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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
I found a random Fruits Basket AMV, so I thought I would post it here.
Does anyone want me to post up the Fruits Basket episodes? Just curious.
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Whoot! ^^
No school today! Just the computer and I. Mwuahaha! Now I actually have time to do the renovations that my otaku desperately needs.
First stop, graphics! Then maybe some videos or something. Gotta make this place look awesome. ^^
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Monday, February 12, 2007
I swear, at this point, I'm not going to finish my renovation of my site. -fumes- So much work! -crosses fingers- It's supposed to snow, but I'm not sure if we'll get any tonight. Even a two hour delay from school would be appreciated. More time on the computer. -looks down to 'Computer Obsessed'- Hehe...-shifty eyes-
Annnnywho, I'm really into writing, so, I'm going to randomly write weird pieces of literature and pray that I'll get a rating on them. Hopefully a good rating -sweatdrop-.
Here's a random piece. I was really bored, because there are no new fan-fics on or anything, and my muse has been fading me, so every little bit counts, right?
Random Literature:
Stuck in this place, nameless and unknown. Watching as people pass me by, looking right through me. I'm transparent as the air you breath, but not needed to sustain anything. No purpose. Non-existent. Heedless of physical restraints, they walk through me. And I sit here, resigned, floating in this non-existent plane of existence. Depression and loneliness course through my veins, slowly spreading, making me numb to other feelings as if it were a slow acting poison. And yet, it is like it is blood, the one thing sustaining, the crimson liquid flowing through my body. It keeps me desiring, longing, envious of those whom have it. Love. It feels foreign on my tongue, for I never used that word. For what purpose do I need of it when I've never had it? Shall I sit here for all eternity, yearning for something I do not quite know, yet wish to receive? Is there a reason? But surely not, for I am without reason. The unexplained. The nameless phenomena. I sit here as I slowly become visible, regained substantiality. But I'm still caged. Gawked at like an animal pacing in a zoo. This is not my natural habitat. I huddle into myself. There are no purposes to this desolate life I lead.
Boredom is plaguing my mind...Ooh! A fan-fic. -has a one track mind-
Ciao for Now!
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Friday, February 9, 2007
My Daily Happenings
I can't believe I'm actually posting again in the same day. That's an oddity for me. But, I feel like I must vent.
I hate Mr. P-----. No doubts. He believes he's helping us and teaching us and encouraging us, but he makes me depressed, feel helpless, utterly inept, and miserable. Not the fairy tale ending to an otherwise glorious day.
One of my least favorite teachers, Mrs. H--. was absent yet again today. She teaches my absolute favorite subject, but with her as the teacher, it's downright horrific. Her ideas are tiresome at best. We are currently writing an essay, and we have to do editing on it. A student asked her why we had to do the editing and not her, since she must have a keener eye, and she laughing and replied, "Well, practically all of you are smarter than I am when it comes to vocabulary." I sat there dumbstruck. I swear, our teacher isn't qualified to teach! She's disorganized! Last year, we had a firedrill, and we had to wait for her to find the emergency packet, which took her five minutes when it's supposed to be a zip-and-go thing. We were all muttering about how we'd probably all be roasted to ashes by now if it were a real fire.
On a lighter note, one of my teachers suggested I go into the specialty program they have. I was invited to at the beginning of the year, but my parents were too tired/lazy to do the paperwork. I can only cross my fingers this time.
-heads droops down onto desk- I have horseback riding tomorrow. It's a good thing, but..I haven't ridden in two weeks, because my party last week. And our instructor is extremely harsh, and very thorough. My muscles are going to be screaming in protest tomorrow, I just know it. Plus, the flimsy riding pants material isn't going to keep my legs warm at all. My winter riding pants are 3 years old, and are too small now. -le sigh- Hopefully the lesson will be postponed until later in the day, when it's warmer.
Yes, I know this seems rather long, but when I vent, it takes me awhile to run out of steam. So beware for my next post of "My Daily Happenings." Dun dun dun. Cheesy, I know. Not that anyone reads this.
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A Wish Ungranted
So...Every now and then, I get inspiration from some whacky thing, or whatever, and I write a literary piece. This is one such moment.
Whispers cloud your mind, delving ever deeper. Night closes in on all sides, like a cage. You're stuck in the recesses of your own mind. You feel like you're hyperventilating, but you don't need air. Claustrophobic, but this place goes on forever. It's limitless. It's empty. And you huddle into yourself, closing this place off. As your eyes flutter close for the last time, you hear a voice. And it speaks, saying, "I wish you'd come back to me." The oblivion of eternal sleep overcomes you. And you smile.
Yes, a tad depressing, but I was bored, and I'm moderately good at writing depressing stuff...Especially when I actually have a plot..Hehe...
What do you think? Am I hopeless?
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Thursday, February 1, 2007
First Pic Posted
Yea...It's not really anything much....Just added some text from the vibe I got watching the episode with Aya and Yuki. -shrugs-

Should I dare ask you people to rate? -looks suspiciously at you-
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