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Not falling below a B in school and making some awesome cosplay outfits! Yay!
Anime Fan Since
Around 2001
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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Cardcaptor Sakura, Kiddy Grade, Burst Angel, Moon Phase, Dragonball/Z/GT, and there's probably more. ^^
To finish school early
Cosplaying, drawing, writing, jamming to music, singing to show-tunes, studying Japanese and learing to read the many doujinshi I have
Writing, singing, dancing and scratching my ears with my tongue.
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Monday, February 5, 2007
Yes for the third time in a row I have managed to guess the winning team of a major sporting event! While living in a house full of Bears fans I was the only one cheering for the ever so great Colts! You'll see in a previous post that I told everyone the winners before the game even started! Yes! I was jumping around screaming for them while the rest of the losers booed! Well ha! Put that in your loser soup and eat it! Sorry I'm just hyped after such a good game anyway hope everyone had a safe day!
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Sunday, February 4, 2007
So this past weekend I went to Suncoast Video (a video store in the mall) and picked up Chobits Volume Three, Fruits Basket Manga Volume Six, and of course a box of yummy Pocky. Well I always assumed Pocky was only sold at this store because they sell a lot of anime-related stuff there. So after I left I went to WalMart to pick up some things for the Superbowl party at my dad's house. Whilst I was there I came across the oriental food section and guess what...? They sell Pocky at WalMart! Yes Pocky can be found at good ol' Super Wal! lol I was shocked and actually started laughing so people were staring. Either it was my insane giggling causing attention or it was my purple hair...anyway I just thought I'd share this wonderful discovery! Have a good day and watch the Superbowl cause ya know who's going to win...*cough* it starts with a C and end with olts. ^_^
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Thursday, February 1, 2007
Not again...
About a month ago I took my cat to the vet, right? Well anyway she had to go for a serious check up because her ears had been bothering her (she'd meow everytime she scratched them and she'd meow more if you pet her head). I felt really bad so my mom and I took her for the check up and the vet said that she didn't have ear mites (little bugs that get inside pets and humans ears) and that they were just dirty. Like some bacteria had grown inside and the medicine should get rid of it. So we gave her the ear drops and she was fine.
Well this morning I was noticing that she was shaking her head around in a funny way. So I looked inside her ears (while she meowed at me) and they were bloody. I almost freaked but I called my mom and she said to get the cat ready to go back to the vet. So I did and we went back and it was sorta strange with the vet's examination. He said that her ears were black and the only time he had ever seen a cat with black ears was when they had mites BUT he checked her for them and it was negative. Meaning she doesn't have them. It's so odd because they don't really know what it is however they gave us some more gunk to cure the bacteria. I just hope she's alright. *snuggles kitty*
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Monday, January 29, 2007
Okay so last Friday I went to go get my hair trimmed cause my bangs were getting a little to long for my liking. Well while I was there I thought 'hey maybe I should get it dyed some kind of funky color' so I asked my hair stylist what she thought about it...She said it'd be cool to chunk it in with blonde then dye it a cool color. So I agreed and we chunked the blonde in then we put my favorite color (purple) in after that. We waited the 20 minutes and guess what? It didn't take and turned more of a blue/blonde shade. So I was obviously dissapointed and she knew that so she didn't charge me for the color (I only had to pay for my bang trim) AND she gave me a bottle of purple color and blue saying that sometimes hair shafts will open after being bleached and won't accept a new color until it closes. Which means that in a few days I could try doing it again and see if it would take. So at six this morning my mom soaked my hair in the dye and I used my Nyago cap to cover it up. It said on the bottle to wait 20 minutes but I didn't trust that so I decided to wait six hours so the color would be more outragous. (six hours later) I showered and blow dried my hair and guess what? It took! Oh yes I have purple chunks in my hair and it looks soooo freakin' good! I'm so excited cause I haven't had a crazy color in a looong time. The last time was in seventh grade during the summer and it turned from bleaching it out (turning it orange), to dyeing it purple (which didn't take that time) to going green (in went swimming). And after all the failed attempts I finally have purple hair! This is so cool. Yeah it's probably not a biggie to other peeps but I'm hyped! *sings the I have freakin' cool hair song* ^_^
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Sunday, January 28, 2007
More updates!
