Tomorrow, at 3:45 p.m., we are officially on Spring Break. Woo Hoo! No school for a week and a day! -sighs- What sweet bliss.
Today we had Jersey Day. Nothing special. It was really dorky..XP
Buut...Tomorrow, we have Twin Day! Well, in our case, we're special because we're quadruplets*. Yup. So, we had to buy the the t-shirts. And, tomorrow we get out of 6th and 7th period for the Pep Rally. (Note: Emily-chan, Kelly, you better scream your hearts out to get the spirit stick, after all, we're 8th graders, and the 8th graders always get the spirit stick! Let's win it for Mr. B!)
So, all in all, I should have a good day tomorrow. I hope...
Question: When you look at your reflection, what do you see in yourself? And not just in physical looks either.
Have a good one!
*= We're not born quadruplets, just so you know, in case there was any confusion. Just a bunch of friends dressing up alike.
As per request of Emily-chan(catgirlsrule), I posted up a picture of my beloved dog, Max. Of course, my cat snuck his way in there, too, being the attention hogger and what not. ;)
I'd also like to give a big kudos to Emily-chan, who let me borrow her sweat pants because I was wearing the wrong pants. -sweatdrops- But seriously, it wasn't my fault!!
Today went by rather uneventfully. We're currently in the process of doing high school course selection. -sighs- Not fun at all. But, Emily-chan and I are going to the same place. -brightens up-
Oh, oh, and I feel really accomplished by finally making a blog thing that resembles thing! -pats self on back- I got so bored I actually did it! -does a happy dance-
Question: Do you think it's really true that there is only one true best friend out there, and that it's impossible to have multiple best friends?
Okay, so, maybe it's not so dramatic, but in my monotonous life, it's good enough. XP
So, yesterday, we had 80's day. Half the people just looked like they threw on something from their closet, a quarter looked like they were from another era, and the rest were people who actually did some research and looked like they were from the 80's.
So, I, Emily-chan, Kelly, and the rest of our friends were down at lunch, when Emily-chan said she wanted to dress up in a maid's outfit for one of the spirit week things. Not like she was going to, but, she wanted to. Well, what with my odd up-bringing, and my..odd...friends from my old school, I smirked and said, "You do know what those are commonly used for, right?" Emily-chan promptly "Ewww-ed". One of my friends wasn't really paying attention and said, "I have a feeling that I don't want to know, but...what are you talking about?" So I said, "You know...It starts with P..." So, my friend was like, "Oh..." Then, Emily-chan goes and ells "PO**" just to get the point across. Luckily, the droning talk in the cafeteria cancelled out her voice. I started laughing really hard. One of the cafeteria workers was giving her a wary look. Come to think of it, I don't blame him. XD Just a little odd moment yesterday.
Anywho, today we had...TACKY DAY! I mean, honestly, who comes up with this stuff?! Tacky day? So, needless to say, I skipped. Well, not really, considering our uniforms are really tacky. And wearing the uniforms on tacky day is really tacky..So, yea..I'm rambling, aren't I?
Tomorrow, we have Color Day! Now that's a good day, considering the 8th graders' color is BLACK!! ^^ Mwuahaha. I shall scare people with my goth-look-a-like-ness. You don't know how many times people have labelled me as "goth". Honestly, just because I have dark brown, DARK BROWN NOT BLACK!!, hair doesn't mean I'm goth. And then, T**** goes and calls me Mona Lisa...-rolls eyes- And she called me boring. -pouts- I know I'm no fun at school, but I have a good time at home, where I come up with all my devious little plans to torture Emily-chan....I MEAN play with my adorable little dog, Max!! -shifty eyes-
1) What's your absolute favorite manga(s)/anime(s)?
2) Out of each of them, who is/are your favorite character(s)?
Have a good day/night/whatever it is right now wherever you are!
Today, we have 80's day. Oh, and just so you know, it's early in the morning, and I haven't yet gotten to school, so I'll try and post what happens when I get back. -hears: le gasp- A double post! From you! In one day?! Never! -me: rolls eyes-
Disregarding that, Spirit Week is one whole week where we're able to dress up according to a certain theme. Sometimes, depending on the theme, it can be really fun, like Twin Day or such, since we don't have to wear uniforms (yup, we have to wear uniforms. >.<) Today, we have 80's day. It took me forever to find something that looked remotely like the 80's. e.e
Anywho, I just wanted to get that in there. ^^ I get really bored in the mornings, since parental unit #1 (otherwise known as mother) drives me to school and takes forever to get ready, and at this point in the morning, there's nothing to do.
Question: At your respective school, if you attend one, do you do Spirit Week, or something similar? What do you tend to do then?
Hope you all have a great day or night, depending where you are. ^^ I'll post the daily pic when I get back...-murmurs: if I remember...-
Just thought I'd post a random DNAngel related pic that I found up here, seeing how that's my new theme! ^^
I hope you all don't mind the change. I was getting bored of seeing the same old thing everyday. Perhaps this will motivate me to post more often?
