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Friday, March 25, 2005

Well I will give a short account of the things that happened to me while I was gone. I met some more otaku. I finaly reached 66 pages in the book I was writing but then it was deleted. I cried for over an hour. I found out where Nick-kun and Misty-san are having their wedding... "The Charming Chapel." It doesn't sound too promising. I got volumes 6 and 7 of Furuba and I also got a cute easter dress. It looks sort of like something Tohru would wear.

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   Kisa, kisa, kisa!!! ^_^

adopt your own virtual pet!

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Friday, March 18, 2005

   Animated Gifs
Okay while browsing through some stuff I found some cute anime gifs of Furuba!

Really kawaii Mamiji!

Another cute mamiji.

Kyo and Kyoko-san.

Mamiji running past his Sis and Mom.

Mamiji and Tohru!

Shigure drawaing.



My goodness...!
Oh and for all of you who've never seen the rooster. Here he is. Click Here

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Thursday, March 17, 2005

^_^ Happy St. Patty's day every body! ^_^
I hope every one is wearing green! If not I shall not pinch you, I shall blow you up into a million pieces! ^.^ lol (Jk!) Well I hope every one has lots of fun!
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Oh and check out my new fan art, it took me forever to do!
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Last night Shigatsu and I were watching Yu Yu Hakusho muted while Celine Dion's "Make You Happy" was playing. Let me tell you, it was so funny! I laughed my head off. It was the Bandits and Kings dvd, so you can imagine.

Every time the character's mouths would move it would be timed out perfectly to the music. lol ^_^ Shigatsu and I laughed so hand I fell out of my seat. I might have not been that funny but it was late at night.
Right now I am listening to Phil Collin's "In the air tonight" I love that song.
Oh and I've also put up some new fan art and I would love it if every one would check them out! ^_^

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

   Nothing to really write today.
Well really got nothing to write today. I'm bored and I want volume 6. of Fruits Basket. ...REALLY bad!
Well I guess I can put up a link to a cool Fruits Basket site, himitsu.

And here is Inu and Kag. lol

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Monday, March 14, 2005

   Well things weren't that bad...
Well I'm back from Gandmother's... and boy did we have a time. *sigh* We got scolded for wearing clothes that were not so "modest." A pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt was not so "modest." Meh... Well at least were home now and I got $20 for working Dad's record table! And one of my Dad's old friends gave him a cd. And guess what the cd was of? No, not the Whahobbs but Spirit, my dad's band from the 70's WAY before he went solo. My uncle also sung on the album and his voice hasn't changed much... and he was 17 then. His voice was deep for a 17 year old! he sang this freaky song called "Planet #3," it sounded like hippie gospel. lol It was so funny!
Well in a week or so I'll be visiting my other grandmother, but she is not overly religious like Grandmother Dearest. lol We're going to my cousin's wedding. So we'll have a nice time. I don't know where their having the service but we get to eat cake and all that good stuff! ^_~ And I'm sure Nick-kun will shove the cake in Misty-san's mouth. He's mean like that.
And I'm still not sure how long their marriage will last but I hope it lasts a while, for poor Chloe-chan's sake! I couldn't stand to see their sweet little daughter get hurt! :'(
But either way my family on my mother's side has a problem with marriage. My mom's the only one who's never been divorced! (Thank god!)

Over all things weren't that bad... What am I saying? Yes they were.


"If your hair's too long, there's sin in your heart. (There's sin in your heart.)
Get it cut today, and make a new start. (Yes, make a new start.)
If your hairs too long there's sin in your heart.

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Friday, March 11, 2005

   To grandmother's house we go...
Well tomorrow we are going to my grandmother's house! ^_^ *yay!* But she is wildly religious and doesn't believe in nothing! lol So my sisters and I are all going to get chewed out because our hair is so short and we wear pants, whereas "good girls" where dresses. lol But over all it'll be fun because we get to eat all of her good cooking! ^.^
This also reminds me of the "Whahobbs." A "southern gospel" group who wrote and sang songs such as; "If your hairs too long there's sin in your heart", "Heaven yes, Hell no", and many more. The Whahobbs were not a real group they were just nashville musicians goofing off and they made a cd and every one thought they were real. It's a riot! lol ^_^ My dad is looking for a Whahobbs cd on ebay. lol
Well got 2 run,

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Monday, March 7, 2005

   New layout! ^_^
I am home now and I've made a new layout! You guys like? It's spring and I thought I should make a new start! So I made a Kyo and Tohru wall and will soon make a welcome sign! ^_^ YAY! Oh and a new avatar! And I am always taking graphics requests so don't be afraid to ask... I don't bite. Unless provoked. lol JK! ^_^ Well any how, It's good to be home! Cya!

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Wednesday, March 2, 2005

   I made it!
Yay! We made it to L.A.!!! We drove all night and got here monday! ^_^ Sorry I haven't been able to post but I've been bussy! But guess what!? I got a Kyo hat! ^_^ Every one out here says: "Just when I think you can't get a weirder hat... you do." ^_^
I just laugh. I normaly wear cat/bunny ears! ^_^
I can't wait to get the next Shonen Jump!

(Note this image will NOT be in shonen jump this or any month! It's a freakim' doujinshi!!! ...And I love it. ^_^) *hugglez doujin* lol

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