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Have over 60 LP records.
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Since I was a child, I suppose.
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Currently? Anime: Death Note -- Manga: Nana
To get into Oxford University! (I dream big!)
Listening to music, reading, writing, photoshop, anime,
Photoshop, HTML, knowing the name of any Beatle song by the opening line.
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
Hey everyone, it's Easter today! YAYNESS!!!
Well no one's really been on lately so I'm kinda bored. *sigh* I guess not everyone is an internet geek like me. Well nothing much has been going on lately. I've finished Kingdom Hearts II, read the latest FB english release (volume 13), looked at the latest FB chapter scans (125) and I've read this month's Shojo Beat. And we're not doing anything today either so the onlything that's really been happening round here is Mummy's been listening to "What Hurts The Most" by Rascal Flatts over and over again and we saw the movie "She's The Man" yesterday. It was really cute. Of corse I'm a big fan of Cross-dress stories where girls dress as guys to...
A; Be near the guy they love.
B; Get away from the girly-girl life.
C; Stay alive.
D; Get revenge.
E; Play sports.
This movie fell into the last catagory. Yeah, a lot of it was reminicent of Crimson Hero and Hana Kimi. Plus Amanda Bynes made a good guy in my opinion. She looked sorta like the guy who played her brother in the movie.
Okay, I did the little commercial thing the other today. It was cool. But all I basically did was look at the camera and smiled.
The commercial is going to start playing in may and june all over the state of Georgia, so if any peaches out there reading this look for the girl in the yellow shirt with short brown hair.
They divided us up into two groups; The "good" kids and the "bad" kids. Me and my eldest sister Hoshi-sama were "good" kids they made Haa-chan a "bad" kid! (rofl)
Well anyway, enough about that! That same day was meh sister Haa-chan's birthday and she went out to eat with my Sensei. While they were gone we made Hoshi-sama watch the Barbera Streisand movie, "They Way We Were." She liked it but she didn't like the ending. I think it is a phenomenal movie!
Well more on today, I watched one of my very favorite movies, "Sense You Went Away." The 1943 film staring Claudette Colbert. I cried so hard, this movie is defiantly worth watching if you want to see a movie about the home front in WWII and a good Romance and family movie. All around amazing!
Anyway, Happy Easter! ^_^
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Quote I like:
"There are days every now and again I pretend I’m okay, but that’s not what gets me."
-What Hurts the Most (Rascal Flatts)
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Ladies and gentlemen! Guys and gals! Fellows and dames! Boys and girls! Listen up!
1. I changed my layout, ya like?
2. I am going to be in a commercial tomorrow!
Yup, I'm gonna be in a commecial for the Governor of Georgia. I'll be at a high school acting like a student I guess. But the funny thing is, I'm home schooled! *bwaahahaha!*
I've always wanted to be an extra, now my dream is finally coming true! I'd also like to be in a movie, like in one of those panic scenes where people run around screaming or I'd like to be the first victim of some sort of monster. But nothing too scary, I'm easily frightened. lol
Well more on this tomorrow!
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Quote I like:
"All of my fears mean nothing."
-Sanctuary (Utada Hikaru)
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Sunday, April 9, 2006
Hey guys! I beat KH2 thursday night! It was sooooooo awesome! I loved every minute of it and I think it might accutally be better than the first game! XD (Which is rare for me to say that something is better that the original. lol)
And some friends of ours are over tonight. Their son charley is asleep in the next room so I'm listening to my music VERY quietly... I can barely hear it!
And I'm in a pickle about what I should change my layout to.
I may just use the same layout I'm using on
Which you can see here.
Well tell me what you think.
Love ya!
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Quote I like:
"I was drunk the day my mom got out of prison, and I went to pick her up in the rain."
-You Never Even Called Me By My Name (David Allen Coe)
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
I got KH2 yesterday! And I bought the uber awesome special addition strategy guide! ^_^ I'm so happy, if I wasn't in Louisiana I'd be playing it right now. But still, I'm not sure how Jesse McCartney (sp?) as BHK, now known as Roxas will sit with me. I don't like his singing voice so I don't think I'll like his talking voice.
Oh! I gotta run! More about this later today or tomorrow!
