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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Why must I live here x.x;
Yesterday was around the high 50's or 60's, it was so nice. And yet, today it's snowing really hard and it's freezing. I hate Colorado.
Well yesterday was Valintines, obviously. And I had a good day ^^ Henry gave me a card in the morning, and some carnations at the end of the day. I got him a pez dispencer thing in the morning and a rose during lunch. And I had a pretty easy day, too. So all in all, yesterday was fun.
Today it was okay. Freezing, but okay. Actually, it wasn't cold after dance. We played dogde ball in the wrestling room, so I was burning up, and the cold air and giant snow flakes felt great on my skin. I think that was basically all that happened today. It was a boring day now that I think about it o.o; But oh well, just two more days till the four day weekend! ^^ Thank god!
Well, I'll let you all go. Love you guys!
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
What was up with the Otaku today? o.O
It may have just been my computer, but the MyO was really messing up today. It wouldn't connect, and if it would, it would have all this wierd stuff at the top or on the page o.o; May have just been me, though.
Anyways... Besides that, today was fun. Woke up around 10:30 to Henry calling x.x;; I'm sorry if that's still early to me... But it is... x.o;; Well, he was calling to say they were coming down into town now, so they could stop by in a few to pick me up, so we could go shopping for Henry. So I drag myself down to mom's room to ask her. She was on the phone with Suey, so I jsut knocked on her door and asked if I could go. She flipped out... -.-;; She's really been on edge this week... But it's understandable. Her and Matt just broke up... Rigth before V-Day, even. I want to kill his ass. He better not come near me for a while... I'm just saying that now...
:: sighs :: Well, after she was done, and I got off with him, I crawled back into my bed and fell asleep for a few more minutes x.x; Then I got the feeling I should get up and get dressed, so I did. And as I'm going in to fix my hair and stuff, I hear the door bell and I'm just like "Shit... They didn't come did they...?" o.o; So mom comes bonding down the hall. "You didn't ASK if they could come." And I'm just "I didn't KNOW they would...!" So she answers the door, and I run back to the bathroom to cower in fear x.x;;
So I guess it all turned out good, they just talked for, I'm not sure how long, but it all turned out alright. And we drove off into the sunset...
Not really, just down to Wal-Mart and Kohl's. Wal-Mart we put in a order for Lu's contacts then wondered down towards the pants. They seemed a bit expensive x.x; So we walked down to Kohl's and looked there. It was much better. Although hard to find a good pare. All of them had skulls on them, or some thing. We ended up finding one pare and then got him a Mr. Clean shirt.
After that we wemt over to the Petsmart and looked at the fish and kitties and puppies and every thing ^^ So cute. And in Office Depo or Max or whatever one it was, we borke the shreder and the typewriter wouldn't shut up. Then Henry worked on building a computer online, he got up to, about $1,000 worth of one. Then we wondered back to Wal-Mart. Saw the dad man. Got chocolate from him since I won't be there for V-Day. Then went home o.o;
And right now I feel like shit because Dante is all mad and says he hates Henry (( He doesn't he's just really pissed... I hope... ))
They were all in a conference on the MSN and that one was going okay. But then I said Game should come in because I thought it would be fun. Not the right word x.x;; Well Game and Dante started being thier selves and cursing and every thing, so Henry ended up leaving. So then I guess Henry said some thing that I posted up in the conference, and he flipped out, thinking that Henry had called him and Game stupid. I tried to tell him that he didn't and he wouldn't do that, but he can be even more stubborn than me some times. But eventually it all worked out. And ow Dante doesn't hate Henry. He said they were all friends and stuff, so it's all good.
Now then... o.o;; I need you alls help. Besides you Henry, but o.O;; I have no fucking clue what to do for V-Day for Henry x.x;; I have a few ideas, but none of them are very good. So if you guys would help, it would be so appreciated. Well, I'll let you all go. Love you guys!
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
Thank god for half days...
