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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
*my post!*
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i suppose i cannot submit my fanart to this site. its noones fault but my own *sob* im a computer ditz *sob* but PH34R N0T!! i will be submitting an article about how obsessed some people can get with inuyasha. HUM0R!! so being buisy please forgive me for i wont have time to visit your sites... ill be back soon! and i promise i will get smarter and stun this website with my l33tness! (p.s, go to its a web comic about american manga. s0me 0f th3 w312d p33pol t4lk l1k3 this.)
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
im so ticked
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i tryed to put in my art and it said i did something wrong. the dimentions are right at what i see, even a little smaller! its in jpeg format, too! if you guys can help me, i will greatly apriciate it since some of you submitted art before.
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
kay... question time!!! (looking 4 picture folder)
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gonna try submitting art today... IF I COULD FIND IT!!! aw man baka baka baka! how could i loose my folder? well, anyway, be4 i go look for it, i want you all to ask me questions. be creative! whats my favorite ramen, what is my fave episode of inuyasha, what brand of toilet paper do i use, whatever! i will ty to answer them all so you can get to know me better and have fun!
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
well, hi!
*my post!*
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tomorrow i promise i will get my art up here ^^ hopefully it works, though, im not good at these "new-fangled contraptions" lol. i hope you check them out and seeya tomorrow!--sana-chan
p.s: sorry for being so harsh yesterday about visiting my site, just felt like i needed to say something.^^
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
*my post!*
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im not one to complain usually, but how come no-one is visiting my site? i visit my friends sites every day (well, i try) and post to their updates. i dont want to be mean, but if you all dont start visiting at least every once and a while, i might stop visiting you and i dont want to resort to that. i know your all very busy, but i am too, and i visit you all. sorry, but thats the way the shikon shatters.
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
love hina!!!
*my post!*
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i am watching this cool anime dvd love hina! have you guys seen it? its so funny! (not as much as ranma1/2, of course.) inuyashas still my favorite, but love hinas great, too! i reccomend it to you all to rent or buy. in other news: got a new avatar, lol. also, er, not much else... g2g!
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Friday, January 7, 2005
newsflash! my claws: GONE! i resemble: A BROWN-HAIRED KIKYO! fangs: STAYING! *phew*
*my post!*
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my nails got all broken after working out on the punching bag in my cold, dark garage so i had to CUT THEM OFF!!! now i must rely on my pointy canine teeth if i get kidnapped or something (mom says i need braces. i say i dont want to loose my fangs. she sighs, but is secretly glad cuz she dosnt want to dish out another thousand bucks to those hack orthodontists) my sisters both had braces, but i have glasses. showed mom pic i drew of kikyo and kagome. she said they looked like me with black hair! i look in mirror. i find out i not only act like inuyasha, but look like kikyo. *shudders* dont get me wrong, kikyo fans, i dont hate kikyo, but... i have hair same style as kagomes, but for some reason, resemble kikyo! i cut my hair from waist length to shoulder to stop the freakiness, but for some reason i look more kikyoish than kagomeish... waa i want to look like kagome, because kikyos... well, dead! bu, she is kinda pretty (am i patting myself on the back?)
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
*my post!*
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tryed this quiz from another site and checkit out! *dat dada daa!*
 You got Inuyasha! He may act like he only cares about himself but you know that inside he's COMPLETELY in love with you and he'd do ANYTHING for you! And he's got CUTE dog ears and seemingly endless golden eyes, not to mention he gets jelous whenever another man gets near you, need i say more?
Which Inuyasha Character is the best BOYFRIEND for you? brought to you by Quizilla
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more results
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quiz result
*my post!*
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heres the result to this quiz i took called "which vampire are you" it was pretty fun actually, i love to take quizzes. we need more inuyasha ones, though, and a ranma1/2 one too! What Anime Vampire Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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