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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My first featured E-card

I now can die happy

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

schools almost starting and I'm depressed

I won't get to see many of my friends anymore and a lot of teachers that I was hoping to get are gone

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Monday, July 23, 2007

I am such a Sven ADDICT

If you need proof, just check my portfolio

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Bakiora - Chapter 4 cont.
(The two enter the cave, not knowing where it may lead)

Aimi: Bakiora, its really dark in here. (shivering in fear)
Bakiora: What are you talking about, I can see just fine.
Aimi: That's because you're half-demon... You can see in the dark.
Bakiora: Heh... So
(Aimi flashes a mean look at him)
Alright... I get it. Don't you have a spell to light up the place.
Aimi: Oh yeah... (Aimi begins to glow, the light begins to spread revealing corpses hanging from top and laying on the floor) EEEEEEEEKK!!!!!
Bakiora: Could you scream any louder... God, I almost went deaph.
Aimi: sorry... They surprised me.
Bakiora: Chicken...
(A spider comes down in front of him)
AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! SPIDER!!!(Begins running around in cicles screaming)
Aimi: And you're calling me "Chicken".
Bakiora: Shut up... Look, there's a door.

(The door begins to glow a firey red and flings open. Flames begin to pour out, knocking the two unconcious. Demons and spirits fly out to the open world.)

(Bakiora wakes up, noticing that beyond the door was a solid wall of rock. At one point, it was lava.)

Bakiora: What's this... a wall of nothing.
Aimi: Ow... My head.
Bakiora: Com'mon... lets get out of here.

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Saturday, July 14, 2007

   There is no love anymore
Where is this feeling
No matter what, There is no love
Everyone I know has left
Everyone I know wnet after someone else

Believe me, Being the spare tire at the movies is not fun
Seeing my ex girlfriend and her girlfriend making out is not an easy thing to watch
Especially, when there is still a connection between the 2 of us
"You need to find a girlfriend" she said. WTF, she knows that I have no love life

I sorry, but screw love
It just another stab in the back

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

   Bakiora - Chapter 3 cont./4
Aimi: Well, come on, what is it.
Bakiora: I don't... think that you can handle this
Aimi: I've known you for this long. I think I can handle it
Bakiora: (Gathers up his courage) Aimi... I've been holding this in for a while... I think that I.......... Love you.
Aimi: (Speechless)... I-I-I-I don't know what to say.... How long?
Bakiora: For a while now. I guess it finally hit me not to long ago.
Aimi: Well.... umm.... (Trying to change the subject) Let's get to that cave shall we. hehe.
(Thinking to herself) He loves me, but I can't show him my true feelings, at least, not yet.
Bakiora: (thinking to himself) She doesn't have the same care I guess. I don't think she's feeling the same feelings that I'm feeling.

(The two make it to the cave)

Aimi: We're here.
Bakiora: It's about time
Aimi: That's odd, there seems to be a strange door blocking the entrance.
Bakiora: What's this weird writing. (reads it aloud) *Attack the gate to the underworld with the six elements of power. Find a source that could destroy the world. Flames, Frost, Thunder, Earth, Light, Darkness.* What kind of horse s@$t is this.
Aimi: What do you think it means?
Bakiora: You know some magic don't ya. Use a fire, ice, lightning, ground, light, and dark attack on it
Aimi: Well, here it goes (begins to chant) Fira, Blizzard, Thundaga, Quake, Holy, Bahuyami... Demai Fehas Vever Badag Gorha!!!
(The door opens to reveal a never ending trail of darkness)
Bakiora: Come on, lets get this over with
Aimi: (Thinking to herself) What's his problem.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Bakiora - Chapter 3
Bakiora: Feel the power of my rage, mortal.
Aimi: NO!!! Bakiora stop!!!... (Grabs on to Bakiora)
Bakiora: Wha-WHAT are you doing!!!
Aimi: No more fighting... No more killing... please.
Bakiora: ... ok... I'm sorry to hae scared you... I'll try to control myself.
Gaurd: (trembling for his life) y-y-y-you m-m-MONSTER!
Bakiora: (Eyes glowing blood red) You're calling me the monster when you're the one wrongfully accusing people of crimes.
Gaurd: (cowering in the fedel position) please... don't hurt me.
Bakiora: Heh... pathetic... you're not even worth killing... come one Aimi, lets go.
Aimi: (wiping the tears from her eyes) Ok

