Two more days of srping break!!!!!!!! I don't want it to end I hate to learn I'm not good at it!!!!!! To much smartness I can't handle it well I hope you hade a good one...
heres a random video just because I'm bored and I wanna show you my new obsession!
New anime and manga series!
I got into an new anime called Black Cat and I'm in love with train I have the 1st book but in that one hes kinda...dum lol.
Finally I'm finised with my test taking and after that I feel real stupid.Sorry I havn't posted in a while I'm just busy and lazy! Comments (0) |
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Yes it's valentines day "where you reach out and touch somebody*smacs hand into drawing table)Holy*puts hands on mouth,runs into rooom,sceams and comes back*That hurt I'll never do that again!Well as the post says happy v-day everyone!
And a special shoutout to my friend HAPPY B-DAY Shuichi NA NO DA!
Bye I goning to mindlessly play ToS all day now kay!Ja-ne!
Quiz-dala! You are Kratos Aurion! You were aiding along the journey of regeneration knowing what it would lead to. You left behind your comrades. Life has no meaning to you. A conquerer who wasn't able to acknowledge his mistakes. To repent, you need to stop dwelling in the past and right your wrongs. Its not too late.
Konichiwa-MINA(means hi every one)
Todays my birthday And I'm now 14 years old *some old guys cough* Some party wecoming this is,Oh well I am know my own guy guy Yay *claps hands*His names Hiyoko Heideki he's a pop star and the ladies love him(but sadly to say he don't love the ladies)Well I hope you all had a new years to remember this BYE! Comments (0) |