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
Hey, I'm in Louisiana! It turns out that the hotel has internet access! (YAY!)
Well anyway, not much has happened on this trip. Besides me buying Kamichama Karin volume 1! It's so cute!!!! ^_^
I love little Kazume-chan! I'm obsessed with cute little kids with bad attitudes. Like Hiro (Fruits Basket) and Emile (Godchild).
Anyway besides the Kamichama stuff nothing else happened.
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Quote I like:
"And then there was a blindingly beautiful funeral procession of butterflies..."
-Cain (Godchild)
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
A little update.
Okay I have to keep this short, sweet and to the point.
Hey guess what!? KH2 comes out in 8 days!!!!! *uber big squee*
Anyway aside from that I just got back from Texas last week then I had to go to south Georgia and we just got back monday and friday we're going to Louisiana. This is running me ragged.
So while in Texas we stayed with the Kysers just as I said we would. We got to drive around on this thing called a "Kubota" which is like the SUV of golf carts. lol We had a good time and on one of our last days there Mr. Kyser gave my sisters and I $250 each.
And my sister and I just opened up a Yugioh forum and we're in desperate need of members, so click the link below to visit the forum!

That was good. Well I've got to run and I hope I can update again before we leave.
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Quote I like:
"I... think there are many ways in which I fall short as president. But I won't stop trying. So everyone... please lend me your strength."
-Class President Yuki Sohma (Fruits Basket)
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Monday, March 6, 2006
Hey there guys! I'm in Texas now yesterday we were in Houston and we met a spanish pop singer called "Emilio." He was supposedly famous but I don't know that to be a fact. We got a picture with him and he was nice. He seemed to be interested in my father because Sensei is a singer too!
Well now were getting ready to go to Dallas and shop. I love the little Asian market there and I'm going to buy a bento and some cookie style candy. ^_^ Yum!
So I hope I can talk to you later,
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Quote I like:
-My mother
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Thursday, March 2, 2006
A short hiatus, a new layout and 2000 hits!!
Sorry I've been gone so long, I got real busy! And I'm going to get busier! I'm leaving for Texas in the morning and I probably won't be back for about 2 weeks. But anyways to report on our last endeavor.
Well we finally got to use a band after all these years. We'd never played together before the night of the gig but we all sounded pretty good. The members included one professional performer, two nashville studio musicians, one rock star wannabe, one ditzy guitar freak and two reluctant singers. Oh corse I fell into the reluctant singers category. But over all the whole gig went well.
Now that we're home we have to leave for Texas and be on the road again, the band wont be with us because we assembled for a one time only gig. But we're going to stay with our good friends the Kysers, and if any of are you familiar with the musical product called the capo well he invented the most famous kind of capo; the Kyser Capo. A lot of famous people use Mr. Kyser's capo. People like Bruce Spingsteen, If you click here you can see Bruce using a Kyser capo.
The funny thing about Mr. Kyser is that he's very eccentric. Last time we were at his house the lights went off during a storm and we were all sitting around with flashlights and he and my father were talking about something to do with capo's and the I heard a noise and I asked, "What was that!?" and I don't know if he understood what I said but he replied, "Oh, it's just them capos."
His wife died laughing. She got the biggest kick out of that but Mr. Kyser didn't get it. lol
Anyway, enough of that. I gotta go but as a closing thought I'd like to say thank you to everyone who reads my blog and visits my site cause thanks to all your wonderful support I've reached 2000 hits! Arigato!
Love you guys,
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Quotes I like:
"Mars is there, waiting to be reached."
-Buzz Aldrin
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Happy v-day everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your selves!
I don't know what we have planned for today but I'm felling as chipper as ever. But then again, I'm always chipper! lol
We'll tell me how your days went I hope they've gone well.
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Quote I like:
"People are just getting dumber, but more opinionated."
-Ernestine (The Human Stain)
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
New quiz.
I haven't made a quizilla quiz in a very long time. But I think this one turned out nice.
 --Cheerful Disposition--
You bring happiness and joy to those around you.
You enjoy life to it's fullest and aren't
afraid to say what's on your mind.
What's your personaliy? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Take it and tell me what you think! ^_^
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