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Castle Rock, Colorado
Member Since
High School Student, graphic artist, writer
Real Name
Brianna Lyn
I finally got myself to be single and i actually LIKE it. I know, I was scared, too XD
Anime Fan Since
Ummm... 8?
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I have a bunch... Don't feel like listing right now... Lol
To keep out of as much trouble as I can
Anime, hanging out with my friends, graphic and website design and... writing?
Ha! Ya right. Like I have talents...! *cough cough* I mean... N/A
| NekoSaiyanReno
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Friday, December 3, 2004
In class...
Hey all, I'm in class but I just wanted to post really quick. I think I can get onto the Yahoo! messenger this weekend, so I hope I can talk to some of you. Bye all!
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Pep Assembly -.-;;
Uhg... I just got home. It's about 2:50 PM now. My last post from lunch when I was trying to catch up on a few things bafore 7th period. We didn't have advisment today because of the winter pep assembly...
I hate pep assemblies! Mostly because our school (( Me included )) has absolutly no school spirt what-so-ever. All we did is sit there while the teachers and coches introdused the swimming team, basketball and every one like that. No one really cared. Except when the wrestlers came out in ther tight ass uniforms! And one guy cam out in his boxers! All of the girls wet insane! Even me!
Mmmm... Wrestlers in uniform...
o.o;; Uhhh... I meen...
:: cough, cough :: I can't help if there all so damn hot!! They just are!
Well... Anyways... Besides all of that, nothing else really exciting happened. The sophemores won the spirt stick! Yay us!!
Which is actually really sad, because we are the most un-spirted class out of the whole school! We even beat the serniors! I was amazed...
Yep, so besides that nothing really interesting today.
No wait! In Mass Media we were outside filming when Nate threw a giant snowball at me. He hit me right in the face, too! Then Matt came over and put a bunch down the back of my shirt, while Sky and Sam threw more at me!
:: crys :: I hate being the only girl in our group... They always pick on me! And because I'm the youngest, too.
u.u; I'm just the lonely litle sophemore, there all jurniors and seniors...
:: sighs :: Well, I guess that's all... Get to go make a card for my daddeh's birthday now!
Bye all!
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Daddeh's Birthday! ^^!!!
Yay! It's my dad's 43rd birthday today!
:: huggles daddeh even though they are in a fight ::
Yesh, daddeh and me got in fight last night becase I was on the computer all night... Bu tI was doing my home work! Gah! He just doesn't understand because he didn't have to use a computer when he was in school... But oh well...
Actually I should go because I need to get back to class, I'll post again once I'm out of school and home and warm!
Bye for now all!
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Monday, November 29, 2004
:: shivers uncontroably ::
Well... Curently it is a lovely... 14 degrees!! Gah! Did I mention it's only 14 degrees!?
Okay now that, that's done...
:: sighs ::
I'm not sure if I can last the two more weeks of school I have left, then the three days of half-day finals after that..
:: growls :: I hate school...
Oh, and my geometry grade went down to a D again. A 69.4! I hate math! It's all because I failed my chapter four test. I thought I actually understood it this time, too... But I guess not... And my english grade went down again, also... That one is a C still but now it's a 74.2
:: gets her knife and goes for teacher ::
:: cough, cough :: I meen... Uhhh... Never mind... You saw nothing!
Anyways... I fell twice on the ice going inbetween buildings today... That hurt really bad... But I took Jackie and Rhiannion down with me!
:: laughs evily :: If I'm going down, some ones coming with me... That's what I say.
Oh and just so you all know, my school has two buildings. North (( the main building )) and south. It takes about 4 or 5 minutes to walk there inbetween classes... And they wonder why there's so many sick people when we have to walk in 0 degree weather inbeteween classes!
If you guys wanna see my school, here it is. We have about 2700 students now. Just students mind you. Not the staff and every one else, too. I know some people go to even bigger schools, but if you could see the size of my school in real life, you would see why it's so over crouded.
:: sighs :: We had an hour delay due to the snow today... But that's the most exciting thing that has happened... God... I need a life really baddly...
:: sighs :: So I've dragged on long enough for today... Talk to you guys later I hope!
Oh, and... Once again... WTF @ a fusion of Matt and Blaze! O.O!!
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
:: whistles inocently :: O.o;; I didn't do it!!
Okay, ignore the subject... I'm just bored.
No ones online, well actually, Motoko is... But I don't feel like bothering her right now, she's usually so busy!
So... Yeah... I'm not actually supposed to be on. I'm doing 'research.'
For all you know I am any ways...
Any ways. Not much going on today. Just gotta do a bunch of home work and crap. And try to stay warm, too. It's like 23 degrees!
:: shivers and looks out window ::
Maybeh it will snow all night, and I'll get a snow day!
-.-;; Yeah right... I'm not that lucky...
:: sighs ::
So I guess that all, really. Wow this was a boring post.
Sorry about that guys. Talk to you all later I hope! ^^
Oh, and yes OneEyedMonkey, you get the gift, too. Any one who is on my list over at the side gets it! ^^ Go ahead and feel free to save it and put it on your site if you like! Bye all!
