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Friday, March 23, 2007

Today's THE day. The day I find out if UNLV can get into the Elite Eight. I'm nervous but still showing my support for my favorite team! Even if they lose, I'm more than proud to be a fan. I'm going to wear my Sweet Sixteen NCAA shirt and perhaps paint my face. lol just kidding. But seriously I'm hoping for the best. Go team! Go!

On another note: I've been working hard to finish my courses before I end up like a non-graduating failure. I refuse to give up! I've never been so determined to finish school...Creepy.

Oh I have a question (or 2) for you guys! Has anyone ever performed masquerade at an anime convention? If so what's it like?
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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Since the war started I've had my basic non-caring attitude towards it. I mean our troops signed up for the military services without being forced. They knew that there was a chance we would go to war. There's that constant knowledge of knowing that something may happen once you sign those papers.

But since then some things have changed, our entire purpose for going to fight was lost. We went to fight terrorism in Afganistan but somehow we ended up doing nothing in Iraq. Yeah that's a perfect reason to be there.

I'm mad that we still have our troops there but I know there's nothing I can do to stop it.

But the strange part about this whole thing is that tonight I was doing work and reading my book...It was all about war. Every page had some kind of violent, killing, massive death counts, and almost slaughter-type things on it. Usually that wouldn't bother me but I actually started crying. I cried about some jerks that killed innocent people...Those people died for no reason! They were killed because of their way of life, their race, their culture. They were hated just because they didn't think like their so-called leader. And further on I noticed that there really is no true purpose for these people to get killed. They die for no reason like our soliders.

I think the only thing I'd be willing to die for would be to protect others. But we've lost our purpose for fighting the "enemy" so what's the point of dieing? If you can't die for freedom, for loved ones, for a purpose...than why do it?

In war, no one wins.

Sorry just a little rant. Didn't mean to bore you guys.
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Thursday, March 15, 2007

   Dang it's early.
yeah it's 6:15am here, way to early for me to be up but I'll probably go to bed soon. anyway I was thinking that I might enter a costume contest at one of the up-coming cons. i'm not sure though cause i dont think im good enough at sewing yet. i try though.

what else is new? Oh! I finished my gloves for Sailor V. All I need to do is the shirt and a few touch ups and im done. Then I have to start on some new outfits but they shouldnt be to bad. ^_~ well see ya people!
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Monday, March 12, 2007

   New Sidekick
My pets are my sidekicks and I am their fearless leader! Okay no but their my little buddies.

Artemis (cat)-My oldest and closest pal. I got him as a gift when I was five...I properly named him after my favorite Sailor Moon cat! He's been with me ever since.

Smokey (cat)-My sister's cat that she left behind when she moved out. So when I moved I took her into my group.

Emily (cat)-Named after my favorite demonic, evil, no-good girl: Emily The Strange. She always has her ears down and her eyes are always slits.

Simba (cat)-I wanted to name him after Kyo Sohma but my mom said she wouldn't be able to remember his name. So I went with plan B and named him after The Lion King's hero-Simba!

And now a new member has been added to our little team. A gray, little girl hamster!

Yup and I wanted a boy to name Yuki but I got a little girl. But I was thinking since Yuki is a prince and it's almost a unisex name I would name her Princess Yuki! ^_^ You're now apart of Team Neko Mimi, abandon all hope! Mwhhhaaaa!

Just kidding! See ya peeps!
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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

   I'm such a weirdo
I swear sometimes I catch myself loving anime a little to much...I also find myself playing little kid video games lol.

If you're wondering what I'm talking about than here's the answer: I got Nintendogs (the puppy video game for the Nintendo DS) for Christmas. Yes I love it by the way! And I named my first pup Kagome. I didn't think much of it until I named my second Sasuke. I than began thinking about why I think so much about anime. It seems odd to me that I'd like something so much that I would spend all my time working around it and than start assosiating other unrelated things with it.

