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myOtaku.com: NekoMimi16

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

   I'm such a weirdo
I swear sometimes I catch myself loving anime a little to much...I also find myself playing little kid video games lol.

If you're wondering what I'm talking about than here's the answer: I got Nintendogs (the puppy video game for the Nintendo DS) for Christmas. Yes I love it by the way! And I named my first pup Kagome. I didn't think much of it until I named my second Sasuke. I than began thinking about why I think so much about anime. It seems odd to me that I'd like something so much that I would spend all my time working around it and than start assosiating other unrelated things with it.

I mean when I was five I named my kitten (cat now) Artemis because I loved Sailor Moon so much. Now my virtual pets have anime names! Not only that but my DAD named his dog Sesshomaru (he likes InuYasha). It's crazy and I'm shocked that I can be around anime all the time and still never tire of it. ^_^

On a semi-related matter a kind of funny thing happened today...with one of my plushies.

See I was trying on my Kakashi cosplay wear (yup I'm going as Kakashi to a convention) and I decided to mess around with my plushie of him. I was checking out under the headband cause he has a sharingan (sp?) in his eye. My plush has one too and I was talking about if I could get my hands on a pair of contacts so I wouldn't have to cover my eye. Anyway ya know how people think he's perverted in the show? Well when I went to put him back I stood up and his foot caught the bottom of my dress...pulling it up. I shrieked and nearly dropped him in the process LOL! It was funny and yet embarassing.

Anyway I'm going to be going now. See ya!
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