | dunno. random stuff, I suppose. | Do you like roller coasters:: | they're okay. | Do you do drugs:: | no. | Are you a virgin:: | yes. | Do you have any pets:: | yes, a dog and a cat. | What time do you go to sleep:: | depends on what day it is. | Take this survey | Find more surveys | MySpace Surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site | |
Result Posted on 04/06/07:
I didn't know I had so many problems. . .
Result Posted on 04/06/07:
I do write poetry. . .
What form of art are you?
 You are Poetry.You are often the most emotional of the arts. You are introverted, in that you tend to let people come to you rather than trying to get their attention. You get along well with Music and Literature. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/06/07:
What Symbolizes You?
 Darkness - You are darkness. A lot has happened to you in the past, you feel hurt, and hopeless. It seems as if life has nothing more to it, like the sun will never rise. I assure you it will, just be patient everything will be alright... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/06/07:
What's your ideal pet? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
 ANIMAL LOVER! You love all animals. You care for every animal if it's your pet or a free one, if an animal needs you, you'll help. You don't care for the kind of animal you like them all! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/06/07:
What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
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