(The two leave the town and head out to check a near by cave for the medallian)

Aimi: Bakiora, that was the first time you ever had a change of heart... What gives!
Bakiora: ...
Aimi: Bakiora...
Bakiora: ...There was... something in your eyes...
I don't know what happened...
Aimi: Bakiora, is there something you need to get off your chest
Bakiora: ......... Well ......... *sigh* There is something...

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Bakiora - Chapter 2
(The two continue to travel through the forest)

Bakiora: Hey, whats going on back there. You haven't said anything since we talked to that monk
Aimi: (thinking to herself) What am I going to do, I can't fight something like him. No matter how strong I get, I can't beat him.
Bakiora: HEY!!! Are you listening.
Aimi: Huh... Oh, sorry. I-I was just thinking, hehe.
Bakiora:Whatever... freak.

(The two finally make it to the town, Daimyx, for supplies)

Aimi: Well, is that everything.
Bakiora: (annoyed) It better be... You've already spent everything we had
Aimi: Oops, hehe... I guess I got a little carried away. Oh well, we better get going.
Bakiora: Finally!!! (the two head for the gate)
Bakiora: Damn it! I hate it when this happens.
Guard: Hold, you're under arrest for the murder of the emporer...
Bakiora: Yay Yay, I got it.
Guard: You will be coming with me then.
Bakiora: Ha, that's funny. That's not going to happen.
Guard: I guess I have no choose but, to take you in dead.
Bakiora: That's not going... to... happen... either. (Bakiora begins to change, a force begins to surround him) I was hopeing to not use this.
Aimi: Don't do it. He's only human... Please. Not again...

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bakiora - Update
I shall now be writting the Bakiora story in a play format.

It is easier to me to do this, so you will know be reading dialogue instead of normal paragraph reading form

Don't worry, I will still try to keep regular post

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Monday, June 18, 2007

Bakiora - Chapter 1
Many years have passed since the attack. Aimi has now become the warrior she has always wanted to be. Training with the half-demon, Bakiora, that she has been following since.The two have been searching the land for a rare piece of jewlery that is said to immortality to who ever wears it.

We meet the two walking in the forest. Aimi, now age 17, is now even more then anything she ever wanted to be. She has a natural skill in archery and has some magical abilities, but she still has to find her true power. Bakiora, now age 19, is the greatest fighter in all the land, but he is also a wanted criminal for the murder of the emporer of Espar. The gaurds still have not found the real criminal, but they say that they saw a demon with long hair and glowing eyes scavenging over the body of the emporer after being cut and slashed on the back, the same way Bakiora kills.

Any way the two are traveling through the forest when they comfront a robed monk sitting be the edge of the road. "Hey you, what are you doing." Bakiora said. "I'm meditating," said the monk. "do you mi..., You." He points to Aimi. "You are in danger, there is a powerful demon looking for you. When he finds you, your fate will be decided. I pray for your safty." "This guy is crazy," said Bakiora. Let's go, we don't need this freak telling us stories." Aimi, lost in thought, remembers everything that happened to her and believes him. "Sir, what is this monsters name?" Aimi asks. Bakiora, being impatient, bust out. "WHO CARES WHATS ITS NAME IS, we'll probably never see it any ways."

"Young woman, its name is Seesama. He is the god of fire and destruction, and his power is matched by no other. He now searches the world for the sacred medallion, because even he can't stay on this world forever." the monk explains. Aimi thanks him and ask for directions to the nearest town.

On the other side of the country, The court of Thees has now apointed a new emporer. His name is Seesama the lord of dragons. We only hope that they can defeat him in time.

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