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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
I've changed my layout! ^_^
Okay!! I just made a new layout. The neko's were getting boring!!!!! :( *Meh...*
So I made an FF one that is kinda like Valentine's day! *^_^*
I will make the new avi later!
See ya later!!!!
I also found some CUTE gifs!!

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Thursday, January 13, 2005
Changing the theme.
Okay I think I am going to change my theme.
Some one please vote... PLEASE!!!
Fruits Basket
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy X/X-2
And I know this mean but I couldn't resist.

I'm so mean... lol
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Just so you know...
I made a little something and you all can pass it around on your sites. It's the truth behind V-dad. The honest truth. No lies or conspiracy.

Now, doesn't that make you feel good?
And also...
I finished my SasuSaku site!!!

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It is 1:30 am and I can't sleep. *why??* So I am up here on the inter net! *yay!* Well I guess I will give out the link to my inprogress SasuSaku site.
If any one else is up @ this time... what the heck is wrong with you? What the heck is wrong with me?
Sleep... I remember sleep. Maybe I should start that again. Ah, sleep... my first love. lol
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Monday, January 10, 2005
This is kinda funny.
Well today we were listening to the radio and all of a sudden my dad came on! *not the first time, just one of many* Well we were all like, "cool." But in the next hour he came on three more times! ^_^ (yay!) lol
Well the last time the song my dad was singing the anouncer said it was written by a friend of ours who recorded it first, but in truth my dad wrote it. My dad heard that they said the other guy wrote it and he laughed so hard. lol ^_^
Well my dad is on the radio a lot but we don't listen much so we never hear. We've been cleaning his studio all day today and we found some of his old albums when he sang w/ my uncle and aunt. But I was little when the band broke up but I basicly learned to walk on a bus. lol

(What we looked like when dad's song came on.) lol
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
I would like to tell you something. BOW TO KAMINEKO!!!!!!!!!
Yay! ^_^
And I am also quite upset that I messed up the play in gold saucer. :( BUT this is what would have happend.
HE"S KISSING HER HAND!!!! >_< (^_^) I'm so happy he did. *cries* OH Ms. Aeris why did ya have to die!!!??? Poor Cloud.... *sigh*
Oh the clorox blue lake! *cries*
Look behind Cloud... it's Aeris.
Are they holding... leeks? THEY'RE GONNA ATTACK KYO!!! O.o
Look Cait Sith is being the matchmaker he always wanted to be! You all think that Cait Sith is Reeve! But no, I am Cait Sith! ME! I have Reeve strapped up to a chair while I control Cait Sith! lol
In resent news I FINALY got the 3rd Fruits basket manga! *yay!* Well I got 2 run now!
^_~ Bye bye!
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Friday, January 7, 2005
Doujinshi!!!! ^_^
I have recently found myself fascinated w/ doujinshi! ^_^ It's so cool! Stuff That'd never happen in the anime/manga/game happens!
Yay! ^_^
So now I am going to show some doujinshi scans! Whoo hoo!
Well now I got 2 run! Cya!
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
Some events that have happened.

Hello! Well my family went out to eat today and I stayed at home so now I have unlimited internet time! *yay!* So I'll tell you some things that have happened lately.
Yesterday I went to my Grandparents house. My Papa was putting down some pavement at his garage and I got to put my hand in it! ^_^
And the day before we went to some friends of ours house and I got to baby site a little boy who looks like a 2 year old Mamiji! ^_^ He was so kawaii!!!!! ^.^
Well I am home alone. This is my first time. My parents normally let me come because I get scared easy. lol But I wanted to stay and so I did! ^_^ So this is fun! I have my little dog Kudzu-chan in my lap and I'm on myO!
Oh and I also found this cool pic!

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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Happy new year every one!!! ^_^
I hope every one had a good time! I had a great year and I hope the new one will be just as good! ^_^
Now I will post some new pics! The first of the Year!!! ^_^

Thats all 4 now!! ^_^
I hope you all have a great new year!!!
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
I've been thinking...
You know I've been thinking.
A friend came over last night and I invited her. But the whole time she was here I didn't talk to her much. I stayed in the computer room and made stuff on photoshop and got on the internet. But it's strange... my whole life I've wanted friends so badly I'd do anything. (Problem was never did anything.)
But I've figured something out. I do have friends. I have all of you guys. ^_^ You are all my friends. Some people say I need to get out more because I talk about my internet friends like I know them in person. But I don't go to school and my family travels so I never really open up to people because I know that I'll most likely never see them again. (except people like cammy17 whom I've known my whole life.)
But any way. I just want to say thank you for a great year and I'm hoping to get to know you all very well in the next year.
I just want you all to know I've never had any better friends! ^_^ You guys and my sisters are my best friends! ^_^
(And another reason I don't open up to people is because most of them don't know about anime! lol Feh on them anime rox!)
Well just want to say I love you all!
Cya laterz!

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