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• 1993-06-21
• Fudal Era, Texas
Member Since
• 2004-10-09
• Middle School Student
Real Name
• Neko
• I beat Kingdom Hearts, 15 times...Uh...I'm a published Poet...I guess that's special...
Anime Fan Since
• Ever scince I was 7 and Saw Serial Experiments Lain. (i know..7 years old..) but I'm only hardcore scince 1 or 2 years ago!! ^^
Favorite Anime
• Naruto, Detective Conan (case closed), Death note and the fuccons =] lol
• Get the secret 100% ending for FFX-2...uh...Get more of my poetry ans sstories published.
• Anime,video games, writing, poetry, drawing, archery, Airsoft guns, guitar and Bob. (don't ask)
• Same as my talents.
| Nekoyasha2000
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, June 11, 2005
My birthday's on the 21st....Not hinting anything!!! only..10 MORE DAYS!! YESS!! i am so bored. i'm trying to talk dad into letting me go on usgo to play go intead of Yahoo games. If you ever see me on Yahoo as hlevanti in go, please play a game. the password is...uh...ninki! like Sasuke. not the whole thing, just the word! Ninki! ^^ (eheh had to incorparate naruto) I draw alot of Naruto fanart, don't get me wrong, i just don't post it...i'll get around to i someday lol...10 MORE DAYS!! ^^
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
yes yes yes!!!! Mom says that we are going to go to the Howl's Moving castle movie awhile after it comes out!! i'm looking forward to it! Studio Ghibli Rocks!! ^^
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Xanga site.
I started a Xanga site yesterday, I'm FallenDream94 please go visit!! I'm bored again....
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Monday, June 6, 2005
Thank you Saint2005 for giving me my one-hundreth Guestbook entry! i have 554 visits total. thank you everyone for coming here and being great friends! keep one coming!! :)
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so bored...We need to go over to Strait music to get me a new guitar chord/ nylon strings for my acoustic. I lost the 5th string and it's waaaayy out of tune!! I might try to convince my mom into letting me get a peadal.
Movie of the day: Naruto the Movie. why? because it's coming in the mail soon.
Perosn of the day: Sango-chan. because she has supproted me for a looong time.
animal of the day: Viki! my kitty!
song of the day: Scars by Papa Roach.
Radio station of the day: 96.7 Kiss Fm ^^
musical artist of the day: Utada Hikaru!
video game of the day: THUG (tony Hawks under ground)
food of the day: Tamago sushi.
quote of the day: "wow! he's even cuter than Sakura-chan!!!" (Naruto)
instrument of the day: Static, my electric guitar.
Poem of the day: "One Word" by...Me!!
book of the day: The city of Ember
sport of the day: Inline skating
Anime of the day: NARUTO!!!
GN of the day: Dr. Slump vol.1/ I''s vol.1
song lyric of the day: I want to heal I want to feel what I thought was never real I want to let go of the pain I've held so long....
I want to heal I want to feel like I'm close to something realI want to find something I've wanted all along...Somewhere I belong
(Linkin Park, Somewhere I Belong)
sound effect of the day: BAKOOM!!! (Desert Coral vol. 1)
random word of the day: Shamalamadingdong
Cartoon of the day: Spongebob!!
anime character of the day: Haku (duh)
cartoon character of the day: Patrick Star (spongebob!)
website of the day:
manga of the day: Desert Coral
hahaha i'll have more than one item just in catorgories later this post is already too long!
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
hey dudes, just sitting around, waiting for a certain special E-mail! (swoon) you guys don't know what i'm talking about, but a few people do. those people, PLEASE DON'T tell okay? I don't want the world to know. well, I'm extremely bored... v_v
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
Werewolf Link, Confirmed.
In E3 '05 there was a preview of the new Zelda game, The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess. EVERYONE, LINK IS IN FACT, A WEREWOLF!!! (well, at least he can turn into a wolf) sooo excited about this game!! YESS! we'll all hafta wait till Christmas though sigh...
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Link A werewolf?
Am I the only one who's heard that theory? That in the upcoming Zelda game, Link is said to be a werewolf. What's up with that? Do you think it's true? It's possible...I read an interview that Electrionic Gaming monthly did with the creator of Zelda, and they asked that question. He evaded it. I wonder...I guess it might be true...I'm looking forward to that game! I got a new e-mail. Gotta read it. Ja~
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Friday, May 27, 2005
Hey dudes.
Yo...Changed my profile and my site styles...Kind sad right now. (u know Sango.) yeah...Well...Bye...
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
I'm back everyone! and rocking on!
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