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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
quiz of the day

What Escaflowne Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
18 at last!!!
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy bday 2 me!! happy bday 2 me!! happy bday 2 lil' ol' me happy bday 2 me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Friday, November 4, 2005
random day!!!!
hi tony blair is visiting my college today!!!!!!!!!! why!!!???
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
quiz of the day

What NERV Child Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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hi ppl......u know chatrooms.....what's the most random thing to happen to u on 1 of those.......coz i'm sure i can beat it!!!!! haa haa! competition time!!!
*kai in background* oh boy!! *sweatdrop*
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
i'm ill
i don't feel well!!!!! grr... i h8 being ill...
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Monday, September 12, 2005
a very rare occasion...me being bored on a computer!!!!
please comment this...some of my college friends think i shud copyright this and publish it too!!! so please give me ur opinion! i'd appreciate it!!!
You hurry home,
In the shadows of darkness as the nigh air falls,
Distant raindrops quench the thirst of the dry ground you walk upon,
The streetlamps flicker,
A car rushes past,
A group of drunks waltzing their way home,
You walk silently by,
Gazing at the pavement,
You turn the corner to your street,
You see me,
But you dismiss me as a beggar,
A poor excuse of what I should have been,
You stroll on past,
In the hopes of never seeing me again,
But I follow,
I follow you,
To where I don’t know,
Nor do I care,
You hear my footsteps behind you,
I hide,
I hide from your view,
You continue walking,
Strolling on your way home,
I follow you again,
But much closer,
You feel my breath on your neck,
You turn once again,
To see me,
Inches away from your face,
An object glints in the corner of your eye,
You look down to my hand,
Your eyes suddenly filled with fear,
I clutched a knife in my hand,
The blade shining in the light of the crying moon,
You try to scream,
Your scream was soundless,
I grin evilly,
The light of the stars sparkling in my eyes,
As the knife stabs into you like the sharp teeth of a shark,
Your life,
It’s ending,
Right in front of my eyes,
Your red essence draining from your body,
I let you fall to the floor,
I run off to conceal myself from your view,
Your world starts to go black,
As you descend into lifeless sleep.
Written by Nellie
if you think it's good then say so if not then say so too!!!
my bro wants me to write songs for him! aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
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Friday, July 15, 2005
1 question to a character!
yey some1 got a letter...link! you're up!
Cool! Hmmmm I choose....link! Can I be a guy?
if you're a girl then nellie says you'd have to go through some sex change thing at a "hospital", is that what it's called? *nellie in background* yup!
i hope this answers your question!! i'm a kokiri please ask me questions that I actually know the answer to! nellie...quit laughing
yours sincerely
link and navi
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Friday, July 8, 2005
HI PPL! i'm extremely cheerful at the moment! i'm on the music course at college!!!!!!!!!! booyaka! ahem*cough* sorry guys a selphie tilmitt moment there! well that's all the news from me! for this week! c'ya!
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Friday, June 24, 2005
Outlaw Star Presents
A Second Android
Written by Nellie
Co-writer Ayume Korishikawa
Unfortunately I don’t own the characters or the show. WHY!? *cries* Life is so unfair!!! Anyway if I did, I would (more than likely) be a Japanese dude (I wish I was Japanese but not a dude!), Hilda wouldn’t have died, Gene wouldn’t get his hair cut at the end of the series, and Melfina most certainly would never were pink! Coz, frankly, I hate the colour AND Harry wouldn’t have so short a temper…need I say more!?
We all know that Melfina is the most human-like android known to man and Harry had a mechanical arm until Gene kind of blows him away, then Harry’s whole body (except his head) becomes a sort of machine. So what would happen if another android showed up…but they don’t know they’re an android?
And what if the Kei Pirates came back to stalk Gene and the gang as well as a colleague (clone actually) of Hazanko who is trying to find out what happen to the guy, and then goes after Gene too?
Centinal III. Gene, Jim and Melfina are going about their daily business. Jim having to go upstairs of their warehouse to wake Gene up…as usual, Melfina, the chef of the little group cooking breakfast, and then there’s Gene, the red-head guy who sometimes goes from bone-head to brilliant in two point two seconds when his life depends on it, is sleeping…one of his favourite things to do, as well as getting bounties on wanted criminals and so on (I‘m not going into detail).
When Jim, eventually, got Gene out of bed, the phone rang. Jim answered; “Starwind and Hawking enterprises, we fix anything from space ships to relationships. How can we help you today?”
“Hey Jim!? Gene!? Why haven’t you called me!?”
“Aisha?!” Jim looked at the picture on the phone’s TV. Aisha’s facial expression was a little angry. And her face was so close to the screen they couldn’t see where she was.
“Who were you expecting?” the tanned half cat wondered, annoyingly.
Jim looked annoyed; “A job…” he drawled, “hey weren’t you going back to the Catrl-Catrl empire?”
“Yeah, but I wanted to see you guys!”
“Before you left?” Gene yawned, “That’s nice!” he finished.
“No! You’re so wrong Gene! I plan to stay with you guys!” Aisha corrected.
“WHAT!?” Jim and Gene yelled at her in perfect unison.
“Yey! Aisha’s back with us!” Melfina chirped in.
Jim and Gene looked at her, then at each other and sighed.
“If it’ll keep you happy, Melfina, then who am I to say no?” Gene surrendered.
“Really?” she questioned, cheerfully.
“Really,” Gene repeated. Melfina jogged over to Gene and hugged him, full of gratitude and feeling. He returned it, with the same intensity.
“I have more fun with you guys anyway!” Aisha moved her face away from the screen. She was at her job at a restaurant. As a waitress.
“Aisha!! Get back to work!”
“Yeouchies!” Aisha cringed, “See you guys later!”
“YEAH, YEAH! I’M COMING! Bye guys!” she hung up.
Jim put the phone back on the receiver and went to sit as his PC. He swivelled on the seat to look at Gene with a worried look on his face. Gene leaned against the wall.
“Aaww…Aisha’s back to annoy me again!” Gene sighed, loudly, not looking forward to it. Jim’s sigh matched Gene’s.
There was a knock on the door.
“I’ll get it,” Melfina chanted, moved away from Gene and walked to the door with a high-heeled-gait that seemed to attract Gene’s attention to her mini-skirt clad rear-end as it swung slightly. The move was normal for women who wore high heels.
‘But Melfina’s not a normal woman,’ Gene pondered to himself, ‘I don’t deserve her.’ It was Suzuka at the door, ‘so the whole gang’s back together, eh?’ Gene thought.
“Hello…I just thought I should drop by.”
“Well if it isn’t-”
“Suzuka!?” Jim called, shocked.
“Jim?! I was gonna say that!” Gene yelled in a joking way.
Jim shrugged, “I guess I-”
“Beat you?” Melfina cut in, giggling.
While the gang were catching up on what they’ve been doing with themselves for the past few months, a cloaked young girl was sitting in the daylight shadows of an alleyway, gazing at a blue topaz ring on her right hand that a (now deceased) friend gave to her, tears brimming, threatening to spill. Cold and hungry she waited for the perfect victim for her thievery.
you will have to wait for the rest of it! this is just the intro!
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