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Hell literally. Meh. Good Old El Paso -__-
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You don't wanna know...cuz you'll be killed instantly.
completing FF8!! in the immortal words of Zell" OH YEAH!!!"
Anime Fan Since
sailor moon, pokemon, digimon...yeah sue me for watching those shows!
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, azumanga daioh, dnangel, chrono crusade, mezzo, nuku nuku, beyblade, full metal alchemist, cowboy bebop, naruto, yu yu hakusho, full metal panic, final fantasy unlimited, .hack//SIGN, .hack//LEGEND OF THE TWILIGHT, .hack//LUMINALITY, & trigun
to stay with the people i love most; find that one special person <3; to move to japan
reading/making/coloring manga, watching anime, playing final fantasy and beyblading....although i haven't done this in years o____O
lot's of things!!^__^
| NekoVampLuna
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Thursday, October 27, 2005

*all echoy* Hello out there!!!! Today...Is the day...That...I. Get. To. Rock. You!!! *loud cheers*
Yes. Today is my one Otaku-versary. And I would love to thank those that helped my get through this year, old and new. All you old ones know who you are, or you should...The new ones too!! You all have helped me through this year in some way that maybe I don't even know why. Many of you, I've known since my first day here, one year ago. The others, I just met.
So I must thank those that took the time to come and visit me, such as hishyama shark, whom I've known since day 1; ElvesAteMyRamen, whom I've known for about a week or so; Joshualover, Angel in Hell, ANGELofDEATH, dark anime kitty, SangoStarHawk, Rinoa FF8, and Spaz in Audience, whom (most of them) I know outside the site and are the greatest friends out there; and anyone that I don't have on here, thank you^^
Since I'm being so generous, I even drew you all a picture to thank you guys. If you guys don't know who that girl in the picture is, she's Miyama Yuna from Maburaho.
Well now I shall let you all go and I have one little thing to tell you all:
You guys are fabulous! I'm fabulous! We're all fabulous!
*also very echoy* Thank you and good night!!
Quote for the Day
"I like you. When the world is mine, your death shall be quick and painless."~Stewie Griffin from Family Guy
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Well, two more days until my one year here at myO!! *quick cheer*
Well, I have recently gotten through three of the original Ringu movies. All I have to watch is Ringu 0. Out of all the Ringu movies, I happen to like Ringu better than the sequels.
As you can probably already tell, my new 'theme', if you will, is Furuba.
Hmm..what else can I say...Oh!
In my theatre class at school, we're doing improvisions for our 6 weeks final exams and the group that I'm working with is doing Alice in Wonderland, and I get to play that caterpillar that seems to be high all the time. I need to watch that movie again...
Quote for the Day
"Father, I won't let you down."~Seung Mina, Soul Calibur 2

