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Member Since
Real Name
chelsey (chesrere~~)
basically i just write some fanfics and try to complete my worthless manga about my firends and our looooopyness
Anime Fan Since
6th grade but really like since chilhood w/o knowwing it~~
Favorite Anime
naruto(for the sole reasons of sasuke and blood...and weapons^3^;;;)and i likea lot of shounen and shoujo. basically all the series that are "all the rage, man!!"
finishing my manga, finding love(oh, look! a sasuke cosplayer! that's MALE!!), basically not being the subject of that creepy afroman who stalk me, man!!!
*ahem* yaoi!!!(shock and awe, people), art(other people and mine also), foods, asian foods, asians, is there a pattern forming?, sleep, kittens(cuz i like to smush them a bit =3=), greek mythology(considering that i AM greek), smexy mens, sasuke, computer
professional shopping cart racing(i'll beat yer ass, man!), stuffing food into my face when your not looking, smushing kittens<3, literally having all my manga and fanfic plots come to me in my dreams~~(thank ya, dreamsu), drawing???, iono.
yeah, this is awkward. but anyways, my name happens to be chelsey, but everyone(almost my mom,too)calls me neko. why? because i somewhat resemble a cat? i don't know? because i used to pretend i was a panther while crawling on the back of the sofa? we may never know!!! maybe because i'm a leo. (ooh, that was a sexy little piece of information you just got there, huh?) well, in all i'd like to say that i'm wierd as hell, and slightly annoying. inCREDibly perverted, yes. inCREDibly talented, maybe. i likes to draw the bishounens and such. and i likes to write the fanfics, and make my own manga. do i haves the technology to transport my mangas to the internets? HELLZ NO, BAKA. i wish. TT.TT;; i am very poor and lucky to haves the stuff i have. no i don't have a computer, and that's why i don't write, much. i be an sasuke fangirl. yes, i'll admit it. i'm just like all the rest of them, man. i'm horrible. so cliche. but for some reason it doesn't make me as hapy if i were to be with him (METAPHORICALY SPEAKING, DAMMIT!)than if he were with naruto. aww.
now i'm kinda over it and obsessing with writing lists of stuff my brain tends to throw out during my daydreams and naps. and summer school. it's for P.E., you puzzlewit. yeah, i have OCD, so kill me. *chelsey rawr smash* i'm currently engaged to my bestest friendy-end, amber with a ring pop as our engagement rings and we're going to mexico to get hitched, son.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
oh mah gaz~~
i need to find one of my damn wallpapers that hasen't been shrunken by damn photobucket!! *angstangstangst* i'm quite hungry. i think i'm going to go eat now. ja ne! ~

~mom screams~ "NO, you can't have a cheezeburger! you'll get fat, you ass-hat!!!"
*my mother literally calls me an ass-hat* no-lies
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