Okay, today is something so i don't know words for it. Here it goes.....I ate lunch and tried to crack my back afterwards cuz it hurt. Then i get to study hall and all the sudden these REALLY sharp pains develop in my chest by my heart the teacher noticed me and asked me if i was okay i told her that i've had these pains since my freshman year but not this painful. So guess where i was after that?...Nurse's office. So i walk in the lady asks me what's wrong and i told her the same thing but i pointed at my right side cuz the pain traveled down there too. The lady took it that my arm was hurting which when someone says that there having chest pains and their arm was hurting people think OMG HEART ATTACK!!! But i POINTED at my SIDE, The lady freaks and asks some other lady if she should call an ambulance that when i started to ball my eyes out crying i didn't want my parents to worry!! plus that's expensive to have an ambulence come out!!! But they called and i'm sobbing breathing super hard telling the other lady NO NO!! DON'T DO THIS!!!! but they did....the parametics get their an ask me the same questions and stuff. Then my parents get their, i was calmed down as soon as my dad walked through that door i started sobbing again. Once everything was fine the parametics told my mom that she had 3 options but she said she'd take me to our Diabetic doctor. Go home and rest a bit then get to the doctor he did some tests and it came out that i had the same thing i had since freshman year. Only differnce this time was that it was a LOT more painful like someone stabbing you over and over with a knife. Ugh......
Top of that, it's my half birthday today....i'm 17 1/2 today...yah...whatever. I DON'T WANNA BE AN ADULT!!!! >.<;;
Not a good day...i'm stil hurting but not as bad. But i did get to making a wallpaper for you all to calm me down. ^0^
Well i'm gonna get some sleep...check that wall out, and maybe tommarrow i'll have anothe rwall or a little manga strip for you all.
Peace!!!! (Who says that anymore???)