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Hell literally. Meh. Good Old El Paso -__-
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You don't wanna know...cuz you'll be killed instantly.
completing FF8!! in the immortal words of Zell" OH YEAH!!!"
Anime Fan Since
sailor moon, pokemon, digimon...yeah sue me for watching those shows!
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inuyasha, azumanga daioh, dnangel, chrono crusade, mezzo, nuku nuku, beyblade, full metal alchemist, cowboy bebop, naruto, yu yu hakusho, full metal panic, final fantasy unlimited, .hack//SIGN, .hack//LEGEND OF THE TWILIGHT, .hack//LUMINALITY, & trigun
to stay with the people i love most; find that one special person <3; to move to japan
reading/making/coloring manga, watching anime, playing final fantasy and beyblading....although i haven't done this in years o____O
lot's of things!!^__^
| NekoVampLuna
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone^^
That's for tomorrow, or whenever you read this.
Well, I wish you all a happy Turkey day and I hope that you are safe...and everything.
Quote for the Day
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
Hey^^ Yesterday, I went and saw the Harry Potter movie!! It was so awesome, but they just had to change the directors..Grr...Well anyways, they kept a lot of things out of the movie that was in the book..Again...Grrr...
*sniffle* I miss Cedric...*sniffle*
So in memorium of all the Harry Potter characters that have died, I give you these pics:

James Potter and Lily Evans~May their souls RIP as they watch over Harry.

May his soul RIP, despite the life that he lived.

May his soul RIP and protect the halls Of Hogwarts.

May he RIP.
Quote for the Day
Ron: Aren't you glad that I told you what the first task was going to be?
Harry: What? Hagrid told me, not you!
Ron: No! I did! Remember when I told Hermione to tell you that I heard from Dean who heard from Seamus who heard from Parvati that Hagrid wanted you? I actually heard it from Hagrid directly. I thought that you would figure it out!
Harry: Who could figure that out?!

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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Well the test went well, now I have to await the results.
(I know this is a short update, but it's an update, right?)
Quote for the Day
Why can't I go with you to find the great crownsmen of Europe?~Dorothy Gale, Wizard of Oz

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Monday, November 14, 2005
I just want to ask a few little questions:
1. How did you come up with your username?
2. What is your all time favorite anime?
3. All time favorite band/music?
4. All time least favorite anime?
5. All time least favorite band/music?
and finally
6. What is your favorite TV show?
You don't really have to answer these questions, just thought I would ask^^
As for me, my BF and I broke up. Why? He was trying to get to know me a bit too much, and I like to stay mysterious.
Tomorrow (11-14-05) I take a test that can determine my career choice. *crosses fingers* Please let Neko be the artist.
Quote for the day
This comes from a play that my theatre company put on called Dancing at Lughnasa.
Gerry Evans: Chrissy. Marry me, Chrissy.
Christina: Gerry...I...
Gerry: Marry me and give Michael a real father.
Christina: I'm sorry, Gerry, but no. I cannot.
Gerry: Chrissy. But why?
Christina: You'll just leave me again, like you always do.

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Yes!! 1500 hits!!
Well...yeah. Now I'm out of happiness...for no reason.
Well...As you can see, my new theme is Dir-en-Grey. Thay so rock!! Yeah!!
*No quote sorry^^*

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Sunday, November 13, 2005
..Okay..Yuki and Kyo fans...Don't kill me. Why? Just look below:

Again...Please no killing of the Neko. She means no harm against Yuki and Kyo fans alike.
I just got finished watching the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie and it ROX!!!
Well..I'm gonna go now...and possible wait for hate mail. Laterz!
Quote for the day:
He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. ~Dr. Johnson
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
Hey^^ I just though that I should let ya'll know that I'm 7 hits away from having 1500 visits. Awesome, huh?
Well, as for an update of my life, I'm currently in an argument with this guy on the forums. He says that Slipknot and HIM suck. I say that they're awesome. How about you guys? What do you think?
Well laterz!
Quote for the Day
I BELIEVE IN ME!!!-Yukari from AzuManga Daioh
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
Hey and hello^^ Sorry for not updating for awhile..been grounded.
Well not much to say other than I may be on everyonce and awhile, but who knows. We'll just have to wait and see, right?
Quote for the Day
~This quote comes from Grey's Anatomy~
Christina: I'm Korean, not Chinese. The last time I read Chinese was from the back of a fortune cookie.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2005

This is a new peice of art that I'm working on, and I'll take any suggestions for a background, besides the Von Helson family symbol.
Halloween was fun!! (If I sound scary and hyper, it's because I'm hyper.) I went as Itachi and got mobbed by fangirls...I wish! I miss the fangirls at AnimeCons!!! Why cruel fates?! Why have you gone against me?!?!?!? WHY?!?!?!?!
*ahem* Anyways....Well, it was fun after all. I got money from one person. That person is my new friend^^
OH! Before I go, I was wondering, how did you come up with your otaku name? As for me, I love cats (Neko), vampires (Vamp), and my favorite anime cat is Luna from Sailor Moon (Luna). How about you guys?
Quote for the Day
"I am going to give you the life that I never had. You can die...Or you can live forever. Which do you choose?" ~Lestat deLioncourt, Interview with the Vampire
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Saturday, October 29, 2005

Thanks to EAMR for this banner^^ *hug*
As for my day since then, I got the movie Inteview with the Vampire (Tom Cruise is so hot in that movie^^). I love it^^ *What can I say? I love vampires.*
I also got the Alice in Wonderland DVD, and I'm almost done with it. I love the high caterpillar^^ He's so cool!
Well, I shall be going now, since I have nothing more to say.
Quote for the Day
Drink from me and live forever. ~Lestat deLioncourt, IWTV

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