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Hell literally. Meh. Good Old El Paso -__-
Member Since
Real Name
You don't wanna know...cuz you'll be killed instantly.
completing FF8!! in the immortal words of Zell" OH YEAH!!!"
Anime Fan Since
sailor moon, pokemon, digimon...yeah sue me for watching those shows!
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, azumanga daioh, dnangel, chrono crusade, mezzo, nuku nuku, beyblade, full metal alchemist, cowboy bebop, naruto, yu yu hakusho, full metal panic, final fantasy unlimited, .hack//SIGN, .hack//LEGEND OF THE TWILIGHT, .hack//LUMINALITY, & trigun
to stay with the people i love most; find that one special person <3; to move to japan
reading/making/coloring manga, watching anime, playing final fantasy and beyblading....although i haven't done this in years o____O
lot's of things!!^__^
| NekoVampLuna
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Yay! So I got Dane Cook: Vicious Circle! I love that guy! He's really really funny! If you haven't heard any of his stuff, you have to >.< He's hilarious!
Okay so yeah. And yay! Tomorrow HP5's coming out! I'm totally seeing that movie! It looks really good!
Ummm....let's see...anything else I'm happy about....? Nope.
Ugh, my computer's being acting up all week, and I'm starting to get tired of it! It keeps disconnecting me like every 30 minutes! I hate it! And what's worse, I can't watch videos or listen to music on MySpace or other sites >.<
Luna~Sure :D Just give me pics and names xD I'll enter them! *Thanks for the review!!!!!!*
Cagalli~ I know >.< I miss Trigun!!!
vampirechik3~oooh! Thank you for commenting!! And yeah same here! i'd want all of them to come true also!
Elves~Yeah, and she HAS no proof which makes me really mad you know?
1. Who do you admire most?
2. Harry Potter: yay or nay?
3. If you could be the voice for an anime character who would it be?
"...This is my phone... Tell Yuffie she has no right to reach this number..."~Vincent Valentine, FFVII AC

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Monday, July 9, 2007
Hmmm..well. I finally got around to writing my Seiftis (SeiferxQuistis from Final Fantasy VIII). Well really I can't take ALL the credit. Part of the idea goes to Rinoa FF8 and Lady Pyrefly (LP's on fanfic. Rin can be found in my line of friends ^_^). I'll post the link at the end so you all can read it and tell me what you think. (Go ahead and give a review for it also! I allow anonymous reviews on But yay! Finally got it done. After 3 years also.
Hmmm...well I've been majorly bored lately...and I finally finished the DeviantArt ID also *It's basically the same as the Sheezy one only with red text and the name "AnimeMistress666" instead of "Scarlett Kagome".*
Luna~ANGELofDEATH. She's a former friend of mine who has accused me of stealing art and stuff of her's and a friend of mine and claiming to be her and Avenged-Sevenfold (also an otakuian and one of my oldest friends.) Personally I think she needs to get over herself really. *wonders where she put her Death Note* <--had to add that. I mean come on I'm the new Kira no?
Cagalli~I know huh? I love that quote to death xD And yep. The good did outweigh the bad :D
Question of the day *cuz I'm too lazy to put three*
1. If you could have one wish, what would it be?
"Give me the gift of nothingness, give me death." - Legato Bluesummers, Trigun

Link for the story:
Thorns of Galbadia
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Sunday, July 8, 2007
Well, what did I say? 7/7/07 was bad -_- It started off good, so I was like "Yay! Fun time at Winry's!!!!" and then about an hour after I get to Winry's, who shows up? None other than ANGELofDEATH -_- Yeah. There was MAJOR tension the WHOLE time she was there. Even Soffie, Win's sister said she felt it, and Win even mentioned it herself. I was like, "This cannot be happening!" But after she left, everything was better really ^_^ So I was happy once more and everything went great. But like I said something bad was going to happen.
Pretty much what started the tension was that when Winry was introducing us, Win was like "Kristin, this is Selphie" and Kristin just went "I know her." all like pissy and gave Winry that look like "I know her and hate her. If she comes near me..." kind of look, you know? But I was like whatever and continued watching Kare Kano and everything.
Hmmm...But yeah.
Luna and Cagalli~ I don't believe in it either, although the two are switched around for me xD Like 666 is good luck for me and 777 is bad. It's funny really.
-I can't think of any questions today ^^;-
"Sometimes when I've got a lot on my mind, it just helps to go 'Aaaaaaaa!!'"-Rikku, FFX

