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• saphire_ketzumi
• 1989-01-14
• Castle Rock, Colorado
Member Since
• 2004-10-02
• High School Student, graphic artist, writer
Real Name
• Brianna Lyn
• I finally got myself to be single and i actually LIKE it. I know, I was scared, too XD
Anime Fan Since
• Ummm... 8?
Favorite Anime
• I have a bunch... Don't feel like listing right now... Lol
• To keep out of as much trouble as I can
• Anime, hanging out with my friends, graphic and website design and... writing?
• Ha! Ya right. Like I have talents...! *cough cough* I mean... N/A
| NekoSaiyanReno
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
:: just... sighs... ::
Well... I'm still a brunet... With fucked up golden copper shit on the side from when mom messed it up last year. I looked like a skunk for a week... -.-; She didn't read the directions and just slopped it on my head. But oh well, it's in the past. Even though you can still see it through the three dye jobs we tried to do to get it back to normal.
But oh well, I'll get my red head some time this week or weekend hopefully. If my dad agrees to it finaly. Then Henry can come over and help so I don't mess it up. Because I know I will. Not sure what day we will be able to do, though. Since tommorow is his birthday, (( So every one go visit him and say it, no matter what he says. He's turning 17 :: huggles him again, and will run out to get card tommorow :: Just click here [Henry's gonna kill meh but...] Or here... Or mabeh even here! XP I'm better now... o.o;; Here! XP )) and I don't wanna bug him on his birthday. And on friday we're going up to the mountains to go skiing. Then on friday night we go back to Mom's house. Then back to school on Monday...
Ehh... That's gonna suck because I've been going to bed at, like, 2 or 3 and getting up at around 10 to 12... So I'ma be fucked up when I got to get up at 6 again. Watch me fall asleep in all my classes again and fail... Again... o.O Well, I didn't actually fail any of them. I passed all of them... All except... What else... Geometry.
I got a D. I think it was because I failed the chapter 5 test. But oh well... I'll just have to pay more attention and actually turn in my work.
What a concept, aye?
I know...
I've never hear of it either...
It's scares me! x.x;
Now then...
Uhhh... What was I gonna do...
:: thinks ::
:: gets depressed again ::
u.u;; Oh yeah...
:: sighs ::
Never mind about that right now... I'll try and post that later... Like tommorow or some thing...
Well... Bye all! I love you guys! And happy birthday, again Henry! ^^"
P.S -- HERE! n.n;; Sorry... I'm just bored out of my mind over here...
P.S.S -- I love you so much Matt, and I'm glad your okay...
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