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Saturday, September 6, 2008

   And you won't ,no, no no, you won't make a fool out of me!

Holy freaking Magicarps!
Its been forever!
Well, over a year.
The tab thing didn't work out well, not well at all. I didn't even get on the computer for over a month! But hey, we gots DSL now! *slobbers and chews on modem*

So, over a year since my last post... Gotta say I feel bad about that. Very Bad.I used to love coming here but for some reason it started feeling like a chore. Oh well, for those who remember me I will update my life.
It all began in 1876, there was a.... oh, uummm....

So, I am still working at Brighter Day. I am about at the 2 full years mark. I am full time baker now, and I do like it. Hours are... Unpredictable. At least 30 a week. 6 day weeks, get done about 11:30AM each morning, so I have the day to myself.
Brandi, the wonderful woman that got me the job and let me move in with her found a better job...and then some more after that. We're both in happy places right now though, which is the important thing.

Ever been in love with someone (Or had a VERY potent crush) but never actually told them? Your with them everyday, and it sometimes it feel inevitable that you will end up together and other times it feels hopeless, like your stuck in a pit with no way out.
Ya, I felt that way for so long. I had a crush on someone and moving in only complicated it. But a few moths ago we started to get closer and just a couple week ago we officially started dating....
Things moved so slowly for 2 bloody years now we have rockets strapped to our feet.
Some Scholastic telemarketer called a week ago and tried to sell use books for very young children and I said "We don't have any children here right now."
Well, I don't think about other meanings to the words I spew, my wonderful lover on the other hand saw lots of meaning in that sentence and we started talking about those kinda things and ended up talking about marriage.
So we decided to go for it. We've been living together for a year, inseparable friends for a year before that. And while this part of our relationship is moving fast it feels right, like we're making up for lost time. We are planning for a sort of Renaissance/Celtic style wedding of a more casual persuasion. With luck, a Halloween weddign as well. Next year, we're not gonna move that fast.

Not much else to say.. except of course WE GOTS PUPPIES!
3 in fact. The youngest is an annoying and spoiled little mixed hound named Yuki, we had just watched the bloodstained lake (AAAAAHHHHHHH) episode of Ghost Stories. The middle puppy was the first we got, Named Esme (Sometimes called Esme Von Doom.)
We were told she was husky and Aussie Shepherd, But it looks like she has some Collie in her as well. Very energetic but friendly.

Both those puppies are Brandi's though.
My dogs name is Remy. Hes big, kinda grumpy sometimes but still friendly, and is very possessive of his food as the scars show. Well, it wasn't all food. We got him at 4 years, he was adopted from the humane society as soon as he was old enough to leave his mum. He is Wolf/Husky/Malamute and maybe something else. He is about a foot shorter than an Irish Wolfhound. he had some problems with his last owners. They named him "Buddy" and kept him in a trailer. we heard they were getting rid of him and swooped in to give him a home. He was VERY possessive over food and didn't like to be disciplined. Like when he tried to rush the door to greet someone (Greet being used loosely, more like run them over and smother them) if we grabbed his collar to hold him back he would try to bite at us. After he got me one day he learned not to do that.

Large dogs don't like to be picked up and slammed to the ground on their backs. They like to try to bite their way free, they don't like having the hand they are biting being shoved down their throat either.
I blame the former owners, they talked about how the got him cheeseburgers from McDonald's when ever they went (For reference, these people were about 500 pounds each) So he was spoiled and he also was skin and bone (Needed wormed).

He was only about 100 and if he was filled out he could prolly reach 150 or more. Hes good now, about 120, Still a bit skinny but he is better behave and not as picky an eater. hes cute, and tries to be a lap dog. The other day he jumped over the back of the couch and landed on me. he just stayed where he landed and used me a a cushion. Sorry about the complaining. I know many would love to be lucky enough to have such a nice and protective dog but I just am so pissed at his former owners for nearly destroying his chances.