Tomorrow we have a half day of school. Thank god... I don't know if i could last another whole day x.x;
Well, since I havn't updated the past few of days or so, here's what I did. (( Yes I know you don't care >< Just don't read it then XD ))
Saturday -- Uhhh... Ummm... o.o;; I dun even remember XD! :: Will come back to later ::
Sunday -- Keep moving x.x;
Monday -- I went to school? o.O;;
Tuesday -- o.o;; :: ditto ::
Wensday -- Pep rally -.-;; Whoo... That was the shitiest thing I've ever been to in my life... It sucked... But later that night I got to talk to Matt! ^^ That made me happy. I always love when I get to talk to him... Even though he wasn't doing to good, I think... Just so much shit he has to deal with. I wish I was able to help him more, I hate that I can't.. It bothers me... v.v;
Today -- O.O I REMEMBER THIS ONE! Well today I had biology. We watched The Magic School bus!! It was awesome! Then we did book work... -.-; In music we just sat there while she ranted on about... Some thing. I wasn't paying attention... Lunch I tried to do my math home work, but I gave up half way because I didn't feel like doing it all. English we went to the computer lab and worked on our EN's for our books. Geometry worked on home work, turned it in with still a few left. I think she still gave me full credit ^^" Then we had a pop quiz x.x; Failed it, then she gave us 10 (( Not kidding )) pages of home work, just because it's the weekend x.x; I wanted to kill her. And she made them worth 50 points each! That's 150 points!!! x.x;;! I'M GONNA DIE!!
Besides that, I guess it was a good day... Tomorrow I think I'm going home with Henry again or some thing so we can go pant shopping for him. All he really has is shorts, he's gonna freeze one of these days... Then I still have to ask mom, but me Brittany and Holly are prolly gonna go back to Brunswicks and TGIF to celibrate Holly's birthday. It's not even till the 22nd, we're all about 2 weeks aprt in outr birthdays. But we had so much fun last time, we decided to do it again ^^! We're all joking about getting drunk again. We just want to see if they will actually give us the alcoholic ones agian. That was such an awesome night. Maybe I can convince them to bringing Henry with us, if he wants to that is. I think that would be fun.
Well, I guess that's all. Talk with you guys later, love you!
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Sunday, February 6, 2005
Just some pictures from the party...
This is that giant sunday they gave us.
Holly after I got the whipped cream in her hair.
In the background is a few of the lanes, you can kinda see how crounded it was.
This is after the fight.
There's Britt's tiara I bought for her.
Not nessisarily from the party, but there's Henry ^^ Great pic, aye? XD
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If you don't feel like reading about parties, movies and whipped cream, turn back now... This is a VERY long post x.x;
Okay you all, I'm still trying with the new layout, but it's not looking it's best. I'll try a bit later, maybe then it will work... My compy is totally about to blow up or some thing. Don't ask me how I'm getting it to work right now. We really need a new one, but we don't have the money right now. I'll just have to survive...
So my weekend has been good so far. Friday I went over to Henry's house after school. We were going to go out to eat, but that got messed up so we just stayed there and made a pizza instead. First we watched some kind of fucked up version of Power Rangers with Patrick. It has changed so much from we I was little o.O; It's actually kind of scary... Then we watched :: takes a deep breath :: Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force GO! o.o; I have no fucking clue who named it, but I think they were seriously high. It's scary what they're teaching kids these days... After that we put the pizza in and 'watched' Spaceballs. And after that was done, we 'watched' Romeo and Juliet, the modern one... (( o.o; You all can figure out what the '...' means, you're all smart enough... XD )) Which is actually called Romeo + Juliet, but whatever. Then from upstairs I hear my phone ringing, and I emidietly know it was my dad calling to see why I wasn't home yet. It was only about 9:30, but apperently it was late for me to be at his house. So they had to drive me home.
