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Capitol Heights, Maryland
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convenience store
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expierence marching band member
Anime Fan Since
since forever!! actually, 5 or 6 years. yeah.
Favorite Anime
All of them!! most inuyasha, fuushigi yuugi, and fruits basket . Oh, and i love Gravitation!!
to become a manga artist, or a high school english teacher. may be music....
sports, video games( final fantasy all), collecting pokemon cards,(just collecting!! ) and being with my friendz and ppl i love so much, laughing and happy together....
i guess i draw ok... and i play the sax just fine. I'm a poet, and...being so stupid it's funny
| neverbeautyblack
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
hey everyone wassup! nothing much i was invited to my friends' gradutation(boohoo) and the picnic,(yay food!) and to ivan's cookout on saturday cool huh! that's all! ya'll have a super uber day! yay!

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Monday, May 22, 2006
~~~Full An-Na-na~~~
hey everyone! wassup? im just fine, and dandy. bored a little bored, but that's cuz most of our 10th graders are testing, and most of my friends are 10th graders, so boohoo. but on the brighter side, i realize im not boring! im in a band! it;'s okay actually. we had somewhat of a rehearsal yesterday. well, actually, our keyboarder, christian, called me, khrystal, and jamaa'l(we couldn't get a hold of louis) and we heard christian's songs on the keyboard. they were good! but verys, soft rock. that okay though cuz we can spice up! then maybe we can sound like Bad Luck! or better(i think) Nittle Grasper!!(Gravitation. yes, i know real ppl sing it and play it, but let me an idiot awhile longer pls im almost 18!! in 1 more year...:<) everyone was noisy, and it was hard to talk over everyone's voice, but it didn't take long to get in order. we rehearse every saturday, but i realize once more, i can't take my dad's acoustic out of the house! it's a gift from my late mom(since may 17, 2004)before i was born, so i can't take it very far,actually, i can only have i upstairs. i'llsee if i can buy my own...tell sorry for my bg!! it sucks! i had to keep it like this for the whole weekend! but i'll fix it now! yeah!!

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Thursday, May 18, 2006
green! and others!

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hey everyone!! wassup? im good over here, just bored. no drama today, just everything fine. well, rashida is at it again. a long time ago, rashida messed up my friend claudia's first relationship here in FMA. well, she's out to get claudia again.poor cluadia. rashida likes her boyfriend, but claudia she's not giving up this time! yay! ummm....yeah i got a good look at louis today...and i didn't like what i saw.(when he talks, i don't look at him or make eye contact usually. but let's just say, i don't like his looks. for nothing.
my friend wants to make a band, and i was cool with it, but i don't know how to play acoustic guitar. but i wanted to try. but sadly, louis is going to play the vocals. everyone agrees he sings good, ARE YOU PPL DEAF!!he does not. but, i don't have a say. ima quit cuz of that, and cuz i don't want to spend oevertime with him. he might follow me home after rehersal! *shivers* but maybe im letting it get to me. i must be annoying u al with my crap. im sorry. i'll stop talking about him. him and ivan. im a boring person at heart, i just want something to say that's all. laterz~
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
thank you!
thanky u everyone! im glad to find such honest friends on the internet! u know how it is, ppl can be so scary on the net! laterz~
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fruitsbasket for ever!

Ayaame looks normal!

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he's gonna look like yuki when he get's older...? hmm...

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HEy everyone! wassup! not much over here, my stalker's in the same classroom as me, and he keeps pming me from across the room. im getting mad, really irritated. but nothing i ca do. im just ignoring them. i started reading Girl Got game by Shizuru Seino, and now im addicted. im barely on the second book, and i already like it! lol. but i think we-re over exagerating the whole "Louis Crazy stalker gonna kill anyone who likes me thing" maybe everyone is just a little too, i don't know, scared. i am too, but i din't want to think bad of him. sure he annoys the sh** out of me, and i hate his laugh and super big smile and his Leo attitude, but there's nothing i can do. if i tell him to go away or ignore him or anything mean, he'll kill him self. for real. swallow nickels, choke himself with a tie, cut himself up, the works. so, im stuck. i don't want to be responsible for killing someone, even if i didn't do it physically, i have a true conscience. that' why it's hard for me to be evil, just prankish. it sucks. im writing a poem , i'll post it next class! laterz~

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Friday, May 12, 2006
and these last few!


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omg it's kyo! (and tohru in some)

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