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myOtaku.com: NekoMimi16

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I'm perky today! Yay! Since yesterday was boring/depressing I'm hyped about being so upbeat. *does happy dance*

I'm probably so excited because...

1. Anime Expo is going to be starting in June (my B-day is in July so I'm spending my birthday in Cali.)

2. Anime Vegas is coming up in September and I always have fun there. ^_^

3. My Sakura outfit is sooooo close to being finished! After all the upsets, mishaps, and frustration (sp?) it's going to be done.

4. As soon as my Sakura costume is done I get to start on my Sailor V uniform. I'm lucky enough to have the design illustrations in my computer so it'll be easy.

Yeah so I'll be busy until Anime Vegas basically. I also have work to catch up on >_< but hey I really want to graduate this year so I'm going to work towards that goal. I can do it if I set my mind on it.

Well that's all from me people, hope your day is going great!

~~~Kitty Ears out!
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