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myOtaku.com: NekoMimi16

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ever notice how things keep getting put off and put off for one reason or another? Sometimes it's annoying but other times it's a good thing.

I'm talking about something that doesn't seem like a big deal until you hear the entire thing. How it can change the way you think about something.

Story time! See before AV07 (convention) I made my very loved remake of Sailor V. But I was entering it in masquerade and didn't want to do a photoshoot until afterwards. Well after the con I asked my dad (who is also a very good photographer) if he would pick me up to do the photoshoot. I asked every day and everytime he delayed it due to work or other random things. Finally last week I asked and he said we would do it Wednesday (yesterday). Guess what? Nothing. He had late night work to do so I told him to just wait. I was really irritated and upset because he seemed to be avoiding me....I figured out why today.

Last night we arranged to go out for today (Thursday). I doubted he would be here but he promised. So this morning I didn't bother to get dressed (he said he would be here last this afternoon) and just lazed around. Suddenly my mom's phone rang, she answered and started saying "Huh?! Are you serious?!" stuff like that. I wondered who it was, she put the phone down for a second and told me "Your sister is pregnant."

She told my dad last night which was why he was avoiding me due to stress.

My sister is an adult (19) but still young to be having kids...There's a chance she might lose it though because of problems.

We did the photoshoot which was fun and relaxing. My dad even said he enjoyed spending time with me and it helped him clear his mind.

I guess some delays aren't bad. I was really upset because I thought he didn't want to see me but I should have been the one leaving him to himself. I told him today we could wait on the shoot but he insisted we go. I'm glad and hey I might be an aunt...I'll have to wait for that though too. ^_^

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