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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Fruits Basket!!! ^_^
Okay I've been meaning to post some pics of my fave manga but I forgot! But now I remembered!! ^_^ YAY!
So site back and look at the pretty fruits pictures!
(Will put as much Kyo and Tohru pics as possible!)

She's sitting on Kyo's head...
They love Tohru! ^_^
Noogies were never so sweet... heh?
Why does darned Yuki have to be in this ultra kawaii pic!!!???
If olny Yuki weren't here... *sigh*
Tohru with Kyo!!!... and Yuki.
Tohru in class.
I didn't know flowers were your fave food!!
Who do you think uses suave?
Goth-o-meter... 10.
KAWAII!!! ^_^ Tohru and Kyo!

AWE!!! Together! ^_^
OH!!!! ^_^ (Words can not tell how much I love this.)
An even better pic of an earlier one.
I remember this. So sweet. *smiles*
Darned Yuki's in the pic again.
He's little now! Kill em!
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
High Socks, Laptops and 500 hits!!!
Hello every one! Guess what?? TODAY IS CHRISTMAS!!!!!! I got a bunch of cool stuff, a laptop. (a mac one! ibook) some high socks, a Menchi that I have on my head! And today I got 500 hits!! ^_^

But sadly this year I didn't get Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories... *sigh* But I did make a wallpaper 4 my laptop! U all can see it in my wallpaper page. it is titled let me fly!
So Thanx 4 500 hits and merry christmas!!! ^_^
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MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!! *mew*
Hello every body it's Christmas!!! ^_^ I hope every one gets what they want! Tell me what u got, k? I don't know what I did yet cause it's 7:00 in the morning!! lol No one's awake besides me and Shigatsu!!!
I just want to wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year!

=^_^= *mew*
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
The new Advent Children trailer!!!
Hey! A new advent children trailer has been released! It is 4 munites long and it shows a lot of cool stuff!
(Like Aeris and Cloud!) lol
Advent Children offical site.
Click the link above to visit the offical site and click trailers and choose the trailer with the large pic of Kadaj looking into a bag thing... K? ^_^
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Okay this is a test to see if this image works.

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Friday, December 17, 2004
Oh Nano pet....
I once had a nano pet... okay it was yesterday. But it died last night. I was very sad... It didnt even have a name... just puppy.
But in good news I joined this place called animex
I don't know if it's as good as this lace but I'll see.
(Most lekely not cuz myotaku rox!)
Well any way! Got 2 go!

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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Hello. My Fish is sick and is most likely going to die... I feel verry sad. He's old and his name is Elvis. We think he's blind. Well any way, while on our last trip I lost my bear I had had for all my life. I miss it. i think its at a friend of our's house but we havn't been able to call our friend to see if they have it.
Well I guess this is the only time you'll ever see me not happy. lol
Well any way!
Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
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Final Fantasy X-2

(Shake that hair yuna!)

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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Here are some cool pics these are all from magical-shool.de

Pocky!!! 0.o

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100 sigs!!!!
Yay!! I finally reached 100 gb sigs!!! 
I am so happy and I want to say thanks to EVERYONE!!!! ^_^
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