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Capitol Heights, Maryland
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convenience store
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expierence marching band member
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since forever!! actually, 5 or 6 years. yeah.
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All of them!! most inuyasha, fuushigi yuugi, and fruits basket . Oh, and i love Gravitation!!
to become a manga artist, or a high school english teacher. may be music....
sports, video games( final fantasy all), collecting pokemon cards,(just collecting!! ) and being with my friendz and ppl i love so much, laughing and happy together....
i guess i draw ok... and i play the sax just fine. I'm a poet, and...being so stupid it's funny
| neverbeautyblack
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Friday, August 4, 2006
~~~!AN-AN-NA!~~~ And god has blessed me!!
hey ppl wassup?! guess wat, i just finished watching the best movies ever;
V for Vendetta,

and Final Fantasy Advent Children

First of V for Vendetta was so cool!! i loved how it was like a religious prison! no gays, no other religion but christian, nothing like that! then it changes when "V" blows up the old bailey, inviting with him a young women named Evey. ity was so cool! and the ending! some parts they talked alot, but it was worth it! the story was so thick and rich , it made me cry!!! the fight scenes were coool too!! YEAH!!
and now advent children... IT WAS AWESOME!1 i liked how it was placed 2 yeas after, but it made me so sad that someone was still dead...i wish ""wasn't!! it was emotional, and the fighting scenes, nothing short of the best, i should of known!! the bike fight,

my fav part was when the all boosted him up to beat the bahamut lookin thing!! that was so cool!!!
but i cried at the end, i had too. when i get into something, like this, i just have to cry! i was even hyped when sephiroth andcloud fought!! I LOVED THAT ONE!! lol, they played sephiroth's theme, it made me laugh. it just reminded me of kingdom hearts when u fight him in the tournament!! BUT I LOVED HIS VOICE!! I ALMOST FAINTED TO HEAR HIM SOUND SO SEXY AND HOTT!!! MY GOD!!!!!!(i died when i saw sephiroth, i had to pass the movie and run thru the house screming. im sorry im a dork) (when i saw him in the commercials he looked like a junkie, but i was so off..)


i loved everyone's voice! esp. vincent's!! when i saw him i almost died! he's so cool and hot and cool! i like yuffies, she sounded so cute!! and tifa sounded very young, i loved cid's and barret's and red's and cait sith's vioces too! i loved them all! it matched them alot, and their voices matched wat i thought they might sound like. im happy. im watch it again laters!! lol!
i loved the animation, how it was so close to real, u couldn't tell some parts apart!! and nothing looked cheesy!1 but i looked liked reno and rude not sure.. I HOPE NOT!

well, that's all. just been to the pool lately, gettin guys, hanging with my gurls, the normal summer. but i wanna end it with the beach!! laterz~
god has blessed me with famly, the bestest of friends, sexy half-naked men, yaoi, not gay, yaoi, (there's a difference, esp. how far reality goes) and good movies with the most coolest technology!! thank u god!! not playing either!!)
(*pooF* back NVM, youtube is under maintenaince. but next time my friends, for now, the walk through to final fantasy. i'm almost done, but i lost my ONLY memory card for it, so i have to start all over! and damn it , im getting everything this time!! hehehe!!)
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Saturday, July 29, 2006

hey ppl wassup? love my new bg?! cuz i do!!!!!
rock lee's the coolest!!!!!!!!!
Gaara''s bad-ass, Sasuke hot, Naruto the best, Hinata's the sweetest, but
ROCK LEE"S THE COOLEST!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just had to get this one! PLUS IT"S GREEN!!!!!
YEAH GREEN!!!!!! ilove dat color!!!
im so happy it came out so cool!!! i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE x infinity Sesshomaru, but i just had to get this!!
(And i've been wantin to change it forever, hopefully u can see it better!)
well, time to celebrate, LET'S GO ROCK LEE CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sunday, July 23, 2006
hello ppl! wassup? nuttin much ova here. it Rained so beautifully yesterday! i was running in the rain, it downpoured like crazy!! but then the chemicals in my hair got in my face, and t burned and tasted nasty! lol! i really didn't know it was gonna rain when i fixed my hair up though. but it was really sunny and windy, so i guessed it off the bat later on.