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
Gifts for all! ^^
Hey every one, I was a bit bored so I made a gift for you all! I hope you like it. You can pick it up here. But just in case you to lazy, (( Like me XP; Lol )) Here it is...
Just right click and save it if you want it. I made it for every one on my friend list, because you are all so special to me! Love you guys!
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Owie... :: crys ::
I got even sicker over night... Is that even possible!? I took medicine like Matt said I should... But I think that's what made it worse... My body hate when I try to give it stuff to make it feel better...
:: crys then coughs even more ::
:: sniffles ::
Why won't it go away? Some one make it go away...?! Pwease?
:: sighs :: Any ways... I'll stop complaing about how much I feel like shit and just get on with the post.
So I finally got to talk to Matt last night! That made me feel good. I missed talking to him, even though most of the time on the phone it's just dead silence. We never have much to talk about. And I proboblly doesn't help being how boring I am. He's the one that always thinks of things to say.
:: sighs again then coughs :: Owie...
So, we talked for about an hour or so then hung up. After that I went down stair and made some chicken ministrone soup (( Yummeh! ^^ )) to see if it would make my throught feel any better. It did for a bit, but once it started to come back is when I took some Tylenol and some cough medicine.
Actually... Now that I think about it... That's not a good combination is it? That's proboblly why I feel like shit being burned in hell.
:: coughs and pours shity ass medicine down the toilet ::
You didn't see any thing... ever...
:: cough, cough ::
So any ways, I guess that's all. I took the stuff and passed out at, like, 7:30 or 8 last night. I hate when I do that. And to make it worse, I woke up at like 12:30 to my brother, Christopher, and his friend Kyle still up playing Halo really loudly.
I was upsatirs and I could still hear it!
:: growls :: So that kept me up till around 4 some thing when they fell asleep, so then I did too.
Wow... This was a long post... Oops...
o.o;; Sowwys guys... And it was of me complaining the whole time. Now I'm really sorry... So I'll shut up now. Hope you guys have a good day! Laters!
:: sneezes ::
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Friday, November 26, 2004
O.o;; Woah...
I didn't even think about that till just now, Matt... Venge and Revenge...
Scary... o.o;;
I wasn't even trying to do that either! XP Lol, it just came to my head as another R name for one of the family...
Oh... And if you guys didn't notice... Reiko, Reno, Revenge... Ya... I did that on purpose.
I thought I might as well sice Reno was from a family of all G's.
AkA -- Goku, Gohan, Goten... You get the point. Any ways I guess that all, just wanted to post for Matt! ^^ Love you!! Can't wait till we get to talk later!
:: kisses ::
Bye all!
Oh, and... :: dances :: I have 100+ visits! Yay Me!! Yes it's not much of an accomplishment... But oh well, I still think its good... ^^''
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New Chara! ^^
Hey guys, I think I'm done with the layout now... I may fix up a few more things, but it's basically done. You like it? Now then... What would any good Kouga layout be with out a few good pics, so heres a few of my favorites... ^^
I love this one... He looks so good!
Awww... He's bored... And pissed off it looks like ^^""
Now he's lonely... :: huggles tightly and kisses :: And now he's not... ^^!!!!
You guys like them? I got them at Rabid Kouga Fan Girls. It's an awesome site, you guys should check it out. Especially if your a avid Kouga fan like me! ^^
Oh, and as I was flipping through some of my old files, I found this great neko pic! So I decided to make her my new Chara... So every one... Meet Revenge...
Age -- 17
Status -- Single
Race -- Neko
Family --
Reiko ~ Mother
Reno ~ Half sister
Occupation -- A runaway like the rest of her family, but she is not running away from slavery... But from her enherited fortune and life style... She is a Princess... Though does not wish to be. She is in search of her half sister, Reno, so she may give the thrown to her and her new family...
Well there she is. ^^ If I ever get my Yahoo! back then I'll take her in a role playing room and get her going.
It's so cold now... It just started to snow really bad. I hate cold weather! Gah!!
:: sighs :: So I guess that's all for me. Bye all!
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Yay Kouga! ^^
Wow, I guess I'm not the only Kouga fan-girl out there!
Okay... Now that, that's out of my system...
I hope every one had a great thanksgiving! I sure did! Although I never want to see another turkey as long as I live! Dad was basically stuffing it down my throat to get rid of most of it. And there's still, like, 14 pounds left or some thing! Gah!!
:: sighs ::
Any ways, I'm think I'm gonna try and fix up the page a bit more with Kouga stuff.
I love the guy... He's so hott!
Once again... I'm done... I think...
So... I was gonna say som-- Oh Ya! Now I remember!
Matt, if you do get to Josh's or what ever and I'm not on, (( Probabbly because my dad only works 5AM - 3PM today )) then go ahead and call me if you like. I'd love to actually get to talk to you for a change!
Well, I guess that's all for me... Talk to you guys later I hope! Love ya!
:: huggles and kisses Matt :: ^^
Laters all!
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