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myOtaku.com: NekoMimi16

Thursday, August 16, 2007

It's funny how events that happen when you're younger can change how you live now. Like maybe you get bitten by a dog when you're five, and so now at twenty you hate dogs.

I've had a few problems that make me weird now...well weirder than I usually am. Hehehe.

A couple years ago I was in SIX car accidents in ONE day. Don't ask, just don't ask. *falls over* Anyway because of that I have a bigger fear of cars than I originally did. Thanks a lot evil people!

I think about all this because today I cut off my hair...again. Now it doesn't sound weird to you guys but for me it has meaning. See before I was born, my aunt died in a car crash (odd right?). Well after I was born, my grandparents said I struck a perfect resemblance to her. I don't know if I did or not because I've never seen photos of her as a child. So as I got older I was constantly called by my aunt's name, my grandfather instructed my mom to keep me in dresses (I guess my aunt wore dresses), and in order to keep me looking like her I wasn't allowed to cut my hair.

After my grandfather died my mom started to put me in pants instead of dresses. I was pretty much free to wear what I pleased (that was nice). But the one thing I always wanted to do, I couldn't because my grandma would say: "You look just like Vanessa with your long, messy hair."

I really hated it. It was all the way down to the backs of my thighs! But whenever I asked to cut it, everyone said no.

After years of that crap I was starting to get really, really, really, sick of people telling how to wear my hair. I mean it's MY hair! If I don't like it short then it's my fault for ruining it!

So at age nine my brother was entering beauty school (he's 11 years older than me). That's where it got better...I asked my brother to cut my hair and well he'll pretty much do anything. So a tied ponytail, a pair of sharp scissors, and a snip! My once back-thighed long hair was shorter than my jawline. ^_^ It looked awesome!

The buzz kill was the next morning when everyone realized that something looked waaaay different about me. And my brother and I got yelled at for a long time about it. It was worth it.

Ever since then my hair has never gotten an inch past my shoulders. It had grown quite a bit so today I cut it off to my chin, got my bangs trimmed, and dyed it black. It's hot! Hehehe. My dad isn't happy with the news but oh well. My mom finally started letting me do whatever I wanted with it after the first incident. Feels good.

Anyway I thought it was odd that something that happened a long time ago could still make problems later on. Could be worse though, I could have been seriously injured and lived in the hospital forever.

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