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myOtaku.com: Nekolady

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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blue water (06/15/06)

hey, nc site. i like ur theme FMA. lately there's been alot of FMA and naruto themes.i might make my next theme FMA and GIS or even naruto.
well c ya^_^

Vestque (06/11/06)

^_^ Nice site. FMA is the best :D!


solid-snake26 (06/11/06)

Hey! I really like your site,it's uber cool! The avi is just so cute!Stop by my site if you get the chance to.I hope that it's ok with you that I add you as a friend.Well see ya later!

msyugioh123 (06/10/06)

hello come visit my site

kyoko27 (06/09/06)

luv the neko Ed avatar, it's so cute. plz come by my site and sign my gb. i luv nekos. =^.^= cya

shade the great (06/04/06)

cool site i give it a 8-10

Maryohki (05/31/06)

awww! I love your icon! And you like YYH too? Coolness! I used to be a huge Kurama fangirl, and he's still muchly awesome.

kisho (05/24/06)

Thanks for stopping by my site, I appreciate your comments ^_^

Your icon is very cute ^_^ *huggles*

Oh, I'm gonna check out your art (if you have any) now, so goodbye for now

(I'm gonna add you as a friend too, thanks again)

anime sorceress (05/23/06)

I love your site! Nekos are so awesome and so cute! I espaecially liked your avvie! ^^ Drop by my site sometime! I'll add you as a friend! Bye! ^-^


shadowsim (05/22/06)

hey sweet site you got here
i really like your avatar!

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