Saturday Henry came over to my house around noon and we walked down to Wal-Mart. I needed to grab Brittany a present for her party at 6:30. So we wondered around and I finally ended up getting her a plastic tiara set with matching clip on earings, and a little pack of toy cars since she said she wanted a car for her birthday, I thought I would just be stupid and get her a bunch ^^" (( It kind of blew up in my face, though. Because she ended up really getting a car, but oh well. She still liked them. )) Then Henry got a pack of those little three year old party favor glasses. We paided and walked back home. We tried to put little bows on all of the cars, but they just wouldn't stay put, so I gave up. Then we went downstiars and watched some TV and ate some lunch. At around 5:30 or so we went out and waited for his mom to show to pick him up. She called earlier and said she had broken her glasses, so she was coming a bit earlier to pick him up. But then Lu called and said they had taken a wrong turn and would be a few minutes late. So we just went up to my room and laid on my bed, and... o.O; Yeah... Up untill his mom rang the door bell and dad yelled at me to go get it.
We left for the party around 6:15 x.x; Dad has no sence of time. It takes abou 20 minutes to get there, so I was only 5 minutes late. We waited for any one else to show up for about half an hour, then finally went to get a lane. (( We went down to Brunswicks to go bowling )) It ended up just being me, Brittany and Holly. Chelsie couldn't go because she was having dinner with her dad. Courtny got grounded and so did Sara and one more person we didn't know was going to come, but she couldn't get down there, either.
While we were waiting, though, me and Holly found some thing out... Apperently Chelsie's dad died at 1 AM in a car accident... And that was the real reason her and Courtny couldn't come... Britt said Courtny had texted her earlier in the day and said that, but didn't want her to tell us. (( Her dad was the one who brought it up... )) She had wanted Chelsie to be the one to tell us herself... We tried not to think about it the rest of the night, and I'm still trying to now. I knew her dad, so it hard for me to think that he's gone... And I feel so bad for Chelsie right now. She's one of my greatsest friends, and I hate this so much. Why did it have to be her, anyways...? Or him for that matter...
:: sighs and gets off the subject ::
Well, then we ran off to our lane. It was so crouded. If we had come any later it would have been about an hour to a three hour wait. Britt and Holly were making fun of me because of all the hott guys around, and I couldn't look because I already have a boyfriend, so I just went back and laughed at them because they still have to look for hott guys to date, while I already got one ^^"... They just hit me and kept looking... x.x; The first game I got a 98!! I was so shocked. then the second I think I had a 54. I still don't know how I can get those kind of scores, I suck at bowling. I even got three strikes in a row!! I was so excited! Then we went into the arcade and played some games, we ended up getting 300 something tickets, bet when we went to go cash it in, it said we had about 700, so some one had left their ticket out and we got them. It was awesome! We just got Britt a stuffed Tweety Bird doll. Then we argued over weather to go to TGIF or Red Robin for dinner. We ended up going to TGIF since it was closer. Me, Brittany and Holly had our own table, while her parents and brother got another. Holly was raving about how we should get a Strawberry Dakary with her because they were so good. (( And they really are, actually ^^ )) So we got three of them with our meal. But the kitchen messed up our order and gave us alcoholic one instead of virgin, but we didn't think any thing of it untill we actually saw that they were real ones on the bill. We were joking about how they tasted like they had alcohol, but we weren't being serious. So we sere a bit buzzed after our second one. Then they waitors came out with a giant sunday bowl and filled it with chocolate, carmel, nuts and whipped cream. They put so much whipped cream on it that it was actually spilling out onto the table, and they just kept going! They they sprayed a bunch into Britt's mouth and left the bottle for us...
Big mistake... o.o;;
We ended up having a whip cream fight. First Brittany flung a spoon full at Holly then she did it back, but it got on me, too. So I grabebd a bunch off the table and smeared it in her hair. She flipped and got a bunch down my shirt x.x; It went on like that for a bit, none of the waitors even cared They just walked by and laughed and gave us a bunch of napkins. We started home around 10:30 and I got home about 11 or so. So it was a great day.
And since I have already bored all of you to death with it incredibly long ass post, I'll just stop. Love you guys!
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Thursday, February 3, 2005
Stupid Site >
As you can see... I tried to fix up the site a bit... But it was just really starting to piss me off, so I gave up for now. And I went off to work on another site so I could be pissed at that one, too... XD Oh and the other site is just some crappy little one I'm working on about myself. Here it is. It's not much right now, all I really have up are the pages and stuff, but none of them have any writing or anything yet.