Well, I think thats about it. I will get pictures of the dogs when I can find my PS2 eyetoy.
I hope my rambling wasn't to hard on your eyes and if you want to give me an update on your goings ons leave it in the comment. its good to be back and I hope I can stick around a bit before fading away again.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2007


*continues hysterical laughter for a few more minutes.*
Great googley moogley baggle toothed nortwallers Batman, where the hell have we been?

Well Robin, we entered a portal or the space time variety and broke into a world that was not unlike our own... With an exception to the odd smell. After many adventures we found another portal and ended up back in our own universe. Does that answer your question?

Well, I fear I have been away for a bit longer than I anticipated.

No, I do not work at Wal-Mart. The machine broke as a friend was filling out his. It froze and his Social Security number was stuck on the screen. That was a laugh riot let me tell you.
So, I piddlefarted away most of the summer and then as luck would have it I ran into the older sister of a friend. He's 3 years younger than me, so that would make her... 3 years older than me. Anyways, she was (Is) currently the baker for a natural foods store/restaurant about 30 mile away in Marietta. She had been working 9 hour days and needed someone to work as baker with her and cover for her on her day off. So after being bullied into it I went down and talked to one of the managers, he said come to work Tuesday and begin training. So I did. had a happy 4 days of learning all the baking stuff and then was one my own that Saturday and the next Monday. I loved it. But having 2 bakers every day was unnecessary. So I was put onto hot foods (AKA hotline, AKA the steam table, AKA the hellish pit of hell like hellishness). But hey, I was making money and I was off by 3:00 PM each day, and I still baked once a week and on holidays when there were a ton of baked goods ordered. Ten business dies after the Minimum wage increase and I busted down to 4 days a week a max of 6 hours a day. Whoo-Hoo.

It is still an alright job though, just hope business gets better by the time I move out. See, the wonderful woman that got me the job and trained me is moving out of her parents house.(She has moved out before but then hit a rocky road and ended up back) She said I could come over whenever I like. (she know how my family never gets along) A few sentences later it was decided that I would be moving in at the rate of $120 a month, plus a my share in the utilities. Yay! Away from my family! Well, only a few blocks, But it will be great!

Well, on to less happy happy joy joy kind of stuff.
Sorry I haven't been on forever, I'm the kind of person that has a routine. If something falls from that routine then it is VERY hard for me to pick back up. It all ties up into the Fear of failure so why try, fear of human contact, fear of being the focus of groups of people/fear of being focused upon in an intense manner by one person/fear of making a fool of myself stuff. There’s really supposed to be a lot more to the list but since one of them is "Fear of boring people with my repetitive nature" so I stopped.
That and my vocabulary has shrunk a great deal due to the lowering of my IQ by watching Voltron.

Lately, besides work(Since I know people love all the personal details they can get their big white cute glistening wolfy fangs into) I haven't been up to much. Games, D&D, and brooding. Haven't started any college classes, just been sitting around playing Gungrave the past couple days. Before that I can't really remember. I think a combination of lack of sleep, poor diet, lack of exercise of both mental and physical variety, and Massive amounts of caffeine have destroyed my minds memory banks. Not to mention those parts that are used to focus. I can't sit still, can't focus on a single thought. Thoughts race through my mind and never seem to stop. But that is a rant for another day.

I'll set My Otaku as a homepage tab so it pops up every time I open a window.
And I apologize for not reading everyone’s posties. I still have dial up so it is going to be a while before I catch up.
Until I get on next time, I hope you all have good thing happen to you.
Don't let the world get you down, Think happy thoughts and hold on to the good memories. Don't hold grudges or worry about things unnecessarily. You'll only get worked up about something that you'll see as silly the next day.

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Thursday, August 17, 2006

mmmmmmmm, fish.

