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myOtaku.com: NekoSaiyanReno

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I don't know about fun... o.O;;
Yep.. Probaly not gonna be much fun up in Brecenridge... I'll end up having to baby sit a 4, 12, and 3 year old the whole time most likely. But at least the skiing should be nice...

:: sighs ::

Any ways... Not sure If I'm going to be able to post any more this week or not. If we use any of the lab tops in any of my calsses tomorrow then I will... But I doubt that will happen... So I'll try and make this post last I guess...?


So.. My grade are basically this... four C's, one B, and two A's. Which I don't beleive to be bad at all... But my parents are still flipping out about it. So still no update on when I will get any of my stuff back...

:: thwaps school and all teachers ::


So besides that not much is going on with me. I have literally 100 problem of math, three career papers, and 4 chapters to read in 'The Catcher In The Rye' tonight for home work. So no getting onto the computer for me tonight. I couldn't if I wanted to any ways because my dad is off of work today. So along with all of my home work, I'll end up doing all of the chores and crap on top of it all...

:: growls and gets a flamthrower to do the chores ::

Okay, I'm ready to work! ^^"

So... Ummm... I guess that's all I can think of right now.. If any thing else comes to me before the period is over I'll post it up! Talk to you guys later!

:: huggles and kisses Matt back ::


:: then thwaps all the things that keep getting in the way of them being able to talk for a change ::



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