So, now then, today was okay. Didn't really do much. ceramics I jsut worked on my coil pot, advsment made up shit I didn't eat or do for the food journal, history Mr. Allan flipped out when this kid told him what we were doing was stupid. So every one jsut shut-up and did all their work the rest of the period. He's scary when he's mad o.o; Then dance we had a test... In dance >< I know, it was stupid and I failed. After school I just went down and saw Henry, I gave him a chocolate bar I bought and didn't finish XD...
I got home to find mom passed out in bed, asleep... She aperently has a fever of, like, 103 or some thing... So I've been taking care of her most of the night. They won't give her an appointment at the doctors till tomorrow... The bastards -.-; And she'll be all alone because I have to go back to dads tomorrow after school, or after Henry's if I go over there.
:: sighs :: So theres basically my day... o.O; Don't got nothing else to say... =O It rymes! ^^" XD Any ways... Bye all!
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Still sick, still havn't done mt home work... But that's what advisment is for! XP
Okay, so I'm still sick. I'm a bit better, but I'll live. (( No more disinergrating XP )) And I also still havn't done my paper that was due yesterday, but the deadline is today at the end of advisment, so I'll just type up some kind of crap then and turn it in. As long as I get some kind of credit, I'm good.
So tonight I'm all alone... :: kreepy music :: x.o;; Yes... o.O So I'll most likly be on the compy all night... x.x; Joy...
Hmm... I guess I don't really got any thing else to say... So, bye all! I hope you are all doing okay! Especially you, Matt. What's wrong anyways? o.O;;
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Monday, January 31, 2005
x.x;; Why did I go to school today?
I've been sick all weekend, I couldn't go skiing... And yet I still went to school x.x;; I really must be sick...
Any ways, so this weekend, like I said, I didn't get to ski. I was sick the whole time. So now Matt's pissed and won't take any of us up to go skiing any more... This fucking sucks...
:: all depressed and shit now :: ...
:: sighs :: And now I jsut don't feel like doing anything, and I can't stay home tomorrow to get better because mom has a flight and she has to leave at six in the morning and won't get home till around 11 or later... So I'm gonna be home all by myself all night... :: sighs again :: Oh well... Not like that's unusual...
Well today we had an hour delay start because of all the snow. Over by my house we got about a foot or so, and some places got even less. So don't ask me why they delayed it, but oh well. As long as I got to sleep in I'm happy... But of coarse that didn't happen either >< Mom came in at 5:30 to tell me school was delayed... I don't usually get up till 6:15! x.x; So I couldn't get back to sleep, so I just got up and ready and sat around like a lump o.o; Then I went to out the bus, it wasn't as cold as I thought it would be.
So I got to school and saw Henry, I don't think he liked it very much that I was there while I was sick. But oh well, I was just happy to see him either way. I tried to call dad at lunch to see if he could take me home, but he was at work and couldn't get off, and mom was in Colorado Springs so she couldn't get me either. So I just had to try and not puke for the rest of the day...
Once I got home I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, so I just got on the compy and fucked around till mom came and she took me to tharapy. And that's basically my day in short... I'm so tired, but I still need to get in the shower and do my homework... :: sighs :: So I should go, bye all.
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Friday, January 28, 2005
Off to the mountains... With a Nicole x.x;
So we're gonna leave for Brekenridge some time tonight. Matt, Madie and Nicole won't get there till around nine or so. So me and Mom are gonna go up before them and get some dinner and stuff at one of the fast food places.
Anyways, today was better I guess. Just really boring. Ceramics I just tried to paint my pot. Advisment I went down to the library to type up my elglish paper... Got nothing done x.o I could'nt focus... So I'll have to do it Sunday night when I get back. I go back to advisment to have Katie, Amanda, and Driel making fun of me about Henry. The're all...
Katie: She and Henry were kissing today before school!
Me: Yeah... Your point is? o.O
Amanda: They were making out in the hall before class yesterday...