I mean when I was five I named my kitten (cat now) Artemis because I loved Sailor Moon so much. Now my virtual pets have anime names! Not only that but my DAD named his dog Sesshomaru (he likes InuYasha). It's crazy and I'm shocked that I can be around anime all the time and still never tire of it. ^_^

On a semi-related matter a kind of funny thing happened today...with one of my plushies.

See I was trying on my Kakashi cosplay wear (yup I'm going as Kakashi to a convention) and I decided to mess around with my plushie of him. I was checking out under the headband cause he has a sharingan (sp?) in his eye. My plush has one too and I was talking about if I could get my hands on a pair of contacts so I wouldn't have to cover my eye. Anyway ya know how people think he's perverted in the show? Well when I went to put him back I stood up and his foot caught the bottom of my dress...pulling it up. I shrieked and nearly dropped him in the process LOL! It was funny and yet embarassing.

Anyway I'm going to be going now. See ya!
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

As you can see, I updated the site! *does happy dance*

And even better news...I finished my Sakura Time Jump outfit! Woohoo!

The pics of it are up in the cosplay section of theOtaku. I think it came out great! ^_^

Peace out!

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I've been semi-lazy today but hey I'm tired. I worked most of the night on cleaning my room (when I clean I have to destory ANY little spot). So that wore me out but I'm going to finish it up today. ^_^

I found out I might not have to go to my dad's house this weekend. He's really busy and stressed from his murder trial. I want to give him some space until it's over. He needs rest.

What else has been happening? Um...Oh I found Pocky at our local grocery store. I'm glad more stores are selling it cause I used to have to go all the way to the mall to get some. And I picked up a couple packs of the strawberry kind! I'm allergic to strawberries but still it's mostly artificial stuff in every flavored food lol.

Well that's it. Toodles people!
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I'm perky today! Yay! Since yesterday was boring/depressing I'm hyped about being so upbeat. *does happy dance*

I'm probably so excited because...

1. Anime Expo is going to be starting in June (my B-day is in July so I'm spending my birthday in Cali.)

2. Anime Vegas is coming up in September and I always have fun there. ^_^

3. My Sakura outfit is sooooo close to being finished! After all the upsets, mishaps, and frustration (sp?) it's going to be done.

4. As soon as my Sakura costume is done I get to start on my Sailor V uniform. I'm lucky enough to have the design illustrations in my computer so it'll be easy.

Yeah so I'll be busy until Anime Vegas basically. I also have work to catch up on >_< but hey I really want to graduate this year so I'm going to work towards that goal. I can do it if I set my mind on it.

Well that's all from me people, hope your day is going great!

~~~Kitty Ears out!
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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ever felt depressed or just manically bored? That's kind of how I feel today. I'm bored, tired, slightly depressed (for no reason btw), and I don't feel good.

It's actually been like this for a while now. Like the past week has been great...but there's always that slight hint of depression. You know?

I mean I really want to continue writing my stories (on FanFiction) but I have no driving urge to do it. Mentally I feel ready to write like no tomorrow but when it comes to actually doing it then I loose the impulse.

It's very irritating and makes the feeling worse.

Anyway sorry if I'm complaining to much, just ranting I guess. *sighs*

Oh if you can, send out a prayer for my dad. He has a big murder trial tomorrow and he gets so down if he looses a case. I'll be up all day sending out good fortune cheers. ^_^

Thanks for putting up with me!
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Saturday, February 24, 2007

   A New Look
I change my hair style every ten seconds...Okay not really but I feel like I do.

I dyed my hair purple like a couple weeks ago or so. It was all cool and every thing but it washes out quickly because it's unnatural. Then the blonde I had dyed underneath showed up...

Well I didn't really like the blonde so this morning I went and got it dyed a crazy red color. It showed up sooo bright and pretty! And of course I cut my hair off (it was a little past my shoulders and now it's to my chin). I'm really happy with it! ^_^

On an unrelated note I finished my Sakura shirt completely! It slips over my head and fits so nicely! I think it looks kickin.
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