Yeah I added a music player to the page and I got it in purple! Sweet! So that's the update for the page and as for some life news: Yesterday I went out and got my dad a little gift since he hasn't been feeling well lately. And while I was there I happen to find a Maya Natsume plushie! Yeah had to buy that too! Then my eye caught sight of Pocky so I bought a box plus a tiny box of the strawberry kind (it was my first time having that kind though I'm alergic to strawberries >_<) but overall it was a fun day. There was some school at the mall doing a career day thing but I haven't picked just one career yet so I skipped past them and started munching on the Pocky lol. Umm I dunno if anything else happened it was kind of a slow day...I hope today is more lively or something. ^_^ Have a good day everyone!
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Saturday, January 27, 2007
New Stuff
I redid some of my profile! Yay! I'll probably be doing more later so stay tuned.
And now the odd picture of the day...

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Thursday, January 25, 2007
Yeah I'm single...again. And ya know what? It feels great! I was in a relationship where my guy wanted to change me and that's not how I roll. I worked hard to be the person I am today and NO ONE is going to change that. He tried telling me what I liked and I thought I could ignore that fact. Nope! I am who I am, I like what I like and if you can't deal with that then to bad. He's just like a little boy and I don't like children! Hehehe this may be the happiest break up in history. ^_^
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Sunday, January 21, 2007
An odd weekend
Yeah so I was sick this past weekend >_< my throat hurts but I'm taking some medicine (and rinsing my mouth with yucky salt water). Funny thing that the rest of the peeps at my dad's house are sick too. But anyway I feel horrible and not so much about being sick...See my sister's fiance (Sp?), his dog got hurt really badly by my sis's pup. It was so bad they took him to the vet and the bill was $800.00...unfortunatly they couldn't pay so the dog had to be adopted out by someone who could afford the high bill. I wish I had the money so I could get him back cause the dog is the father of my sister's smaller puppy. I can't even imagine how hard it must be to loose a dog. If my dog died or had to be adopted out I wouldn't know what to do. He's my little buddy and my ninja dog! But hopefully all will become well again.
For a lighter note: I went to read my comments on my recently updated manga only to discover that it was on featured! That's sooo neato! Thank you so much to all who read and extra thanks to those who commented! You guys rock so hard! Love ya! ^_^
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
So bored...
It seems like every time I think I'm going to get a break from something, another event pops up. Like I worked really, really hard on my Yuffie (KH) costume for this past convention but due to certain problems I didn't get to wear it. But while I worked on it I thought to myself 'Ah I'll be able to just kick back and relax after this. I can take my time and carefully make my upcoming costumes for AX07 in June' but as always right after I think a break is in store another convention surfaces. And I know I have the option to not attend however the guy running it wants my boyfriend, Tifa (awesome chick at Tour For The Cure), and me to do a kareoke number for Chibi Fest. So now I'm working on my Chii outfit (an original design dress) for it. Oh well I guess my break can wait another few least it hides me from work lol. ^_^
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'Hey NekoMimi??' Yes? 'How was that Tour For The Cure event?'....AH! Yes if you were curious to know how it went then let me say it was...odd. To start it was jacked up cause there was a rumor that the guy running the convention took off with all the money that was for the breast cancer cause! Then they had to cut the convention down to the badge pick-up night and the next day, meaning that there was no convention Sunday AND no cosplay parade! How messed up is that?! This guy pissed off the sales-people so much that by like six o' clock Saturday night they all packed up and nearly cause a fight earlier that day.
Despite the bad things there were some I did kareoke (sp?) for the first time. Two other girls and I sang the Sailor Moon theme song, then the whole room jammed to Pokemon (I have that song on my phone ^_~). And I did my first skit with a cool InuYasha and his kickin' sister Sango. Since I dressed as Kagome it looked great. And of course we had a few laughs along the way. It was really fun though certain people had to be stupid and ruin the convention later (smacks stupid people).
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