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• saphire_ketzumi
• 1989-01-14
• Castle Rock, Colorado
Member Since
• 2004-10-02
• High School Student, graphic artist, writer
Real Name
• Brianna Lyn
• I finally got myself to be single and i actually LIKE it. I know, I was scared, too XD
Anime Fan Since
• Ummm... 8?
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• To keep out of as much trouble as I can
• Anime, hanging out with my friends, graphic and website design and... writing?
• Ha! Ya right. Like I have talents...! *cough cough* I mean... N/A
| NekoSaiyanReno
Monday, February 28, 2005
I don't think I helped Henry get on my dads' good side this weekend... v.v;
Well, Firday I was going to go over to Birttany's so me her and Holly could all watch movies and just hang out. But it didn't work out because I had no ride and Holly got into trouble, so yeah. Saturday I thought was Holly's party day, but it turns out it's this upcoming Saturday, oh well...
So I just laid around untill around noon-ish or so, I think, when Henry called from the skate park down the street. He asked if he could come up to see me, so I said yes, not really thinking any thing of it. So I rushed around and threw on some clothes, and right as I finish brushing out my hair and stuff, the door-bell rings and I run down to see Henry already here. He was breathing heavily because he skate boarded all the way up the hill to my house right after he got off the phone with me x.x;; He could have just walked.
Well, I let him catch his breath for a second while the dogs barked and whined to be pet like they always do.
{Lazy complaining things, the have the whole basment to themselves down there and they complain... -.-;}
Anyways, after that we went up to my room and hung out for a bit, then... o.o; Wait... -thinks- Aw fuck it, I'll just put basically all of what happened... Please don't kill me Henry... x.x;
So we started to do some of our poking games, then tickled each other. I won. I always win at those. He's so damn ticklish XD Anyways, so then we snuggled a bit and started to kiss... And kiss some more... And... o.o; You get the point... Then after, I don't even know how long... We were at it for a good hour and/or more, so a bit into it I... Uhhh... o.O I took off his shirt and then... {Please don't kill me Henry x.x} He took off mine, and we kissed some more.. And- You already get the point... So then I hear the grage door open, but I didn't think any thing of it besides it was just Christopher with one of his friends grabbing their bikes or some thing... I was so wrong...
It turns out it was dad coming home from work. I thought he worked from 7 to 5, but it turns out he only needed to go in for a few hours to check on some stuff. So we were still oblivious to this as we keep going. Then, I'd say, about 10 or 15 minutes after the grage door opened, I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. But, once again, I only think of it to be Christopher getting some thing from his room before he leaves. Then three seconds later, we hear a huge, angry bang on the door, and dad yelling for me to open the door...
So I'm flipping out as I grab my shirt and pull it on, while Henry's looking around for his which I threw on the floor next to the bed. Meenwhile, dad's getting really pissed and slamming on the door some more, starting to yell. I finally open the door as calmly as I could to him red in the face and telling me and him to get down stairs and for Henry to call his mom to come pick him up.
I wonder out side to get some fresh air and to get away from dad as Henry calls his mom. I kinda just sit on the stairs as Henry sits opposite of me. I tried to bang my head a few times to stop thinking about how much trouble I had probablly gotten him, and myself, into. Then, of coarse to make matters worse, dad comes out and fucking threatens to beat the shit out of Henry. And, litteraly, pick him up and throw him out if it happens again. {He's not stupid, he knew damn well what we we're doing, but his mind took it to far...} And the scary thing is, I know he will...
My Dad + Me and either boys that are my friends or my boyfriend = BAD x.x;;;
He's never liked any of my guy friends because he always thought I was dating and/or having sex with them... I'M STILL A FUCKIGN VIRGIN! -.-; He once asked me if I was pregnant by one of my best friends, Avery, because he was always over at the house all the time. He basically lived there during the summer time... I was only sbout 12 or 13 when he asked me. I wanted to kill him...
What was I talking about agian...? -scrolls up- Oh yeah! Sorry, I get lost easily o.o;;
Anyways... So a few minutes later his mom dirves up and he hops into the car. I still stat out side and out of dads way. Eventually I guess he made his way upstairs and to my room and check all of my sheets and the floor for... o.O;; Yeah... WE DIDN'T DO ANY THING!
Then I see Henry's mom drive back up, and I get up a bit confused thinking maybe he just left some thing inside... But of coarse not... -.-;; To make matters even worse, as if they could be, she wanted to talk to my [extremely pissed] dad. And, of coarse, we tlaked in the street. Ya know... Just in case the neighbors wanted to hear, too x.x;; Not really, it was for Henry's dad, but whatever.
So we had a lovely conversation on how me and Henry are to never be alone in a room by ourselves any longer, and know he's grounded from seeing me even longer now. {I think} And then it went into how we should never even be making out because it could lead to some thing. She doesn't want us to even make out because she says we have no intention of being in a relationship for marriage purposes, or anything like that. I wanted to disagree or say some thing, but I just kept my damn mouth shut and nodded and agreed so I wouldn't get an even worse beating from dad. And she doesn't like it when we have our arms around each other, either, I guess...
So my dads just standing there, agreeing with every thing she says... He's a fucking hypocritical bastard -.-; When he was going out with Jennifer, they were both always all over each other and upstair fucking in his room... No one best talk to me about premarital sex... 'Cause me and all of my firends motto is that 'you have to test the car before you buy it'... XD I know, we're horrible... BUT IT'S TRUE DAMN IT!
And my mother has no place to be crittisising me, either. She lost herself at 13. And actually, she says just as long as I tell her if I have or not, I can. She knows damn well she can't stop me. And that brings me to my mother calling around 5 or 6 with her monotone disappointed voice... -.-; I wanted to just hang up on her. She asked me about 6 to 9 times if we had had sex or I gave him head or any thing. And each time I told her no. She still doesn't believe a word I said, even if she says she does, you can tell she doesn't. Then she goes into the whole sex and pregnacy talk with me for, about, the 1,000,000,000 time. About how 'I may be physically ready, but I am far from mentaly ready to have a child.' And how I'm not sure Henry wouldn't just walk off and leave me with the baby to raise by myself. {In which I'm sure he wouldn't, I don't think he's one to do that. And Dante and every one else would hunt him down and kill him if he did, anyways XD} I just told her for the -looks up for how every much she put XD- 1,000,000,000 time that I know, and I understand. And plus, if we do, I know to be carefull, I'm not that stupid.
God damn... This is one long post... o.o;; Sorry about that. and that was all just Saturday basically XD So here's Sunday in a quick thing.
Went out to lunch at Black Eyed Pea with dad, then went out and looked for a cat at the shelter. Almost got one, but Christopher would flip if we got one with out him, so we didn't. Went over to Wal-Mart and got some milk and pants for meh ^^ then went home and I cleaned the whole house for Saturdays doing x.x;; And that's basically it.
o.o So I have dragged on quite long enough, so I will let you all go, though I doubt any one took the time to read all of that XD
Bye all!
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