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NY State
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College Student/Pro DDR'er! XD
Real Name
Gen Talcott
I graduated High School! w00t! X3
Anime Fan Since
I was 5...
Favorite Anime
Ouran High School Host Club, D.N.Angel, Alice 19th, Absolute Boyfriend, FMA, Chobits, Love Hina, Tokyo Mew Mew, Fruits Basket
To be successful & happy with whatever I may do
Drawing, singing, dancing, reading
Drawing, singing, dancing, making people feel better when they're sad.
| Neptunekitty1418
Hey, all! I'm Gen! Welcome to my site!! X3
If you care to look me up anywhere else, click the links below!
Current Obsessions: HYDE/L'Arc~en~Ciel, T.M. Revolution, Miyavi, An Cafe, Ouran High School Host Club, cosplaying, KoF, DDR, D.N.Angel
Current Fave lyrics: Bridge to HYDE's "Shallow Sleep":
"I'll see you until I wake...
From Shallow sleep..."

Monday, August 20, 2007
Darien Lake!
Alright, so... this Wednesday, I'm going to Darien Lake (an amusement park in north-western NY) with 4 of my friends & my mom~! ^^ I can't wait~!!! 8DD I haven't been there in a few years... so we'll see if I can still navigate the park from memory (I used to go there almost every year when I was younger). XD
But alas, within a week, I will be starting my second year of college. D'8 Me dun wanna go baaaaack~!!!! *cries* *Sighs* Ah well... it can't be helped, I guess... But oh, how I wish summer vacation didn't have to end... -_-
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Saturday, August 4, 2007
Interesting week...
So, yes - it started out with my Wii coming back home on Monday~! X3 (I had to send it in for repairs - one of my discs wouldn't eject! D8 ) It seems to be all better now~! X3
Then on Tuesday... MY ASIAN BALL JOINT DOLL CAME IN~!!!! 8DDDDDDD OMG, I'm so happy. :D His name is Kaedyn Ryota, & he's a Dream of Doll Camine model. ^^
Here are the first pics of him~!
He still needs a face-up (color around his eyes [eyelashes & slight eyeshadow], eyebrows, & lip color) - I'm hoping to be able to do that myself. ^^; Wish me luck!
As for the rest of the week.... it was filled with tears (I kinda had an emotional breakdown Wednesday night... ^^;;; but I'm better now! :D), fun, & food. :D
I can't wait for tomorrow! I'm going to the Sterling Renaissance Festival! :D I haven't been in a few years, & this'll only be my second time. ^^ WHEE~! 8D
Bye-bye! *waves*
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Monday, July 23, 2007
Harry Potter Party!
I went to the midnight party at my local Waldenbooks for the last Harry Potter book - & dang it was fun. :D
When we (we = me & 2 friends) got there, we were entered in a raffle for random things (the biggest prizes being the first 2 spots in line to buy the book!). After that, we tried our hands at the spelling bee. I must admit, I was appalled at how badly people can spell nowadays. oo; There were two mothers there who had read the books who couldn't spell some easy words (one put a a "w" in "Bellatrix." o0; ). Though I admit, I messed up "apothecary" (I spelled it "apothocary" ^^;), other people messed up on far easier words. >>;
My favorite part of the whole night was the costume contest! :D I went as Tonks (seen here !), & ended up WINNING!!!! *cries with happiness* I seriously didn't think I would - there was this one girl who had a PERFECT Slytherin uniform - not just the cloak, but the uniform that goes underneath as well!! I guess people didn't like her cuz she went on about how Slytherin was the best house & what-not. XD;
Anyways - I have NOT read the entire book yet - I finished re-reading the 6th (& cried ssssoooo hard. ;_; ) last night, & got about 6 chapters into the 7th. DON'T TELL ME ANYTHING!!!! D8 Not even rumors!! >.<;
Alright, I'm done. >w>;
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Featured Quiz Result:
X3 My fave! X3
*faints with joy* Anyways, yay~! My fave character!! *strokes his hair lovingly*
*faints* 8D *drools*