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Saturday, July 7, 2007
Huh...3 7's...I duno. I can definatley say that this will be a bad day for me ^^; Last year when it was 6/6/06, good things happened to me. I was able to pass for a 17 year old and see The Omen, and a few other things *i found money!* But 7/7/07...something just doesn't feel right you know?
Well, just though I'd rant about that :D
1. What was your first anime?
2. Who's your favoite pairing(s)? *non anime related*
3. Who's your favorite pairing(s)? *anime related*
Luna~It flew in from the back yard xD
Oh, if you're having trouble with the comment link, just click the one that shows up above my navi links.
"Just to make things clear... No further filming was done of the changing scene. I have no words of comfort to offer your dejected spirits. ...I'm not lying." Kyon, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Episode 1 (actually 00)

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Thursday, July 5, 2007
Hmmmmm.....Oh I forgot to mention this yesterday. This bird got into our house yesterday and I don't know. I like birds but they freak me out when you hear their wings flapping up close. There's something about those wings. I dunno. I've seen that movie "The Birds" or whatever it's called, You know the one where the town is attacked by birds? It's a pretty good movie. I mean it really gets you thinking about how you treat animals :D
Oh and I was reading your guys comments, and I'm glad that *the few that noticed* you all were happy to see yourselves on the line of friends. Pretty much it's showing who really checks out my site and such ^__^ I should be adding more.
I thought I'd ask some questions :D
1. How did you come up with your name?
2. Ever do anything anime related? (Like sit a certain way, etc.)
Well. I might not be on til Sunday. I have this anime/pool party to go to on saturday and I dunno...Ichigo (Fred) might be coming over tomorrow. So I might not be on to do any updates ^_^
Until then,
Neko, the NEW Kira :D
PS. Yay! I just noticed earlier that another one of my works was on the popular list >.< It's awesome! But yeah it's not there anymore.
"Will you be eating that cake?...say what you want, but I will be taking the cake."-L, Death Note

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy 4th...meh. Hope your's is better :D
Well Sheezy's back and working for me so yay!! Oh I got bored and decided to update my ID on there and here's what it turned out to look like:

I still don't like the Misa theme, but my L renders didn't go with the colors so I had to use her. Meh.
But I was going to update last night but I got tired really early so I went to bed...waking up like 5 hours later in time for Bleach :D OMG, after the episode was over, I said this one line from it that Urahara said and it sounded just like him >.< It's also my quote ^_^
But nothing really to say. I'm sucking at drawing OC's for Keya and UchihaLover -_- Ugh. But those should be done hopefully.
But that's all :D
"There's a reason for my madness."~Kisuke Urahara, episode 14, Bleach

^Also my mood xD
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Monday, July 2, 2007
Sheezy's still not working >:O Grrr at sheezy! I haven't been there in like a week!!!!!!!
Well, I am happy to announce that my recent art. my shaded Haruhi pic, made it to the popular section of the FanARt last night! This makes it the 4th one to make it. If I remember, the others that have made it are:
Ino Yamanaka -line art-
Ino Yamanaka -first coloured-
Deidara, the Clay Manipulator
So I'm happy to add the Haurhi-shaded and done to that list ^_^
Well, I'm starting Uchiha's request and my entry for Keya's contest ^_^
Her contest is that you have to draw one of her OC's. I'm going to try my hand at all of the girls and which ever one looks the best, I will finishe it and enter it ^_^
So wish me luck!
Also I'm going to try one of Elves as well. Don't know it I want to make a fan art or a wallpaper/caption.
Pic of the day:

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Sunday, July 1, 2007
Hmmmmm *Added*
It's weird...Sheezy isn't working for me today...huh. Oh well there's always tomorrow I guess.
I am trying to get to everyone's sites so i can comment you all back that have updated, but my computer is being a little pain due to all this rainy weather we've been having lately so it's cut down on my commenting abilities. But I will get to everyone's as soon as i can, kay?
Well, I set up a small cosplay album for this year's EPAC with the few pics i have of me in them. I'm waiting for my friends to hurry and get theirs developed so I can save them and add them :D
Well As you all probably have noticed, new icon :D Thanks goes to UchihaLover. *hugs* Fear Eru :D
Well that's about it that I can say...I might be changing my profile music yeah ^_^
Well bee seeing you around!
Keya is having a contest once I get more details I will fill you all in on what it is :D I'll definately be in it so yay!
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
Never mind then O.o
The art is up :D YAY!
For those that didn't see the con pics, or did, here is the link again. Also I've added to it :D
Con Pics
Image for fun:
Kenny looks sooooooo hot :D

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Friday, June 29, 2007
Some pics :D
Here are some that were taken ^_^
Me and Ritsuka [Contessa]

As for the others, go here
I'm still getting more so yeah...mreow :D
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