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anime connesour
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Like I'll tell you! call me Sana.
My huge anime collectables collection
Anime Fan Since
2001, when i first read inuyasha vol.3 manga and saw spirited away at my friends house.
Favorite Anime
Fullmetal Alchemist, Neon Genesis Evangelion, X, Inuyasha, Loveless.
to become a western manga-ka and learn Japanese this year.
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making people feel smarter than me. its not very hard... wonder why.
| newmooninuyasha
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
sana-chans talk show wonderland!
*my post!*
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me: *grrrrrrrr*
sabrina: er... whats wrong, sana?
inkenyo 2.0: cool ur jets! it hasnt been 40-something hours yet!
me: yeah, ur probably right... oh hi! its me, sana!
shippo: and sana tried to submit an article about ranma 1/2. it ist looking good so far.
me: *death glares at shippo* in other news, i have 395 page views!
inuyasha: ha! thats nothing compared to sMMMMPPHH! *my hand is slapped over mouth*
me: shut up inuyasha.
kagome: sit.
inuyasha: WAAAAAUGH! *makes crater in floor*
me: i got another avvie. i think its so me. im obsessed with inuyashas adorable ears *sigh* and cute little nose... and big golden eyes...
inuyasha: sana...
me: did you know my birthstone topaz looks just like ur eyecolor, inu-kun? its soooo kawii.
inuyasha; INU-KUN?!?!
sango: this is my only line again.
shippo: i got two this time yippie.
kagome: i got this and 'sit.' *inu falls 2 ground again* whoops sorry!
me: c'mon, i'll give u guys more lines soon! promise!
miroku: me too?
me: eeh...
miroku: nobody likes me *gloom* im just a filthy perv...
me: not true! ur so much more!
miroku: like...?
me: a monk. and... i give up. but your kinda cute.
inuyasha: WHAAAT?!
me: and handsome.
inuyasha: WHAAAT!? but you like me!
me: you care?
inuyasha: NO. i just dont want you to be a two timer.
me: like you?
inuyasha: yes. no! i mean...
miroku: *thinking* sigh... its tough being so dashing.
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
sana-chans thalk show wonderland!
*my post!*
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me: hello pplz im glad of all the comments i recieved yesterday! im happy ur looking forward 2 my fanart. if only it will work...
shippo: and whats with the comment i only got 1 line?! i got 2!!!
inuyasha: thats nothing 2 be proud of, shrimp...
shippo: i dont get it. sanas in my club and she only gives me 'filler lines.'
me: aheheheheheh c'mon! im in ur club cuz ur kawii!
inkenyo 2.0: *whispers* and annoying...
shippo: I HEARD THAT!
sango: its ok. sometimes im only filler lines... like now...
me: c'mon, sango! your a main character!
miroku: and u always poke fun at me. im more than a pervert, you know.
sabrina: hes right, u know. he is funny... and... spiritual... and, um,
miroku: oh great. funny. spiritual. awesome. *sulks*
inkenyo 2.0: miroku there there. its ok. you are also a ladys man.
sango: a perverted ladys man.
shippo: hello! what about me?!
the end.
p.s: i made a few of my own avatars! one will be up today, and two more the next few. vote for ur favorite and it will be my new avvie. plz check it out!
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
sana-chans talk show wonderland!
*my post!*
*please comment!*>
me: as of yesterday if anyone read my post i was having computer troubles.
sabrina: but haha! i wished it would start working again and it worked!
me: um, while your at it, can you wish my computer had high-speed, dsl, wish i was smarter at computer stuff--
sabrina: you cant just do that! im not gonna give you all that i would get too tired. plus the fact that its greedy.
inkenyo 2.0: hey! a girl can dream, right?
me: speaking of computers, guess what?
shippo: what?
me: im gonna try to submit fan art later this week!
*everyone starts snoring*
me: guys!
sango: no offense, sana, but when you have these 'cool plans' as you call them, they always...
kagome: backfire?
miroku: turn out to be a big dissapointment?
shippo: screw up?
inuyasha: turn out to be that sana dosnt know the difference from a peg leg and a jpeg?
me: YES! ok? i never do anything smart cuz im a moron when it comes to computers! sue me for being stupid!
inkenyo 2.0: how much should i ask for...
me: *evil glare*
inkenyo 2.0: AHEHEHEH! just kidding! lol! uh... ha?
me: yes, ha... and other news, sana-chan in wonderland may not be returning...