"I would slit my writs, but my razor is all rusty and I don't like tetnis shots."

know who I am. No one else knows who I am. If I was a giraffe, and someone said I was a snake, I'd think, no, actually I'ma giraffe.
- Richard Gere

I like fish, A person should get abotu 2 grams of Omega 3 fatty acids. Salmon is a good source of that. Fish onigiri!
I have a cat named Onigiri. He is evil. Only shows up when it's time to eat.

I don't wanna real job, I like beign lazy. wwwaaaaaaa!
*is drug off to Wal-Mart for an application.*

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Been a while.

Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other.
- Ann Landers

On my income tax 1040 it says 'Check this box if you are blind.' I wanted to put a check mark about three inches away.
- Tom Lehrer

Nothing ever really happens. Finished Samurai 7 and Azumangam animes, but I have been slacking off on my anime watching, too busy goofing off with PS2s and exploits and SNES on Dreamcast and stuff of a related nature.

Oh, I did break one of my computers. Well, okay, the only thing broken on it was the hard drive. Got into an argument with my sister about teh computer.
She goes to Myspace and alot of other sites that involve major spyware invasions, but she refused to run any programs of a restorative nature. She said she didn't have to because it was my fault that the computer ran slowly. For those of you who don't know, the computers my family own are pentiums, no number behind it. the processer is a 1995 pentium with MMX support, teh computer has about 80MBs or RAM, runs windows 98, has 56kdialup, but it rarely get's over 30kb/s and has 4 people using it.
But back to teh computer breakage.
She followed me back to teh living room telling me how it's my fault then stood in front of teh TV yelling over it about how I should take all my "Crap" off of it. So I got up, walked back into teh kitchen (Where it is kept) and tossed teh thing onto the ground.
Now I have to use the other one, which is exactly the same as the last... I need to look into getting a new Mac.

Anywho, Enough complaining. I have better things to type about. Well, not really, but I like to think so.
I don't think I'll be able to force myself to wait for everyones sites to load, so I'll prolly just hit add post and go back to Fchan.

Farewell untill the next time I can remember to come back.

PS: There will be a good number of typos, I have yet to install the google toolbar.

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Sunday, June 11, 2006

   I want your Bawls so badly it hurts.

Caffeine. That was my Colossal-con weekend in a nutshell.
I brought 8 2-liters of Mountain Dew with me, and when the dealers room opened we were greeted with a sight that brought us close to tears.
The first dealer that was visible when we walked in those doors had Bawls on their table.
I feel I must explain, I had got without caffeine/super sugary products such as Mountain Dew and Bawls for at least a month before the convention, and this was to be my last big weekend before an even bigger cutback on sweets and other things my doctor warned me about. Super high cholesterol and triglycerides.
But the Bawls called me so strongly, so we bought them 2 cases of Bawls. 48 bottles, added to what was brought up by my friends we had 50 something.
Other than all the great food products (Ramune, Pocky, Giant Pocky, Bawls, Botan Rice Candy, ETC.)
the Convention wasn't all that fun. The anime and Manga selection was fairly limited compared to other conventions I have gone to.
But the weekend was still fun, better than helping me family put shingles on the roof.

You may have noticed I have deleted all of my other posts, there is a reason.
When I type, I ramble. When I ramble, I lose track of what I am talking about. Right after I finish typing I feel a sort of adrenaline rush of relief that I got something off my chest, but when I read it later it seems so.... juvenile. What I once thought was good, or at least okay, seems petty and riddled with incomplete thoughts and my erroneous grammar makes me sick.
So I deleted everything.

So, life. Life goes on the same as it always has. I have so much I need to do and I can never get around to doing it.
Oh, but Ohayocon planning is under way! My goal, and I WILL meet it, is to bring at least 2 cases of Bawls. Now that I have finally gotten the hang of convention going, I shall enjoy myself immensely. Panels, Gameshows, Cosplay! Instead of sleep one can watch anime, and Video Games! Have to bring a TV though. =-/
I think this will be wrapped up now, I am going to go play Shining Force on my PS2, Go Action Replay!

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