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Canada... yeah I don't live in an igloo
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high school student (yay grade 10!!)
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Sam. just plain old boring down to earth Sam.
Band Geek!! lol and the funny part is I hang out in the art room............
Anime Fan Since
a long time........... yeah probably when pokemon first came out........
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Inu-yasha, Naruto, .Hack, Trigun, Video games in general........
Playing flute and doodles!!!!
Music (yeah Im at about grade 6 consevatory on flute......... I drabble in everything else)
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, April 2, 2005
YTV actually did something good.....
OMG!! I dont have satalite at home, so the only anime shows I get on tv is from ytv and it usually has the stupid "American attempt" at anime.
(excluding Inuyasha, witch hunter robin and gundam seed)And Im so happy!! Ytv decided to air a good show!! yup, thats right, .hack//sign!!!!
Ive seen and read the legend of the twighlit bracelet, but I havent seen this one yet, so yay!! They might have found a suitable replacement for whr^_^
(Excuse my spelling today, Im having a bit of trouble^_^)
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Aren't they adorable???
Go th this site to see some really cute chibi ff 10-2 characters. They're adorable!!^_^
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
Its easter, and I don't care if you people don't celebrate it, because I do!! and my easter present is going down to toronto for anime north^_^ that icludes my ticket, hotel, and spending money!! nothing beats that!!
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Saturday, March 19, 2005

give Nextlevel more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
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Friday, March 18, 2005
A list....
The second Inu-yasha movie provided you with a list of 30 things that it thought were the most important in Inuyasha. While watching it, I thought It needed a little elaboration in the description. In short, Its their list, my way.
#30- Buyo. I mean seriously, if it weren't for that stupid cat, would Kagome even be in the feudal era?
#29- Priestess. Okay, there are certainly alot in this show. If it weren't for the preistesses would their even be a Shikkon Jewel???
#28-Naraku. Source of all evilness. Need I say more?
#27- Staff of Two Heads. Without Jaken's Staff of Two Heads, we wouldn't have tetsuaiga.
#26- Inuyasha merchandise. After watching the show, who doesn't want to cuddle up with a plush inu or seshy?
#25- Affections touching across time. The first movie. It is also the most violent we've seen Kagome.
#24- Wolf Demon Tribe. Sorry Koga fans!! I didn't put it at number 24!! the movie did!!
#23- Tale of the bamboo cutter. Possibly the best real fairy tale you'll ever hear. Its also got shippo's illustrations. That says it all there.
#22- Mt. Fuji. A real mountain, plays a big part in the second movie.
#21- Backpack. The most important part of the show!! without it, how can Inu get noodles and dried potatoes??
#20- Animetown. Everything anime here, including inuyasha. must visit....
#19-Health Products. the way Kagome misses so much school because of "illness", she'll need alot of these. At least according to Hojo.
#18- Hirakotsu. What show is complete without a giant boomerang??
#17- Theatre Group. Why the movie put this as number 17, Ill never know.
#16-Siblings. What would this show be without siblings?? Inu and seshy, Kagome and Sota, Sango and Kohaku, Kagura and Kana...
#15- Inuyasha seen around town. In Japan there are supposedly traffic signs with KAgome and Inu on them. Im serious.
#14- Sit. ouch.
#13- Sound effects. From rustling cloth to sword clashes, these deffinetly make a show.
#12- Band of Seven. Possibly the worst baddies the gang will ever meet.
#11- Inuyasha games. What inu lover doesnt have at least one inu game or manga?
#10- Tetsuiaga. Without this, inu would be full demon!! everyone run screaming!! ahhh!!!
#9- Inuyasha News network. Inuyasha has been translated into many, many different languages. Yes, even french.
#8- Will you bear my child? Mirokus famous question. What would this show be without a lecherous mon?? What is any show without a lecherous monk??
#7- Shooting star. VERY important. Don't know why.
#6- Music. There are 50 different songs in the second movie alone. No I didn't count.
#5- Dream castle. Second movie revolves around it. For the series however, its irrelevant.
#4- Shikkon Jewel. Almost the most important aspect, only because it is the main reason Kagome is still in inu's time. By the way, has anyone actually counted how many people/demons have died for that stupid thing?
#3- Top TV ratings. Essential for a show like inuyasha to air.
#2- Rumiko Takahashi. I don't need to say anything else.
#1- *Finally* Inuyasha and Kagome. We can get rid of sango and miroku (sorry!! I lve them too!!) but Inu and Kagome are the main characters. I can't change that.
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
You should wield the Shikon no Tama!
Find out Which
weapon from Inu Yasha should you wield.
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Oh My gosh!!
I finally saw the season finale of witch hunter robin!! I can't belive it!! I was like, Noo!! they can't be gone!! where'd they go?? I think my sister thinks I'm nuts now... Oh well, I just can't seem to get over it!!
On a different note, everyone should go to kari asota's site and read the fanfic on inuyasha... It awsome!!
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Sunday, February 20, 2005
I finally decided to do some wallpapers and greetings, An what happens?!?!? MY SO CALED FRIENDS WON'T COMMENT!!!! I do realize that one of them has given up the computer for lent, and the other one doesn't have acess to the computer at the moment!! I don't care, Ill still sit here and wallow in my greif... So, PLEASE comment!! While reading this, picture me grovelling at your feet begging!! (Having difficulty? that might be because I left no descrption of my self on this site... oppps!!) Ill even accept flames!! I quote from someone form another site (srry I didn't remember your name!!) Flames are welcome as I will roast my marshmallow on them!! Muahahahahaaa!!
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oh boy!!
I am SOOOOO happy!! I finally got off my lazy butt and printed out the chords to "shell"! Now I am playing it on the guitar!! Wahooo!! I was a little dissapointed though, the song only has 4 diffeent chords, along with some finger picking... Oh well!
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
Was in science class today, which is for some reason in a history classroom ( no clue why) and saw these random quotes on the board from evil conquerors... I just personally liked them
The worthy always perish, its my type who survive... (King fredrick 2 of Prussia)
One death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic... (forget who)
When starting and waging a war whats right isnt important, victory is... (hitler I think)
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