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no, despite the seeming "obsession", i am not from or in bolivia.
Member Since
let's see... I'm a first mate as an unsuccessful tea merchant (Special honorary first mate first class banner-maker extraordinaire) a first mate in the navy, a major in the army, a pilot in the air force, a member of the bolivian navy, artist, banner-make
Real Name
Naia, from the Greek "Naiad" meaning "water spirit"
*see occupation | Winner of the table-wide Chinese restaurant chopsticks championship (i know, i can sense your jealousy from here XD)
Anime Fan Since
I remembered just recently a movie i used to love when i was VERY, very small, it was called Ringing Bell, and i also discovered that it is an anime. ^_^ so, practically my whole life.
Favorite Anime
Tokyo Babylon (#1!!) , Chobits, Fruits Basket, xxxholic, Tsubasa, Record of Lodoss War, Princess Mononoke and EVERYTHING ELSE BY MIYAZAKI, DNAngel, Chrono Crusade, Legal Drug, gravitation, and many others
many, many
Drawing, reading, manga/anime, singing, being totally scarily hyper
Drawing, singing, annoying you folks, being scarily hyper, and on occasion i will be serious. seriously. i don't lie.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, June 5, 2006
breaking the habit
i think i'm doing well on that. i now only say "dude" when i'm in the presence of knox or if i'm extremely distressed, just because it sounds funny.
"umm... i forgot to get your calculator"
"DUDE!!! :( "
aand tomorrow is my last day of school.
the day after is a beach party.
and the day after that is eighth-grade graduation.
i get to be a high-school girl, yay
hands off, shigure!
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Thursday, June 1, 2006
exams are like..
i have to stop saying dude. it started out just making fun of my classmates and now it's becoming a freaking habit.
dude, it sucks.
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
listening to: going under (evanescence)
thinking about: how i should really probably be studying
okay, so i haven't been here in a while...
but something really funny happened today..
we had one of our usual wierd enrichment programs where they treat us like little children, the middle and upper school together.
this one was from the marine science museum. well, they had some sort of wierd little show before they showed us any actual living animals, which i had assumed was the point.
but first they had to torment us with the usual "volunteers from the audience" stuff.
but this was... rather different XD
they had five volunteers i think
all were girls except for one, a guy from upper school who's pretty much an annoying idiot with *fabulous* hair (')
anyway, they took the volunteers behind their little set thing and told them what to do, when they came out again they were supposed to be representing animals that live in an estuary on the chesapeake bay, and they were in a "miss estuary" contest.. just like a modeling thing
and yes.. it's "MISS"
and knox and i looked at each other ("what's he doing in a "MISS"... ANYTHING?") they like.. put this awful wig on him and he was holding this big wooden starfish because yes, he was "miss sea star"
guess who won?
everybody cheered the loudest for him XD
he seemed to be enjoying the part.
anyway, it was entertaining. i just wish i had a picture to show. i didn't ever think i'd need my camera today, damn.
hope you all had a good day.
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Saturday, May 6, 2006
we went to busch gardens on a field trip for "physics day" on friday. it was great..
curse of darKastle was cheesy but really fun. corkscrew hill is still one of my favorites. we rode escape from pompei three times. knox and i would "Hey... we're still alive.. !let's go again!" "Yeah!!" and then right when we were getting to the part where the doors open... we'd look at each other and go "why the HELL did we DO this!!??"
it was so fun.
and on the log flume too. the other four girls got in one log thing so there was no more room, and we knew there was this awful drop in the ride so neither wanted to be up front. so we both got in the back. then, just as we had started the ride, knox screeches "oh NO! we're butt-heavy! we'll FLIP!!"
sooo then we spent the rest of the ride right up until that huge drop laughing hysterically and hoping we wouldn't die.
guess what, we lived.
and in france knox and i were really stupid and got these HUGE brownie things that we didn't finish and it all made us feel like total fatwads...
so by the time we got to new france i was STILL complaining about how stupid we both were to have gotten those things.
aaand i think my favorite country was.. umm... well duh. it was ireland.
germany was neat too though.
it's doubtful you read this far XD
so i'll just shut up now.
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Monday, May 1, 2006
okay i have.. a HUGE favor to ask you (whoever you are)
my friend knox and i made.. a quiz... and it's like.. our life's accomplishment (or one) because it is the random product of days of labor AND nights of randomness and a session in how-to-put-a-freaking-mouse-that-doesn't-work-back-together AND two days spent on paint program making the pictures to go with the results....
we like... the quiz
and we want.. you to like it to
even if you don't, we'd like you to take it. really. it's fun. you will have fun. and if you are a kind, nice, generous, and wonderful person who is assured a place in heaven you will also look at all results. *grins pleadingly*
AND guess what!! it's NOT a "what is your element" quiz! applause please!?
here's the link *wide-eyed 'please' stare*:
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
my legs have hurt like hellfire for a freaking week... today i had a horseback lesson and i thought it'd make it worse
i went through hell
posting with no stirrups, then with only one, which was even worse...
i'm talking about excruciating pain here
but now...
i feel... fine
not hurting at all anymore!
so.. i've been home alone since after school and i'm here till 12 by myself
having fun *grins*
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
she's trying to kill us
Well I'm in school right now and it's last period... and.. our teacher is trying to kill us
there wasn't room in the computer lab so Knox and i had to lug ourselves over to the library with the slow computers and the awful printers and then it took practically the whole period so i have about five minutes left till school's over and i finished just now and yeah- *taaaakes a breath*
I'm tired, my legs hurt, i've got a headache, and i'm so ready to go home. why isn't this friday?
..wish i could be more interesting but nothing much else happened today. i have a ton of school stuff to do. i'm stressed. hope you're better.
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Saturday, April 15, 2006
Easter's tomorrow! and i was such a freaking idiot, you know what i gave up for Lent? manga! so Easter is extra-welcomed this year!
i've got two shojo beat magazines and a new manga called "glass wings" to read tomorrow...
soooo all...
have a good Easter!
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Monday, April 10, 2006
we have IOWA testing at school this week. well the good part is they're during the first three periods, so we miss the worst classes. math, gym, and science. whoop
well, everything's boring so far, except i heard back from the magazine who wants to use my drawing as their new logo! they're gonna talk about it this month and decide! so excited!
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
well, i finally submitted another pic, i ACTUALLY had three, but the stupid things were a few pixels too large. so i'll have to scan them over again whenever i get the chance. but if i can fix them on paint, i'll put them on right now.
please go see my work!!>_<
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