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Sunday, October 23, 2005

I know it was kinda late, but seeing as I'm posting right now, I thought that it was the right time to post it^^
Well, 5 more days until my Otaku-versary. I can't wait^^
Well, earlier tonight (or yesterday, whenever you read this^^), I went to my school's homecoming...I can describe this dance in one word: boring. And I mean boring. There wasn't anyone dancing, no great dance songs, that kind of boring.
Well, laterz everyone^^
Quote for the Day (10/18-22)
~This comes from Advent Children~
Death's Harbringer, Jenova.~Vincent Valentine |
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Just thought that I should update^^
Hey^^ It's like 10:37 where I am right now (12:37 a.m.)...So it's pretty late for me to update..or according to some...I guess..
Just a few little things that I should announce:
1. In 10 days, my one year Otaku-versary will happen^^ (10/27)
2. I've recently finished the Furuba anime^^ The last three episodes me cry...*sniffle* Now I finally realize why Kyo-kun wears that bracelet.
As you may have noticed, my post's bg has (White) Sohma Hatsuharu. Doen't he just look so innocent? *Just wait until he snaps^^*
Hmm...I guess there wasn't really that many things that I wanted to say...So I'll see you around.
Quote for the Day:
"I kill! Therefore I am!"~Number 66 aka Barry the Chopper |
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Sunday, October 16, 2005
Hey^^ I had almost forgoten to mention this, but I had gotten the Furuba perfect collection set and I fell in L-O-V-E with it^^ ...Now I've got the Yki Fan Club girls chant in my head due to that. But anyways, I love it!! Out of all the characters, I have to say that I love Hatsuharu more than any of the other characters, but then, I also like Kyo, due to my love for cats!!
Aside from my favorite guys, out of the all the Sohma girls (also including Tohru-kun {She's like an honorary Sohma^^}) Kagura's my fave.
So that brings me to the conclusion: Who is your most favorite Furuba character ever?
Quote for the Day
~It, of course, comes from Furuba^^ (Who woulda guess?)~
Kyo: Wait..Don't tell me. You mean it's Valentine's? I've gotta get out of here...Wait. I can go home! No. Home's not such a great idea! I know! I'll go on a journey! Yeah. Somewhere where no one can find me!
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Just got finished watching FMA and now FLCL's on!! Yay!! Well anywho, for any upcoming news for my site...Oh!! My 1 year here on the Otaku as a myO memeber is coming up in a few weeks^^ Yay!! Also, remember, if you're a fan of Final Fantasy Advent Children, you can join my fan club for it^^ Just PM me!!
Hmm..Anything else? Nothing yet..But when there is, I will let ya'll know, kay? Laterz!!
Quote For The Day
-This comes from The Demon's True Nature-
Rin~ Lord Sesshomaru!!
Sesshomaru~ I hope that you have faired well, Rin.
Rin~ Of course. Ah, Un, and I have been on our best behaviour! But Master Jaken has been most meloncholy though.
And just to be nice, I'll give you two quotes..or more so a few quotes...
-These come from the Furuba vol. 2 manga, and are all said in German by Momiji^^-
Sieh do!! Welch ein gluck!! {English translation: What a suprise!! How lucky!!}
Ich freue mich, sie zu seheh! Sehr Angenehm!! {Nice to meet you. I'm so happy to meet you!!}
Sehr hubsch! {You're cute!}
Just so you guys know, on hubsch and gluck, the first u's have the two little dots on them, my computer just doesn't want me to put the correct code in to use them...Stupid keyboard...Anywho, hope you enjoyed them^^ Laterz!
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Monday, October 10, 2005
New Mangas^^ YAY!!
OMG!! I was really happy today, due to the fact that I got new manga!! I finally got the hard to find Chobits vol. 1^^ The other 2 were Full Metal Alchemist volume 3 and Furuba 2^^ YAYS!!
I had wanted to get the DearS series, but then that would be even more of my allowance that would be taken away, so those wil be for later days^^
Also!! Good news for FMA fans!! There will be a novel, called FMA: The Land of Sand, that should be out soon. Cool, huh?
Quote for the day
"If you can say it in Japanese, the you can say it in German!!"-Asuka Sohryu Langley, Neon Genesis Evangelion

Tell me: Hilarious, no? |
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
Some more ramblings
Hey and welcome to another rambling about how my life went. Although really I won't tell you.
In my last post, you probably saw that I had put some new pics of mine, each one in a B&W and a colored version. (In reality, I like the Mustang B&W pic. I makes me think of the manga.)
Anyways, today I will leave you not only with a quote, but a short quiz:
1. Are you a fan of:
A. Yaoi (shonen-ai)
B. Uke/Yuri (shojo-ai)
C. Both
D. None of the Above
The Following Questions go with #1.
2a. If you are a fan of Yaoi, who is your favorite couple?
A. YukiShuichi
B. SasukeNaruto
C. EdwardRoy
2b. If you are a fan of Uke/Yuri, who is your favorite couple?
A. SakuraIno
B. QuistisRinoa
C. LustSloth
2c. (Just pick an answer to both a&b.)
2d. If you are a fan of neither one, who is your favorite couple?
A. CloudAerith
B. SakuraSasuke
C. EdWinry
Now, the quiz will continue to be a bit more normal.
3. What is your favorite kind of anime genre?
A. Horror/Suspense
B. Adventure
C. Sci-Fi
D. Romance
4. What is your favorite kind of manga genre?
A. Action
B. Comedy
C. Fantasy
D. Drama
5. (For the girls only) Who is your favorite anime/manga/game guy?
A. Ed
B. Cloud
C. Inuyasha
D. Shimbo
6. (For the guys only) Who is your favorite anime/manga/game girl?
A. Riza
B. Aerith
C. Sango
D. Dita
Quote of the Day
"Think that you're enemy has a weakness and that becomes their stregnth. Remember that."-Roy Mustang

These are the banners for my Final Fantasy Advent Children Fan Club. If you wish to join, PM me and you can choose which banner you want to use and put in your profile. |
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
Just a rambling
Oi and What's up?
I'm, as you can see, bored. So I'm experimenting on som new things for my site, especially my posts.
How is everyone? I've been better. Although the suprising thing about me so far is that I'm going to homecoming. I don't do these kinds of dances but I'm going.
Well, I shall leave you all to your witty comments about this and many other things.


Quote of the day
"I will not become a mere memory."-Sephiroth
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I was bored so I had ta.
I had to update...Just for you people who love to come by and visit me...and want me to update so that you can come by and leave your witty comments. Well, here ya go!! Also, if you have a LJ account, look for me under the same name as I am known here. Or you can find me at Xanga as ItachiSasukeSharigan. Hmm..anything else? I dunno..Well laters peoples!!
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