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Hell literally. Meh. Good Old El Paso -__-
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You don't wanna know...cuz you'll be killed instantly.
completing FF8!! in the immortal words of Zell" OH YEAH!!!"
Anime Fan Since
sailor moon, pokemon, digimon...yeah sue me for watching those shows!
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inuyasha, azumanga daioh, dnangel, chrono crusade, mezzo, nuku nuku, beyblade, full metal alchemist, cowboy bebop, naruto, yu yu hakusho, full metal panic, final fantasy unlimited, .hack//SIGN, .hack//LEGEND OF THE TWILIGHT, .hack//LUMINALITY, & trigun
to stay with the people i love most; find that one special person <3; to move to japan
reading/making/coloring manga, watching anime, playing final fantasy and beyblading....although i haven't done this in years o____O
lot's of things!!^__^
| NekoVampLuna
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
Hello everyone^^ Sorry I haven't updated lately. Lots of things have been happening and I just haven't had the time.
That movie, Glory Road, recently came out, and If any of you have seen it, and live outside of El Paso Texas...You're probably going "Uh-huh...what ever they say." Or not, but that's just what comes to mind. I hear that the movie is really good, so I don't mind what others think about it.
I recently finished an anime called Divergence EVE. Who here has seen or heard of it? It's pretty good. Crazy, but good. If you haven't see it and tell me what you think of it.
Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children is coming out soon! *yays!!!* And I'm making sure that I get my hands on a copy before every copy is gone.
Currently, I'm watching Grey's Anatomy. It's a pretty good show. It's about these interns that work at a hospital, and one of the interns is the daughter of a doctor at the hospital. It's a pretty serious, but hilarious show.
Earlier today, I got to eat spicy Udon noodles!! They were nummy! I really loved them...and I'm currently eating them now. -Leftovers=nummy also-
Well, I shall let you all go and have fun with your lives.
Just a quick little side note. 10 more visits and I'll be at 1800^^ Awesomeness huh?
I'm not a research specimen! I'm a normal human being!!-Kureha Misaki, Divergence EVE
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Monday, January 9, 2006
Well, I finished the MoaG book. It was really really good!! Now...what to read? *looks around* Oh well, I have millions of books, so I can pick some other time.
We got our new schedules today, since we started back at school, and those counsler persons messed mine up! *Grrr* But it's alright, I don't care. I have 2 new teachers that are really cool!
My world history teacher, is like, THE best WH teacher. You know how most teachers just lean against the desk, or barely sit on the desk? Not Mrs. Zeiler. She actually SITS on the desk. It's awesome!!
My English 2b teacher, Mr. O *can't spell his name even if my life depended on it* is also really cool!! See, he lets us do what we want, and he has an awesome stereo system. We listened to it during the class, and you could hear it all the way down the hall. It's just so cool!
As for the rest of the teachers, I have four of the original 7 teachers still, while I have Mrs. Zeiler, Mr. O, and the geometry teacher. So life's good...I guess.
See you all around!
What's talent? Is it something tasty?-Sakuma Ryuichi, Gravitation
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
A few days ago, I went and saw Memoirs of a Geisha *hint the background and new avi*. It wa really good and I loved it. Now I've just got to finish the book...
Well, on to other things.
School begins in a few days, which will mean limited time online and playing any of my games. But it's alright, I mean, it's just life, right? You've got to make a few sacrifices.
Well, I hope you all enjoy the rest of your time and have fun...Why am I saying that? Strange. I'm just typing things out as I go.
I never wanted to be a geisha at first, but then, while the times change, I too changed.-Sayuri, Memoirs of a Geisha
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Well, I recently finished watching The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy...AGAIN! and loved it...EVEN MORE!! I especially love Marvin, the depressed robot. He was really, really great!!! I loved how he was always, like "Like no one would care..." "It's not worth it..." He had to be THE best character in the movie!
I guess that's all I have to say...So until later, bye^^
I do have some ideas, but they all point to sudden death.-Marvin from Hitchhiker's Guide

