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myOtaku.com: NekoMimi16

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

   An interesting couple of days
Okay so back in October my father and I were shopping at one of our local malls. We were in my favorite store (Suncoast Video) and as we were leaving he noticed something on their front sign...It read that a cosplay contest would be held two Sundays from that date. So being the anime freak I am, I instantly shouted "I'm going as Sango!" So after the couple weeks of sewing I finally finished and it turned out to be the best costume I had ever made (you can see it in my cosplay section). Anyway I headed off to the contest in full costume (yeah running around a crowded mall with a big boomerang). After getting settled into Suncoast I met the few others that were in their costumes and all was well. Then at the last minute this guy walks in decked out in Gun Grave gear, I'm talking like sword and all! So him and I start chatting and I'm noticing he's kind of cute (girl ability). But I soon realized that he probably wouldn't be interested in me and that I wouldn't talk to him again so the cuteness plus didn't matter. Well skipping a few details I won the contest and got e-mail addresses from the people at the shop.

About a week passed since the event when I decided to talk to the cute guy I met. So I got online and everything, the two of us started RPing like the freaks we are. Well only about a week passed before he adnitted to having a crush on me (yay). But in all honesty I was skeptical about it since my last boyfriend was a huge burn in the face. And the next day after he admitted that he told he that he may love me...Weird huh?

So skipping ahead again, we started going out. And Sunday we went out for his birthday (his mom and my mom met...and get along!). Then I went to his house yesterday and it was awesome. I'm starting to really get attached to him...not sure if that's a good thing or not. But I'm really happy he's now in my life and just as anime crazy as I am ^_^ It was a weird start to meet him at a contest but it's really gone further since then. It may seem like an odd relationship to other people but to me it's all good. ^_^ Love you Char!<
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