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Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving! (( Yes I know almost every one else has this as a subject too... But oh well! ))
Yes, happy thanksgiving to all! Most of you are probabbly still sleeping though... It's like 6:30 AM here! I had to get up early to start cooking. My family is the kind that eats thanksgiving dinner at, like, 2 in the afternoon.


So I decided to post up real quick before I put the turkey in... A fucking 20 pound one! And theres only three of us!! What the fuck are we sopposed to do with a 20 pound turkey!


Okay... I'm done complaining about the turkey now...


So any ways... I hope every one is having an awesome holiday and all. I hope I get to talk to at least some of you guys either later today or tomorrow! Love you guys! ^^


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Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Chara stats out of bordem... o.o

Reno Killumanti

Age -- 15
Race -- Neko/Saiyan
Status -- Married
Familly --
Goku ~ Father (( Dead ))
Reiko ~ Mother (( Dead ))
Gohan ~ Half Brother
Goten ~ Half Brother
Matthew Prower ~ Cousin
Blaze ~ Husban
Rage ~ Son
Aka Majin ~ Adopted Father
Occupation -- Runaway

Chibi Reno

Age -- 4
Race -- Neko/Saiyan
Status -- Single (( Well no duh, she's a chibi! XP ))
Family -- (( Same as above, except no Rage or Blaze yet... ))
Occupation -- Chibi runaway


Age -- 15
Race -- Neko
Status -- In a relationship
Family --
Brute ~ Son
Burrori ~ Boyfriend (( Not really family... But... Oh well... XP Lol! ))
Occupation -- Slave

(( This is just the one I had before I stopped role playing with her... ))

Princess (( Don't use her any longer... ))

Age -- 14
Race -- Neko/Human
Status -- In a relationship
Family --
Vegeta ~ Boyfriend (( Once again... Not technically family.. But... Meh... ))
Occupation -- None (( I never really had her do any thing XP;; ))

:: ish to lazy for any thing else... :: o.o;;


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:: thwaps FanFiction :: -.-;;;
Fucking Fanfiction.net wont let me upload any files to post onto the story! It says its fixing a bunch of shit so no one can upload any thing at all! Gah! I hate FF.net some times...


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Just five... -.-;;
Yes Fuyumiko sama, just five... I know alot of people have to write alot more than that... But most of them are in college!! I'm only 15 and in the 10th grade for gods sake!!

:: cough cough ::


Well, now then... Oh ya. Dad left the keyboard today so I can post at home for once!


Oh and here are my actuall six-week grades...

Biology -- C
Healthy Decision -- A (( Yay!! ^^ ))
English II -- C
Geometry -- C
Career Pathways -- C (( And I have a seven page paper due on tuesday in this class... XP ))
Advisment -- S (( It's not even a class.. You just fuck around for 90 minutes! ))
Mass Media Vidio Production I -- A (( That's the one where you don't gotta do nothing! ^^ ))
US Government -- B (( :: thwaps five page paper :: -.-;; ))

Yes... So... I'm doing some extra credit and stuff to get the grades up... But I doubt it will help much...

:: sighs ::

Oh and I'm fixing up and posting a new chapter to my story on FanFiction. Hope you guys like it... I'll post it up once I'm done here... So... I guess that's all for now... If I think of some thing else I'll post it up for you guys! Talk to you laters!


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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

O.O! Five pages!
My government paper has to be five whole pages! This sucks! And it's worth 200 points! I'm gonna die!

:: very short on time ::


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Winter wonderland? o.o
Hey all, back from the mountains... Well... Technically I was back yesteday, but you get the point...

At like Four AM none the less!


Any ways... So it was okay in the mountains... Like I said I had to watch all the kids most of the time, and I only got about four runs in the whole weekend. Only three of the like, twelve runs were open because theres not enough snow up there yet...

:: sighs ::

I also got sick again... Worse than what I had before, but I still have to go to school because we only had two days this week. Witch is just stupid if you ask me... Why not just give us the whole week off instead of just going for two pointless do nothing days...

-.-; :: pissed about that ::

So... Yep... Oh! I'm sick with my throught soar and head and stomach thing... It sucks...

:: crys :: I wanna go home!! Stupid mother... Some times I think she just wants me to feel terrible or some thing.

:: whimpers :: So... I guess that's all for now... I think I'll try and post later in Government if I get the chance, we were sopossed to go to the library and do reasearch on our presidentail project, so I think I can grab a computer and post real quick... So... Talk to you guys later! Love you all!


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Friday, November 19, 2004

In class...
Hey all... Got a computer in mass media so I can post real quick. We're all just watching our videos. Most of them are so funny!

:: watches one on A1 sause ::


Any ways...

:: now one on insta-friend ::

o.O;; COOL!

Oh... And so you know... The project was to make a infomersial. It was lots of fun. And now we're making a silent movie. I love this class! You do nothing and get a A! YAY!!



Yep.. Oh and I will be in the mountains this weekend so no on the posts still...

Im probabbly gonna get snowed in up there... It's gonna suck. And I have to leave at 5 AM to get to school.


So.. I guess thats all. Love you guys!


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So very cold..
Quick post.. Gonna be gone a few days so no posts. Sowwys... Gonna be up in the moutains... talk to you guys later!


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Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I don't know about fun... o.O;;
Yep.. Probaly not gonna be much fun up in Brecenridge... I'll end up having to baby sit a 4, 12, and 3 year old the whole time most likely. But at least the skiing should be nice...

:: sighs ::

Any ways... Not sure If I'm going to be able to post any more this week or not. If we use any of the lab tops in any of my calsses tomorrow then I will... But I doubt that will happen... So I'll try and make this post last I guess...?


So.. My grade are basically this... four C's, one B, and two A's. Which I don't beleive to be bad at all... But my parents are still flipping out about it. So still no update on when I will get any of my stuff back...

:: thwaps school and all teachers ::


So besides that not much is going on with me. I have literally 100 problem of math, three career papers, and 4 chapters to read in 'The Catcher In The Rye' tonight for home work. So no getting onto the computer for me tonight. I couldn't if I wanted to any ways because my dad is off of work today. So along with all of my home work, I'll end up doing all of the chores and crap on top of it all...

:: growls and gets a flamthrower to do the chores ::

Okay, I'm ready to work! ^^"

So... Ummm... I guess that's all I can think of right now.. If any thing else comes to me before the period is over I'll post it up! Talk to you guys later!

:: huggles and kisses Matt back ::


:: then thwaps all the things that keep getting in the way of them being able to talk for a change ::



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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Hey class is almost over, but just wanted to say I'm not sure if dad left the keyboard or not today so I'll just have to see... Hope to talk to you guys later!


P.S -- Matt I'm going to be in Brekenridge this weekend, so I can't get on to talk...

:: thwaps moms boyfriend Matt ::

o.o; That still scares me that you both have the same name...

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