*everyone gasps* the form you know it as! but get this. ive got a whole new story i made up.
sabrina: you mean,... we wont be in anymore?*sniffle*
me: yes you will! inkenyo 2.0 too! its just sorta different than sana-chan in wonderland. mostly about inuyashas sister from an illict love affair with your father, inuyasha...
inuyasha: WHAT?!?@!
me: dont worry! its good! but... due to a lot of more 'naughty' things in it im giving it a '13 and up' rating.
miroku: oh my. do you give me girls to do 'naughty' things with?
me: NO. just language and a disturbing scene with naraku... read at your own cost.
shippo: now im kinda scared...
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Monday, May 2, 2005
sana-chans talk show wonderland! (bleh vill)
*my post!*
*please comment!*>
hello im posting so late i dunno if ne one will see this... but oh well.
the costume party was fun. i won a prize! yay.
my computer is flipping out so... i dont know how long it will be till i get back on. no talk show, i dont want 2 go thru a lot of effort 4 nothing heh heh.
seeu! --sana
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Friday, April 29, 2005
*my post!*
*please comment!*>
 you are Kagome and Inuyasha!
from Inuyasha
at the beginning, you'll have some friction between you and your love...
but you are classified THE OPPOSITE ATTRACS
What popular anime couple are you?? brought to you by Quizilla
just had 2 hehe read blow post 2 plz
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sana-chans talk show wonderland!
*my post!*
*please comment!*>
me: we have a guest with us today!
inkenyo 2.0: hes the star of fullmetal alchemest, cartoon networks hottest new show!
sabrina: hes nothing SHORT of a star! lets give it up for EDWARD ELRIC!
*clap track*
me: hello ed... may i call you ed?
ed: uh, sure.
sabrina: *stands up* woah, your a little sh-- *my hand muffles her mouth*
me: SEXY! hahahahehehe yes i said it, we all got the hots 4 u ed-baby! ha!
*inkenyo 2.0 looks at me as if i am insane*
me: *whispers to gang* lets make him feel like a hottie, k? most guys on these talk shows make fun of him.
inkenyo 2.0: ok! this will b good 4 ur acting skills!
sabrina: u better pay me for this...
*we all turn to ed with big goo-goo eyes.*
ed: eheheh... whats wrong you guys? *sweatdrop*
me: oh, ed, you kidder!
inkenyo 2.0: yes, kidding little boy-- i mean studly man.
sabrina: hey, sana is a few months younger than you and a girl and shes taller than you. heh... weird!
me: GAH THATS BECAUSE IM FREAKISHLY PROPORTIONED! oh, ed, *sob* will you comfort my freakishly tall body? *sits in lap*
inkenyo 2.0: oh, ed... you are so cute!
me: yes... a rival to inuyasha. i heard you use alchemy? you can fix anything? how macho of you.
ed: eheheh... thats... true, i guess...
sabrina: oh! this pickle jar needs opening from a strong, handsome not-at-all shortie! ed? how bout you? *hands him jar*
ed: uh, i guess... these are not so tricky heh... oof. ...ugh....gah.
me: *grabs pickle jar* this is one of shippos trick never openable pickle jars! screw this! *tosses it away*
shippo: *walks in* hey, whos the shrimpy guest star?
inkenyo 2.0: LOOK WHOS TALKING! ed baby, hes such an immature little... ed?
ed: *twitch*
inuyasha: *walks in* hey whats up you guys? ...sana? inkenyo? sabrina? what are you all doing on shrimptoasts lap?
ed: *twitch twitch* do you have a problem with my stature... dog-boy?! is my highth FUNNY to you?
inuyasha: yeah it is.
*inu and ed roll around on the ground hitting each other raising havok*
me: c'mon, you guys! stop! sto--*inu kicks cameraman unconcious and breaks camera*
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
sana-chans talk show wonderland!
