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myOtaku.com: NekoMimi16

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Since the war started I've had my basic non-caring attitude towards it. I mean our troops signed up for the military services without being forced. They knew that there was a chance we would go to war. There's that constant knowledge of knowing that something may happen once you sign those papers.

But since then some things have changed, our entire purpose for going to fight was lost. We went to fight terrorism in Afganistan but somehow we ended up doing nothing in Iraq. Yeah that's a perfect reason to be there.

I'm mad that we still have our troops there but I know there's nothing I can do to stop it.

But the strange part about this whole thing is that tonight I was doing work and reading my book...It was all about war. Every page had some kind of violent, killing, massive death counts, and almost slaughter-type things on it. Usually that wouldn't bother me but I actually started crying. I cried about some jerks that killed innocent people...Those people died for no reason! They were killed because of their way of life, their race, their culture. They were hated just because they didn't think like their so-called leader. And further on I noticed that there really is no true purpose for these people to get killed. They die for no reason like our soliders.

I think the only thing I'd be willing to die for would be to protect others. But we've lost our purpose for fighting the "enemy" so what's the point of dieing? If you can't die for freedom, for loved ones, for a purpose...than why do it?

In war, no one wins.

Sorry just a little rant. Didn't mean to bore you guys.
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