But other than school it's been pretty go so far i'm playing DDR alot more cuz i need to lose weight >>;; i feel werid being around a bunch of skiny girls and all they do is give these disgusted looks at you like "Get away whore...." or even better "She's the uglyest girl in the whole school" well your not so pretty ethier bitch....You'll look real good with a black and blue eye, i'm sure. I'm not a big girl really it's just i feel werid y'know? Christmas dinner OH GOD, DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED........I usually don't take that much just ham and potatoes then after that cake and i'm done. ^^ Eh....
Anyone seen any new animes? I'm starting to watch Naruto, it's okay i'm not OBBESSED with it like most are. I'm more of a Bleach fan....Hinamori Momo is my favorite (SHUT UP). I'm seriously looking forward to Acen next year!!!! Cuz it's gonna rock my socks!!! All my friends are cosplaying as Organization XIII members!!!! I'm being Saix!!! -dances- my loooooove........OH GOD I FEEL LIKE KAGURA.....RUN RUN AWAY!!!! -Demyx moment @.@;;-
I'm going to go eat as i'm hungry!!!! WEEEEE!!!! More laters......including a new wallpaper!!!!
Jya, Sayonara!!!!