*my post!*
*please comment!*>
me: im goin to a costume party yeah yeah!
inuyasha: um, ok... im supposing u want me 2 ask u who u are going as?
me: yeeeesss...
inuyasha: ok who r u going as?
me: ur sister! inukasumi!
inuyasha: i have a sister?
shippo: *hits inuyasha* idiot! its a COSTUME party that means not real! shes going as ur FAKE sister!
inuyasha: I KNOW THAT!
me: im full demon so im fluffys full sister and ur half sister. my costume is so kawii!
sabrina: cool ru gonna submit a picture in cosplays?
me: mabey i wish! then you could see me in all my glory.
inkenyo 2.0: whered you get the name 'inukasumi?'
me: well, inu as in dog and kasumi means air or wind, breeze, something like that...
miroku: so your breezy?
me: no, an air head.
me: well, thats all we gots 4 2day, hope u have fun 2day all my friends!
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
sana-chans talk show wonderland!
*my post!*
*please comment!*>
me: hello i hope u like my new bg... I CANT SEE IT NE MORE!!! *fuming rage and sorrow!*
inuyasha: its ok i bet we can work it out
kagome: yeah get a new one!
me: but this one was so...*sniffle* cute...
sabrina: on another note, how come sesslover18 isnt on ur friends list?
me: huh? i thought she was! shes in my backroom one! omg did i delete her accedentally?! did someone hack my--
*inuyasha hits me*
inkenyo 2.0: hey! thats not very nice!
shippo: yeah inuyasha shes freaking out the least you could do is hug her.
me: IM NOT FREAKING OUT! and...*blush* i wouldnt mind a hug...*hearts in eyes*
sango: oh my. that was... aquard.
miroku: er, sana... i wouldnt mind if you wanted me to give you a hug
*girls punch him till hes a shootong star like in love hina*
sabrina: woah that was cool!
inkenyo 2.0: yeah i thought thats stuff only happened in anime
me: isnt this ani--*gets cut off by shippo*
shippo: hey nobodys entered the contest hehe sanas a looser with no friends
me: AAUUUUGH SHUT UP SHIPPO! they are too my friends they just dont want to enter! im not a looser dont use bribery to get them to enter!
miroku: ooooh bribery. heres a great deal: all girls who enter get to bear my children!
sango: i thought you were a shooting star!
sabrina: whoever enters gets a wish granted by me!
me: SABRINA! *panic*
inkenyo 2.0: no... whichever girl enters gets a date with inuyasha!
me: noooo!
*all the girls start entering flooding me with private messages*
me: its not true, guys.
*all entrys are withdrawn*
sango: what about the guys? they dont want a date with inuyasha.
kagome: they can have some candy. guys love to eat.
me: i love to eat, too!
sabrina: well, is anyone gonna enter?
me: i got it! i just need some new friends! hey kid! *drags random kid from audience* wanna enter a contest?
kid: leave me alone!
(sorry 2 make u feel like u gotta enter, i dont want to make u feel like u have 2 enter u dont gotta, it just makes 4 a funny show:) )
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
sana-chans talk show wonderland!
*my post!*
*please comment!*>
me: hey i had a great weekend i saw mean girls on dvd it was not only funny but had a good plot and characters as well! man, you got to see it!
*my friends on here that are guys*: GROOOOAN
me: c'mon! its a funny chick flick!
kagome: thats why they dont wanna se it.
inuyasha: woah woah woah. hold up. you... sana... watched something BESIDES anime?
shippo: holy crap!
me: come on! im not that much of a freak.
*inkenyo 2.0 and sabrina whos actual name on myO is novatone exchange glances*
me: hey!
sabrina: we like you just the way you are, sana.
inkenyo 2.o: yeah, if you were normal i wouldnt want to be ur friend, lol!
me: thanks... i think?
sango: anything else happen while you were offline?
me: yeah, we almost died from a tornado.
*everyone gasps*
me: we had to go in a shelter in my fine arts school tafa (as we call it) but luckily no one got hurt. boy, was it fun! kids drew scenes from 'the wizard of oz' on the dry erase bords.
miroku: uh... you werent scared?
me: duh, no! as if I would die in a tornado. i'd rather die fighting demons or saving inuyasha. *strokes his ears*
inuyasha: *drooling over ear rub* you usually dont choose how you die...
shippo: and dont forget, if you wanna be in one of sanas storys pm her and you have a chance at winning!
me: yep. and im gonna put my buttons back up, so u can put them on ur sites! seeya next time!
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
u all are too good to me...*crys*
*my post!*
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thank you sabrina (novatone) for the adorable sugoi kawiiness ecard!!! it is so awesome :D im feeling better already! and thank you all my other myo friends who said 4 me 2 get well soon as well! u all rock!
read post below and thankies^^
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