But enough of my blathering, ima do sometin i haven't done it a REAALLy long time: GO PIC CRAZY!!! YAY!!!!

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
hey ppl, wassup? nuttin much ova here. i realized sumtin! u guys don't like reading long post, so i have away to keep ur attention! look!
a few days ago i was watchin:

Alice Kicked Ass!
And Nemesis was cool!
i saw the first one:

but the second was B-Itchin! the fighting was sweet!
im late, but it's cool. nuttin else to say! laterz~

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Friday, July 7, 2006
hey ppl wassup? nuttin much over here. just chillin. haven't been on much, playing outside on in the beautiful sun's rays, hanging with my friends. i have much to tell, but not much time so i'll say this: sIgH. summer is so emotional. i went to the pool, and saw george, my ex. and i realized i miss him. i can't do anything about it, just keep going. summer is but so short, and wasting it being sad isn't going to make it fun! no siree bob! my poor firend dionn e isn't doing well. u see, she was my bro's girlfriend, and she was happy, but he didn't know how to show emotion very well. plus i don'tr think he liked her that much. so today he broke it off. poor her. but he was acting strange to her, and it made her sad the past few days, so it was okay. i believe my bro should just take it easy and relax. dionne was to nnedy. she's my best friend and all, but her feelings for him were to strong for him to handle, and she demanded he return her feelings, which he couldn't do. so the break up was inevitable. that's ok though.
but even better news, i got 3 kittens now! yay! they're all gray and white with black stripes! yay! we got 2 boys and 1 girl. her name is Panthera(she's my brother's kitty, so he named her) the other is Asumi,a litter gray kitty, and Nathan, the darkest, and very, very playful(my sis chibisailorstarr, and my other lil sis' moniqua). sadlily panthera's kinda sick, becuz of her sudden switch of homes, and became skinny, but we think she'll live. im so glad. but my cuz from Bethesda,Washington DC is taking nathan. :< it's okay, he's a cat lover, and when he came oever to see oneday, i saw how much he loved cats, thoughhe's kind a ghetto!lol. but he's got such a kind look in his eyes when he holds them, so it's cool.
well, the 4th of july was so much fun! we lite firecrackers, and played around and flirted! lol. but we all had fun. my gramma had a block party, but it rained, so when the dj came st 3pm(he's suppose to get there at 9am) it rained badly. we played in the rain, but the dj had to leave. i hope he knows we're not paying him. he's suppose to be there 6 hours beforehand. but it was cool
me and my cuz'z made a video to soldier by Destiny's child ,and it was funny. i was kelly, and my cuz Breyonna was beyonce, and our family friend Pairie was michelle. all in all it was fun. well, im out, u guys have fun!!

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Monday, July 3, 2006
hey ppl, wassup! i got this sweet new background! i hope ya like it, cuz i love it! it's so cool!...i hope my site isn't hard to read.
im sorry i haven't posted a lot lately, i've been at the pool. it was so hot today! but it rained, so i guess it's okay. well, nothing else has happened, but i'll try to fill u guys if anything later happens!
*i suppose the real sesshomaru would look like this. but still dat's oky!*

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Sunday, July 2, 2006
hey ppl, wassup? nuttin much ova here, just being bored, i wish i couls sleep, but it seems my bed time is when i have nothing else 2 do.
im trying to figure out how to get an avatar or wateva. i wish someone would show me...i really want this thingy-ma-jigy!(picture)
but any, i'll try to post later on cuz im working on an inuyasha and sesshomaru story! it's so cool! laterz need more pics!
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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
hey everyone wassup? nuttin much ova here, just talkin to some of my friends on my space. it's kinda cool, i see more of my friends from school there than anywhere is. of course, i haven't looked anywhere else.
it's been thundering and raining here, it;s so beautiful, i've just been playin gin the rain, getting alittle sick, but nuttin to bad. it's been 4 or 5 days of t-storming, but it's all good.
i went to delaware on saturday, and we had to go over a really big bridge ova the water, it was scary! my dad, lol, we was shakin, cuz he can't swim, we built up a phobia of water, but we made it fine, both back and forth, as u can see. nutting else to say, i guess, i'll just catch u all around! laterz~ *pOoF*
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
i've been meaning too... FIVE SECOND ~~~!AN-NA-Na!~~~
i've bben wanting to post up some pics for awhile, sorry guys, some might b yaoi! laterz~

should i stop?