Anywho, today, I actually went outside! To just soak up the sun and draw. And I stayed out there for a decent time! The weather is extremely nice. I was wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts. Ah, the joys of spring. I absolutely can't wait until spring break starts and we have a respite from school.
We have Spirit Week this week. And I totally forgot. I hope I have everything we need. T.T I doubt I'll be able to go shopping during the week, knowing my parents. Oh well.
Question: Should I start putting up random anime pics? I'm undecided. And should there be any particular theme?
My day was okay. It was anything fantabulous, but, it was decent.
We had subs in 3 of the 5 major classes. No Mrs. Ha*****! She bites. But, the substitute kept walking over to our table, because at our table sits our arch-nemesis Dorick!! He kept playing with his calculator, talking when we were supposed to be "reading and working" and a bunch of other nonsense. So she put me in charge of supervising him. I was afraid that if he kept on doing that blatantly obviously, then I would get in trouble, so I kept trying to take the calculator back. But, it was like, everyone else was talking and everything, but she kept picking on him, like a scab that really annoys you. In fact, that's a really good description of him...XD
Anywho, I'm so sorry I haven't posted recently. I've been a bit busy, and my brother keeps stealing my Science Textbook, so I have to flutter around and turn the house upside down in order to find it. -le sigh- This has been going on for a week now and I still haven't found it. And I have homework in Science practically everyday. Luckily, we don't have homework today. Or, should I say "lifework"? Pfft...Stupid phrase, stupid school, stupid administration.
Although, I really shouldn't say Happy St. Patty's Day, considering I'm posting this at 12:12 in the morning. So, technically, it's the day after St. Patty's Day. Oh well. For the sake of less confusion while I'm blogging out my day and such, I shall just refer to Saturday being "today." XP
"Today", I had horseback riding lessons. And I can tell you, I'm glad it wasn't at 10 in the morning, which is what it's usually out. Since the weather went out of whack, and it started snowing, it was moved back to 4 in the afternoon, so they could clear the soon and stuff. When I dismounted, and my feet hit the ground, my whole body was jarred. You get really stiff when riding a horse, and seeing how the ground was pretty much frozen over from the cold weather, it's hard impact for your body. It's definitely not the most pleasant feeling. Though, considering my feet were numb from the cold, it was probably worse.
When I got home...Well, it was attack of....
-shudders- Corned beef definitely isn't the best thing to look at....And I don't like the taste of it all that much. Not to mention, it was "Corned beef and cabbage". And let me tell you, I absolutely abhorr cabbage. Plus, it stinked the kitchen to high heaven. Yea, and for you people who are uninformed, corned beef and cabbage is a traditional Irish food, and considering it's St. Patty's Day, and considering my family is Irish, it's no wonder we ate that. Soooo...While my parents were getting ready to go to this concert thing, which I didn't attend, I through the stuff out and pretended like I ate it. What they don't know can't hurt them, right? (rhetorical question)
Anywho, I was wondering if any of you would mind having the episodes I post up (can't quite decide which to put up) are English subbed, and not dubbed. It's incredibly hard to find episodes that are dubbed English, considering that once they are officially liscensed, than they're copyrighted, and you can't take them without credits, permission, and all that good stuff. So...Yea, does anyone have objections to english subbed? I'll continue looking for some english dubbed, but, for now, I just want to ask you all this.
Yes! It's finally the weekend. The long awaited, highly anticipated, reprieve-from-the-evil-that-is-know-as-school, WEEKEND! -gives happy sigh-
Anywho, seeing as how I didn't get to post yesterday (computer crashed...again), I decided to relay all the events of yesterday. Emily-chan(catgirlsrule) just had her birthday, and so we, being her friends and all, set out to make her life miserable as can be. ^^ Aren't we the best? Anywho, in Math, we did probability, and when doing experimental probability we sought to find out how many times we could embarrass Emily-chan over the course of Math. 9 outta 10 isn't so bad. We sang happy birthday 2 times, had her birthday announced over the P.A., our Math teacher stood next to her while teaching, and, well, we really just heckled her. Not to mention I got in my fair share of birthday tugs and princes. 14 for the birthday girl!
Today however, was boring. Nothing really of importance.
I know I keep saying I'll try to get some sort of anime up here soon, but my computer's being really obnoxious (when isn't it?) and so it's taking longer than normal. Gomen nasai! I'll try and speed it up somehow.
I feel a positively ebil mood overcoming me. Perhaps that has something to do with a certain someone's birthday. That someone being Emily-chan(catgirlsrule). I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THOSE COMMENTS IN THE BOOKSTORE!! And you still have my book. -pouts-
Annywho, today was Pi Day, it being the third month and 14th day. We all brought in circular food-stuffs and ate them. I could only down two small pieces of cake/pie. And, for some inexplicable reason, whenever I get sugar intakes, they always make me drowsy. I was so tired in Language Arts.
Hmm...I'm thinking about maybe putting Bleach episodes up here...I dunno.