Me: We were not!
Amanda: You had your tongue down his throught!
Me: I did not!
Amanda: Then he had his down yours.
Me: No he didn't!
Amanda: Well I saw some kind of tongue o.o;
Me: Shut up already... -.-;
Katie: Ohhhh...! She's denying it... That meens they were!
Driel: Oh shut up... You know you were, you little slut...
Me: -.-;
It basically goes on like that for a while. Then I just decided to push Amanda all the way down to Histiory. We had a test o.o; I forgot about it, so I was thanking god that he let us have the half hour before lunch to study. Once we got back... I failed, then we took notes.
At lunch, though, I got the same crap that I did in advisment. But now it was from Chelsie, Amanda (( Again -.-; )) Holly, Brittany and Tiffany. They are all jelous... I'm serious o.o; They even said that. I told them to go ask some one for the Sady Hawkins dance then. They just yelled at me... u.u;
In dnace we had to run and do streches and stuff with the freshman PE class o.x Then we did some kind of work out video. So pretty boring.
So I guess that's all o.o; Talk to you all later. I got my phone, so I'll try and get on the mobile Yahoo! this weekend, and now you can call me any time this weekend, Matt ^^ And I'll make sure to call you, too Henry. Or you could call me, either one works. Love you all!
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
So bored x.x;;
Oh my god... I'm so bored x.o;; There's nothing to do here. And I don't feel like doing my home work yet...
:: sighs ::
Anyways, besides that, the past two days have been okay. Not much really going on out here. It's starting to get colder out here again... :: waves bye-bye to the 50 degree weather until it come again :: Which will be around, oh, I'd say late May or June x.x;; I hate Colorado... I wish I was back in Nevada or California sometimes... But only if I could bring all of my friends there with me... ^^ That would be awesome!
Hmm... Now then today goes like this.
Morning - Got up about 10 minutes earlier trhan normal o.O;; It kind of scared me... But then again, I usually get up around 6:30 when I'm down at Dads, so 6:20 isn't exactaly early anyways. Got to school around 7:15, then went to the library as usual to see Henry. He's been so tired the past few days, so I dragged him off and got him some coffee.
Biology -- Watched some kind of movie on BSE (( Mad cow ))It was kinda grows through a few parts. They kept showing how thay would kill the cows and stuff... Kinda depressing...
Explorations in Music -- Oh joy...! Another movie x.o;; Actually two. One was a a biography on Motzart (( Can't spell )) and the other was River Dance @.@ I don't know how they can do that for such long periods of time... I'd keel over after a minute of that crap... ><
Lunch -- Every one was so excited I was actually eat lunch XP I usually just eat when I get home because we don't have any money to do much right now, let alone give me money for lunches. So I just brought some of my birthday money and used that... There's about 7-10 people that sit at our table. And it's just this little round thing, so were usually all squished in there. And there's always a fiight for chairs. There's not enough to go around the whole lunch room, so we always end up sharing or sitting on the floor... x.x;
English -- First we had to do our vocab test. :: failed that :: Then we went down to the library comuter lab and worked on our essays for about half an hour. She was first gonna have it due at the end of class, then the end of advisment tomorrow, but now it's just due on monday at the begining of class. So I have to go type mine up in the lab tomorrow during advisment. After that we had to register our classes for next year into the computer. If I remember right, I put in Creative Writing, Science Fiction Fantasy, Accounting I, a couple of computer classes, and... Uhh... o.o; I forget already.
Goemetry -- Pop quiz... -.-; Yay... It was only worth 5 points... And it was really easy... But I still didn't do it right. I was thinking it was some thing else that it wasn't... I hate when I do that...
Atfer School -- Three guys ran into me and just kept running -.-;; Ass holes... And then people just kept stopping right in front of me... :: sighs :: I finally got to Henry to say good bye for the day. Then I ran down to the bus, got home and fell into bed.
o.o; I guess that was my day... Not one of the better ones, so I hope tomorrow will be better. So I'll talk to you all later, bye all.
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