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
hey everyone, guess what...? i got a new keyboard that works! yay! im so happy. it's a long story, but my cousin C.J. came over yesterday from the country, and kitty boy(nico) came oever, and they found out they had so much in common, it was like the twin thing going on! it was scary. but they decided they want to climb the roof of the school john eager howard, and so me, nico, C.J. and my brother silent devil66 went. i was so scared! i have a fear of falling, so when i got half way up the pipe to go up, i froze, and started hiperventilating like an idoiot, but the others helped me up. we chilled up there for awhile and walked around, then got back down, and that was hard too cuz i didn't know how. when we went to go get my friends khrystal and keith,we messed with cars, setting off alarms, and on our way back, C.J. and nico threw a big cinder block at 2 cars, the first one didn't break, but the second one went through. it filled me with so much regret that i thorughly enjoyed that. am I to become one of these corrupted youth, destroying things, the earth just for a thrill? im worried. but back to crap. then went to the pool up the street at 12 o'clock. when we got there, me and nico and C.J. jumped the gate. sady i cut my hand. it hurts. but C.J. walked up the the lifeguards office and saw a lady. he said hi, and she came out. lol! he told us to run, and we jumped the fence again. i cut myself again. but anyways, she was all like im gonna call the cops on you kids! lol! it was so much fun! we only went becuase we were gonna skinny dip(can u say idiots?) we said goodbye to keith and khrystal and went to the school again, and climbed to the top.we walked around and found some pillows amd a blanket. after finding out what was clean and what wasn't we laid down for awhile.
then the wanted to do some stupid stuff, we took a ladder from some guys house(....-_-...) at took it on the roof, at the school there are sortof sun roof,s holes for plants between halls walls, corners, and the set the ladder down there, and these idiots, stole a computer a whole one! i don't know how we were able to get it off the roof, even out of that hole, but that is how i can type this. i feel bad, but hey, karma will get them.
today, we went to three pools, the on e up the road(the one we wanted to skinny-dip in) but they di breaks every 5 minutes for dumb reasons. i told them, (friends) it's too ghetto up there, cuz the kids kept fighting in the water, and they kept calling the whistle. so we left for kelly miller, but it was closed, so then we went to the one on bennings road, i think, and we got ther, we waited for 30 minutes to get in, cuz i think it was adult swim for awhile, then the lifeguards break. afterwhile, a long while, it started to rain. badly! we went home cuz the pool closed, and sat in the car watching saw. it was kinda sad. it made me depressed. i liked it, but like i said, it was sad. i want to see saw 2, but i hope it's not too gorey. the first wasn't. and im glad. anyways, it started raining hard! and thundering hard too! a lightening bolt flashed real closed to the car(Dionne, my bros' girl, silent devil himself, chibisailorstarr, my little sis moniqua, and nico. C.J. was in there, but he left cuz his mom,/my second and third cousin, long story short, my dad's family married into the family, and not grossly either, more like the hole 4 or 5 cousin thing, my grandparents are 6th cousins. weird huh?/was coming to get him.) and not even a second later, thunder clashed louder, so loud, we all screamed! all the girls at least. lol! we started playing truth or dare, and my bro had to laying on the ground next to the new neighbors' house, and it was still raining hard. he wouldn't, so we had to slap him hard while we was still wet. hmm. poor him. but i had to rool down the street, and my everything got wet, so i had to change. when i came back out, they were talking to the new neighbors. they were cool. they loved the rain, and they weren't no older than us(im 17! XD) we talked for awhile, and then we all came back in side. we tried to find something to do, and ended up making up a short film, a soap opera. it was funny. and my biggest achievement of today......dundunna na!! i had so much fun im tired!! lol! and it only just turned 12. dag. well, im change my bg, and i hope it comes out good! laterz~
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