A recent addition to my fan art...and a character from The Bouncer. Oh, and the mirror-like image thing going on, totally intended.
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
Hey there everyone^^ I just have to say one thing. If I don't come by your site, I'm sorry^^ I'm not getting on as often as I use to. I'm either busy, playing The Bouncer (Or FF10-2/FF10), or just too lazy to get on.
I don't really mean to not come by! Really!! Just I don't have the time most of the week.
Well, currently, I seem to be playing 10-2 the most. Although I do play The Bouncer every once in awhile.
I have three different games saved from 10-2 and it's just funny, because two of my games, I have 29% done, and they're at different parts in the game. One I'm in Bevelle *10-2 players will know what I'm talking about*, the 2nd one, I'm going to LeBlanc's Chateau. Crazy huh?
Well, I'll leave you all with a little quote from 10-2 and maybe an extra quote...We'll just see.
*comes from FF10-2*
Elma: Lady Yuna, please tell me it isn't true. You didn't give the sphere to New Yevon.
Yuna: Sorry.
Elma: Well then, your journey stops here. *snaps and two Youth league soldiers arrive*
Rikku: W..Wait! You don't mean your gonna fight us!
And the second quote, just for you guys^^
*This one comes from The Bouncer*
Volt: One of us has to protect Dominique, while the other two act as decoys.
*If you choose Sion*
Sion: I'll protect her. *pulls Dominique close to him*
Dominique: *smiling* Sion!
Kou: You mean we've got to be the decoys?!
*It's best if you choose Sion at this part, if not, the conversation will be like this:
Kou: I'll protect her. *holds out his hand to bring Dominique over to him*
Dominique: *uneasy* Why does it have to be Kou?
See what I mean?^^*
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Well, I just got an awesomely cool game!! *I wonder how many people know what it is.*
What's the game you ask? Well it's made by SquareSoft, more of a fighting game than a RPG, and it happens to star a very handsome young man name Sion. The game is the Bouncer^^ *image*
It's an awesome game!! Well, that's all for the update! I'll see you all around!
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas everyone!!! Well, I for one am happy with the way this christmas turned out! It was magnificent!!
I could list everything that I got, but that would take forever!!! So...I'll list some of the more important stuff...
-2 faeries *A Fullmoon Faerie and a Half-moon Faerie* The wings are the moon phases. It's really awesome!!
-Final Fantasy X-2 *Again..Stupid Cousin!!!*
-Fullmetal Alchemist Volume 6
-The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe GBA SP game
-Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire PS2 game
-Sly Cooper 1&2 *I just love that Thevious Racoonus^^*
-The new PS2 *The old one mysteriously vanished...and I mean, vanished.*
Well, I had a great and terrific Christmas!! How about you guys?
Well, I'm off!
*Comes from FFX-2*
Brother: How's everything?
Rikku: *trying to help Paine pull Yuna back onto the pillar...thing* Just disasteriffic!
Brother: Disasteriffic?! That's not even a word! Try saing "disterous" like everyone else!
Brother: Rikku! Report in! Rikku!
Paine: *over Brother's shouts* Would you like me to kill him?
Rikku: That would be great.

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Friday, December 23, 2005
Hello, we've finished our exams, and now it's Christmas break!! Yay!!
So, now what to do? Dunno. I guess sit around, wait for Christmas, and watch all my anime until Christmas. *I have a feeling that I'll be getting more anime...But I guess that I can keep guessing until then, right?*
Well, I hope that you all have a happy and merry christmas and I will talk to you all after the holidays!!
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
Well, here's an update.
My life....Is totally dull. Yes. Dull. Well, we have finals, and we finished the english one...I hope I did well....I hope that I pass the class at least, you know?
As for the others...I dunno. It's something that I never think about, you know? I always think about things after the test or whatever happens to take place.
Well on that note, I shall leave you all until the next post.
Who're you calling short?! I'll break off both of your legs and stick them on your head!!~Edward Elric
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Friday, December 9, 2005
Hello all^^ Yes, I have come out of hiding just to say that.
Well, lately I've been hanging out at a forum called AnimeLeague If you happen to sign up, let them know that Psycho Girl brought you^^
Well, also in my eventful life, I get to yell at people soon (not because I hate them, I just don't like pain.) I'm getting metal in my mouth. (Candy to anyone who guesses what the metal is.)
Well also, I just thought that I would also show you a new art peice^^ Enjoy!!
Sometimes they say that if you look through the sun, you can see the earth from a different perspective. But they're still working on that, yet it will always be that way in my mind's whispers.~by me

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